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Everything posted by budado

  1. I really tried to be active in as many forex forums as I can to earn bonus funds. For me this is the only way I can actually make some good profit. Forex trading for me is my way to become a successful trader. I don't mind if I loss money. As long I can earn more later on. This is why my main goal is to make sure that I can focus on learning and then earning.
  2. Right now I don't know what to do with this forum. Its seems this forum does no want to be talked in other forums. So is this forum still want to have an active members? I don't know. Last time I request payments I still got paid. And I am happy about it. But its seems this forum does not want to have a lot of active members.
  3. I just check and have 87 post in here. Its like a month now I am posting and yet not reach 100 post minimum. But that's okay. I am not in the hurry to earn or cashout in here right away. For me what I can earn in here is just a bonus money for me. I do try to be active in here since this is the first ptp forum that I joined that still paying until now.
  4. Until now he still not pay me. I guess its safe to say that this forum is a scam forum. Theirs no way I will be active in here again. This forum can't even afford to pay me 7 dollars that admin owes me when I join under him. I did not earn that 7 dollars form posting. I earn that from joining under him. I can earn that 7 dollars in a day in forex trading. But his reputation is already been marked by just not paying me the 7 dollars.
  5. I already receive mine and I am happy to start trading with just 36 dollars starting trading capital. My main goal and objective now is to hold on until I have enough trading capital to start with. I am really worried that I will going to loss my 36 dollars. But I am hoping that I will not going to loss it until next month when I can get another 30 dollars more or less funds.
  6. I am trying to be active in here again. I am not that active in the last few days. Theirs really big going on in forex right now that I don't have time to post in here on regular basis. But right now I am trying to be active in here again.I am hoping that in two to three more weeks I can get another 500 worth of points in here. I do like to see myself earning at least minimum of 5 dollars a month in here and more if I can.
  7. I am now trying to be active in here. So far activity in here is not really getting any better. But I am sure soon many will going to follow. I think if one active poster start to post in here again others will going to follow also. This is the best way to make some good income in ptp forums. At least 5 active posters and we can all post without any problem.
  8. If you know how to trade then you can earn money. But if you don't know how to trade then how can you earn money? Forex trading is all about taking risk. Our focus now is to make sure that I can build my trading account without any problem. This is the main reason why I focus now on having good profit in forex trading.
  9. Theirs a lot of this site but I don't recommend it. I am sure that in matter of few days or few weeks you will get loses. Although I only experience it once I am determine now just to trade on my own. If I loss then its my loss and no one else. I do know that I can have a big profit in forex trading if I can maintain and sustain my trading account. My focus now is to build my trading account big time.
  10. Its better if we have a live mentor. This way some how we can learn how to trade properly. I do know that I can master my trading plan in which I want to have 20 trading accounts with minimum of 100 dollars each. I do know that I can even though I loss about 5,000 dollars this month. I recompute and I still have 5,000 dollars plus trading capital total.
  11. I give up investing in PAMM account. I only invested once in PAMM account that is listed in top ten and yet I end up losing my investments in their. I prefer to invest my own money and hope to make good income. Forex trading is good and we need to focus on building our trading account. I am lucky to see myself having big profit in forex trading.
  12. I am hoping to make some good income in forex trading. I do know that we can make good income in forex trading if we only focus on having more and more trading capital. Right now I am happy with my achievements. I just do need to make sure that I can sustain my trading account and make it big in here. I do like to see myself having a big trading capital some day so this is what I am expecting to do right now.
  13. As far as I know all forex broker sites offer demo account in were we can trade and make good profit. I am now happy trading with good income in forex trading because of demo accounts as I tried to practice and develop my trading strategy once again. I do know that I can some how motivate myself to make it big in forex trading. Slowly but surely I do want to guarantee myself some successful trade in here.
  14. The big question before we going to do this is why do we need to have more trading accounts? I do have 10 trading accounts in instaforex and three trading accounts in oanda and I have a reason why. So its best that we actually understand the reason why we want to have multiple trading accounts. In my case for example I got stop out in four out of 20 trading accounts that I have right now.
  15. I really have a big loss in instaforex. Its about 3,500 dollars total. I got three out of my ten trading accounts stop out in here. But its okay. I am still focus to bounce back. I still do have about 4,000 dollars trading capital in here. My main goal is to invest and have three account that get stop out at least 100 dollars trading capital. Instaforex is now my priority. I want to have a stable trading account in here. All ten trading accounts first before I will concentrate in other forex broker sites.
  16. I loss about 300 dollars in here. Its time for me to start all over again in here. But I don't mind. I make a mistake. The problem is on my end so I do hope to get 30 dollars this month and another 30 dollars next month in fxfred hoping to jump start my trading career in here. I still do need to have at least 100 dollars though to have a stable trading account in here.
  17. I'm some how frustrated to see my free margin down to 68% only when in fact its still above 68%. I'm just wondering what kind of bug do exness have. Its so frustrating if I did not notice that I am still in positive note I should have not decide to do hedging. Just imagine. I only have 68% free margin and yet I can still open a position. lols. But my free margin say its only 68%. lols.
  18. I want to earn 500 dollars a month minimum. This is my earning goal. I do hope that I can become a successful trader some day. But right now I am already half way as I do earn about 250 dollars a month. I do hope that I can achieve more profit in the near future. Forex trading will become my best earning machine some day.
  19. Forex trading is all about taking risk. The more we know how to make good profit the more we can end up having more and more money. I am lucky that I have about 5,000 dollars trading capital right now. I do hope that I can guarantee myself some more income in here. In two to three years time I can really have the biggest profit that I am hoping to get.
  20. I am active in mayzus and in instaforex. Theirs a lot of other forex broker sites that has paying forums and bonus funds that I want to join also. But so far I only know or remember this two forex broker sites. I do hope that some day I can have as many forums to join as I can and become a big time trader.
  21. You can get nothing in forex trading if you don't know how to trade. Luck has nothing to do with our success in here. Its all about knowledge. the more you know about forex trading the more you will going to make it good in here. I do recommend that we spend more time trading in forex and learn and make money in the long run. I'm sure we can make it big.
  22. If this forex broker site has its own forum that we can post and earn bonus funds I'm sure I will be very active in this site forum. I really love to see myself making good income in here. I already have joined this forex broker site. I just don't have enough trading capital to invest in here. In two to three years time I can guarantee myself some good success in here.
  23. Arguing blindly? Why how many forex broker site you invest in? I have 10 forex broker site join and have 20 total trading accounts right now. And have 5,000 dollars trading capital and earning 250 dollars a month on average. Now Just common sense. Do you know what exchange means? And what sell means? If you going to do buy you are using money to buy goods. If you are selling you are selling good hoping to get paid. Now in in forex exchange what do you do? You buy other money using other money? lols. That's why we don't literally do buying and selling of currency. We only use the word buy and sell in forex trading because its coined from stocks exchange. Were we are using the word "buy" and "sell".
  24. I will try to join all the ptp forums that is forex sponsor. In this way I can earn a lot of bonus funds that I can use to trade and make profit. Forex trading for me is my way to make big income. I don't have time to spare right now. I do see myself making really big profit each month and I can earn big if I have 20,000 dollars trading capital. this is my ultimate goal.
  25. Its easy if you have lots of funds and good trading skills. I'm so lucky to see myself having two to three hundred dollars earning each month and I am hoping to maintain a 500 dollars a month profit. If I can earn that much each month I would be happy. That's why I am focus right now to have a big trading capital.
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