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Everything posted by tray22

  1. Demo account is the best source which we can use to learn how to trade this give us the right knowledge needed to excecute any trade and it is the best so we need to take our demo account much more serious which is the best for new and even the existing trader
  2. @coolguy, that may be true but everybody has their own some people go into affiliate program and this is much more profitable for them but me am also at your side am prioritizing forex to be my major source of income for now so that is why am puting my very best to ensure that I learn perfectly
  3. Forex trading not doubt is a very risky business but this dose not mean that we dont need to participate in the business to gain more I think at this point what we all require is the ability to invest our time in learning and building more focus
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  5. Demo account is the best and the first place for us to get started from it is through the demo account that we can get more knowledge and improve the level of skills if your skills is not good enough then dont try to trade at all in this field because you are going to get stock half way
  6. Leverage is the margine collatral and loan set for a trader to improve his or her trade and value the percentage of that trade in a practical format now for you to trade well using leverage then this need to be borrow during or after your account opening process as it bring up your margine to the specific requirement
  7. @myregister, I dont agree with you because anybody before step into any investment plartform must know what the plartform is all about that is why many traders need to invest their own time and be learning with full potential to become more productive in this field of trade so people are always afraid to invest here due to lack of experience
  8. We need to be satisfy with what we have got the little that is there we must be satisfy and move on when this is done then such trader is building a better foundation for himself and the entire tradig enviroment for sure ,so satisfaction play a good role here in this field.
  9. Robot is good it can equally help the traders who are lazy but for sure I think that some robot need to be tested before we can apply them in the real account. Yes that is what happen here forex is good but we need to always try and learn on our own and not to rely on robot day to day
  10. What do you mean by forex software? There is already a software which we can trade with using a mobile device and that software is good and can as well generate us the perfect plartform for trading. Yes this plartform can be install using either andriod of iphone
  11. The two things are not the same at all forex is very different from game the game is play in ordinary way while the forex market need your knowledge and skills for you to succeed this is what all the trader must do to become more successful. That is a good trader need to learn how to trade and work with perfect understanding to guide his mentality through loss
  12. Yes if a trader can not have control over trading then tell me how such trader will succeed this will never be easy so the right thing is always take total control of your trade and learn how to embark on a professional type of trade. They say that practice make perfect when talking about the business of forex since we all know that practice is just like learning and it is the perfect steps for any trader who want to win
  13. Stoploss is a good way for any trader to get his or her trade well protected yes that is what happen here when you see that you can trade well then you can move on. Dont forget analys your trade and know the type of loss you want to incure before we start placing the stoploss and tp
  14. Never be addicted to the forex market been addicted here will bring us nothing but positive outputt so addicted to the market of forex is not good we just need to be well focus and concentrated to fill in the emty gap of profit
  15. @skyrock, the thing is that you just need to understand Gap when the market closes and the open period then trading on monday can be fine and that is what I think so for such cases now trade with knowledge and understanding of trend.
  16. Lower leverage is very good for the newbie traders they dont need to go for higher leverage because this may cause them their trading account so for this reason traders must ensure that they try and learn and have something to memorize before they trade
  17. Stoping our learning half way is the most difficult thing ever I think that as good traders we need to learn with power and effort as this do produce positive result to us and make us win anytime that we place a trade be it bull or bearish because our prediction is gion to be good and the trend of the market must be with us due to our analysis accuratecy
  18. Demo account have a great role to play in our life yes the demo account is the right account which we need to proceed from when you have demo account then you can get started from there it is the best way to trade and win. Forex trading is a good type of market first dont give up ensure that you have better understanding of what you are doing before moving forward
  19. It is not a must for us to loos first before we can succeed this is not that too bad all that I can say is that when you loss always try and learn from your mistake and loss this is the right steps towards making consistent income in the forex market as we all know that the market is base on experience and understanding
  20. Forex forum can improve our trading skills but the problem is that you can not compare the level of skills which you suppose to get in the demo account during your practice period to that of forum? So it is better a trader chose to learn from the demo account
  21. Personally I so much love the pamm system investing in the pamm account sysem help us gain alot of profit it is the best way for us to become more productive and we could make something more good but I think there is also as well some losses here
  22. Yes that is very good and correct the traders who are new need long term trading to become successful ,playing with smaller time frame is not good this synbolize that you are ready to make alot
  23. Risk will always be there in the field of forex that is why our primary target need to be on how to reduce the risk level,we all know how risk can kill any business in the forex market and similar same so risk must be dealth with
  24. @francmorio ,all you need now is for you to learn everybody started as a novice trader and this do make them to become professional within a short time frame. So first invest your time and effort in learning and reading more about our analysis
  25. Getting this amount of money I think that the right place to invest is the forex market but we need to invest with carefullness and this could bring more profit and it is the business which our money stand a better chance to triple within a short time interval
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