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Everything posted by Stekin

  1. That is the same thing with me because I'm sure that this payment processor will be too strict to the users. When I was reading a comment by one of the people that use it, he said that he spent one month in trying to verify his account and after three months, that account was blocked because they said there is irregularities in the account. I don't know what the person did but it makes me to start to think that they are strict.
  2. Okpay payment processor is a very good payment processor that has a very low fee. I used to earn with this payment processor in donkeymails because it will allow me to withdraw with small balance on my donkeymails account while payza and perfect money will allow me only if I am able to make up to $1. They are very popular in forex and bookie.
  3. @Decub that is the reason why they are not being popular because those who will earn with it will not see a place that they can exchange it. The admin of hd money should try and get an exchanger so that people can use the payment processor. I'm sure no body will use a payment processor that will have no exchanger.
  4. Pecunix said on their website that it is possible for you to buy or sell gold but I'm not sure if that kind of thing happens with the payment processor because it does not look like a website that is dealing in gold. I have not used their service because I have not found who is paying with it.
  5. It is true, trading guide can guide a trader to success. It is good to follow the advice of the experts because it will be able to help us to make profit. I leant how to trade by reading of books from the internet and this thing helped me to achieve what I want to achieve. If a trader wants to learn very well, he or she should be able to follow the books that are written by experts as it is going to help them to learn.
  6. Hard work is important in forex for the trader to be able to make profit from his or her trade. Forex trading business is a very difficult type of business, so therefore, the trader should work hard and try to learn how to trade very well by practicing in the demo account very well. This thing will help him or her to be able to develop himself or herself.
  7. The forex trading market is a place where the traders come to trade in other to make profit. The main reason why every body is trading in the forex market is that they can be able to make profit from their trades and if they are able to do so, they have fulfilled their aim of trading. No body will like to be the prey to forex.
  8. It is not easy for the trader to make daily profit from trading in the forex business because forex is a very difficult type of business. Better if the trader tries not to trade everyday because this thing will lead them to over trading and will result to losses from their tradings. You can be able to make profit from your trading but not everyday.
  9. Forex is a business that you can be able to do to make profit from it. It is not a mystery because you cannot make profit from it when you are not having enough trading knowledge of how to trade. If you don't have the trading knowledge, luck will not work so it is not a mystery.
  10. I trade with the posting bonus that broker offer and some of the times, I will wait and save up to one hundred dollars before I will be able to start trading with it. When I post again, I will add the money into it so I don't have a particular amount of trading capital that I am trading with. But I like it to be a minimum of hundred dollars.
  11. I started my first trade last year but I cannot be able to remember which month since I was losing in the live account and it made me to be trading in the live account and the demo account. When I have not yet learn how to trade in the live account, I used to fail so much in the demo account and this thing discouraged me to trade in the live account fast.
  12. It is not good for the traders to mix emotions with trading because it is going to make them not to prosper in the forex business. Emotional type of trading is bad for all types of traders who want to prosper in the forex business. Instead of the trader to trade with emotion, he or she should be able to learn very well on how to handle his or her account.
  13. The secrets to successful trading in the forex business is for the trader to be able to learn how to trade very well. When the trader is having enough trading knowledge, he or she will be able to know how to make profit from his trading. This thing is not something that the trader can be able to achieve very quickly.
  14. Forex trading is like stacking a pack of cards because when the trader is trading in the forex market without having enough knowledge which is like the support that the pack of cards will have, he or she will lose his or her money from trading.
  15. There are many types of trading strategy that the traders can use to trade. They can use the short term strategy or the long term strategy but I like the short term strategy because you can be able to make profit fast. When the trader is not having enough knowledge of trading, he or she can trade with the long term strategy.
  16. The reason why I don't like to depend on other online types of business is because they can easily scam you. The reason why I like forex and why I prefer to stay with forex trading is because the business of forex is trust worthy that you cannot get scammed. In other online business, they can go with your money easily.
  17. Forex trading business is better than other types of online business because you cannot be able to make the type of money that you are going to make by trading in the forex business. I like trading in forex because I can be able to make quick profit from trading which cannot happen when I trade in other online trading business.
  18. I agree with you. I like the eur/usd because they are high going pairs that the trader can trade with and they don't charge high spread for it. It is good to scalp with this pair in the london market because the trader will be able to make quick profit when he or she is able to follow the fast trend of the market.
  19. The full meaning of forex is foreign exchange. The thing that is important is for the trader to be able to understand how to trade and not the full meaning because trading in the forex market needs the trader to be able to know how to trade very well. This thing is the most important thing for him or her to do.
  20. Forex trading business is not an easy type of business. The traders who are trading in here should be able to know how to manage their account, if not, they will not be finding it easy to trade. Forex trading is a challenge and the business is a type of business that if you are trading without hard work, you will not be able to make profit.
  21. The greedy traders will be able to lose their money because they are trading with greediness. Greediness is not good vector is going to make the traders who are trading in the forex market not to be able to manage their account. It is good for the traders who want to make money from their trading to know how to control the risks.
  22. How to get profit from trading in the forex market is for the trader to be able to learn how to trade very well. It is good if the trader will be able to learn how to develop his or her trading strategy in other to make profit from trading. Forex trading business is a hard type of business that needs the trader to prepare very well for it.
  23. The traders who want to make success by trading in the forex market should be able to learn how to trade and how to work hard. Without hard work, the trader will not be able to make profit from trading in the forex market. Hard work is the most important thing and for the trader to be patient.
  24. Just as you have rightfully stated. It is easier for the trader to be able to start trading in the forex market because he or she will not be needing too much trading capital to start trading. That is the reason why it is being popular and many people are joining the trade. When the traders learn how to trade very well, it will help them to be able to make profit from their trading.
  25. Yes, etoro is good because they help the newbie traders who want to make money from forex trading by copying. This thing will make the traders not to be able to start looking for how to learn if they don't want to learn because they can be able to copy the trading points of the expert traders that are trading.
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