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Everything posted by Stekin

  1. I need a bonus from brokers because this thing will help the newbie traders to start trading without their own investment. It is good for the traders to be able to take advantage of the bonus that the brokers are giving in other to be able to make profit from it. This thing will help them not to risk their own money.
  2. Forex is a type of trading business that the traders do by buying and selling of currencies. It is an online type of business that you can be able to make profit by trading in it. Forex is the best business to do online because the trader will not have to be afraid that the business will turn into scam. Traders can be able to trade 24 hours in five days.
  3. I used to get signal from brokers and there is the one I always come across in my friend's twitter page. Some of the times, the signal will be good and you can be able to make profit with it. It is not that the trader will be trusting forex signals all the time because it is not every time that the signal is going to work very well.
  4. I don't like automatic trading or the use of robots in trading in the forex market. Robot can be able to make the trader to lose his or her money. That is why I prefer to trade on my own so that I will be able to handle and to control my account in other to control the losses.
  5. The benefit of pamm account is that the person will not be a trader for him or her to be able to invest in forex and make profit. What he or she will do is for him or her to be able to invest in the pamm account of any trader that he or she thinks is making profit from his or her trading. This thing will help him or her to be able to make profit as if he or she is trading.
  6. Forex trading is good type of business because the trader who is trading in the forex business will be able to make profit from trading in here. The reason why many people are joining the business is for them to be able to make profit from their tradings. It is good that the newbie trader should first of all learn how to trade.
  7. I don't trust my money with any broker because the brokers may go scam. I trade with the money that I can forget if I lose it online. I will trade with the broker that is a regukated broker because they don't use to turn to scam easily like the other brokers who are not regulated.
  8. It is when the forex traders are not having the enough trading knowledge that they will be finding it very very easy to lose. When a trader don't know how to trade, he or she will be finding it very very difficult to learn how to trade in the forex market try and how to manage his or her account. That is why it is good for the traders to be able to know how to manage their account very well.
  9. It is good when the trader will be able to learn how he or she can trade with the amount of capital that he or she can be able to forget when he or she lose it in trading. This tip will make the traders not to be greedy when they are investing in the forex market and it will make them to be able to trade for a long term instead of a short term form of trading.
  10. Stop loss is a very good type of thing that the traders who are trading in the forex market should be able to use because it is going to help them to manage their account very well. When the trader use stop loss in trading, he or she will be able to learn how to protect his or her account so that he or she will not lose so much.
  11. I like to trade by myself instead of me to invest in the pamm system of trading where I will give another person to handle my account for me. If I lose I lose and if I am able to make profit, I will make profit. Trading in pamm is good if the trader knows how to trade because some of the pamm account managers don't know how to trade and they will not be able to make you profit.
  12. Forex means foreign exchange. The traders who are participating in this type of business are called forex traders and they trade in currencies in other to be able to make profits. When the trader who is trading in the forex business is having enough trading knowledge, he or she will be able to make profit from his or her trading.
  13. Scalping is a very good type of trading that the traders who want to be making fast money from their trading will have to do. This type of trading is good because the traders who are scalping can make profit from their trading very fast and close their trades without long stories.
  14. Mistake will occur for any of the forex traders who are traders. The traders make the mistake of trading in forex market with emotions in their trade. When the trader is not able to over come his or her emotions and trade with it, he or she will not make any profit from trading because it is going to lead him or her to greediness.
  15. Our prediction are not always right because it is not all the time that the trader will be able to predict very well on how the forex market will be. The days when there is a bad movement of the market will be very difficult for the trader to be able to predict and that is the reason why the traders who know how to trade used to fail.
  16. When the trader fail in the demo account, he or she will fail in the live account. Why because is that the demo account is the same thing with the live account and if he or she is not able to trade in the demo account very well, it will mean that he or she has not learned how to trade and will fail. It is good that the trader will learn very well before he or she start to trade in the live account.
  17. Many brokers are giving newbie traders sign up bonus that they can be able to use to start trading in the forex market. The trader who wants to use the bonus will first of all have to verify his or her account with the broker and learn how to trade. The bonus that the brokers give to the traders will help them to be able to start trading without investing.
  18. A trader can be able to make profit from trading whether from technical or fundamental analysis because there is no any one that is better. If the trader knows how to trade and how to be able to handle his or her account, he or she can be able to make profit by any means of trading.
  19. What makes one trader better than the other traders is because of the knowledge that the trader has. When a trader is having a very good trading knowledge, he or she will be able to trade very well in the forex market. A good trader is the type of trader who has more knowledge to trade than the other one.
  20. Forex is not gambling but it is a business by which the trader who is trading in the business needs luck to be able to make profit from trading. Forex trading is a good business if the trader is able to learn very well on how to trade. He or she will be able to make profit from trading and be able to take care of his or her needs.
  21. Greed is not good for the forex traders who are trading in the forex business. It will be able to make the trader not to trade very well and to lose. When the trader is trading with greediness, he or she will not be able to handle his account because of the greed. It is good when the traders are not seeing forex as a money making machine.
  22. The type of traders that should trade live are the traders that know how to trade. That is to say that they are the traders who have traded in the demo account and are able to understand how they can manage their account. This thing will help them to be able to know and to understand how to trade very well in the live account.
  23. If the trader wants to start a profitable trading business, he or she will be able to start trading in the demo account. It is by trading in the demo account that the trader will be able to learn how to trade very well and how to be able to handle his or her account. Trading in the demo account before going to the live account will make the trader to be able to understand how to trade better.
  24. Forex trading by news is very important because it is the news that will change the movement of the market. News like the nfp is important because of the impact that it has on the forex market and it is why the traders should watch out for the news before they trade.
  25. Displayed Username : Stekin Amount To Request (DMT points) : 350 Payment option : Perfect Money Perfect Money ID : U5856472 Thanks to admin and mods.
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