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Everything posted by riddick09

  1. Hmm. I dont know really how many moderators that MTW have. And i dont know if the moderators in MTW are the same moderators in DMT. Or if the moderators if MTW are the old moderators. I have seen yogesh there as a moderator but in DMT a member only.
  2. I just noticed that the computer section in DMT is not that have many threads although it is a paying section also with the movies and music section. From what i observed that it is paying section because we can earn there of 1 DMT point and in forex we earned 3 DMT points.
  3. Java for me when it comes to user interface it is really simple to use and to understand. They have also still improved with latest features and elements in programming. Although, it is also started to have complicated things in the codes.
  4. I find it easy for me to have fast and comfortable programming language having object oriented feature. This will lessen the time to study the codes and be familiar to the codes. In object oriented atleast we are sure of the codes inputted in the program so we will just think of the design and other finishing features.
  5. This is what i been asked to other forums. I am wondering because to have a good learning and idea then i just tried in demo account to be exactly the same as what i have in my real account. This might be close to the real trading and this will prevent losing in trading in small deposit.
  6. Yes, i also want live as i am concentrated in the trading. Also, i can make questions and even make a pause on the things that we did not understand. It is a good discussion if there is other members joining it.
  7. I just want to know how many we attempts can have in the real accounts? Because i have tried in demo account that the attempts to have a position is only once and either we gain profit or not we can have only few chances to get it correctly. But trying demo will atleast earn as most of the tutors are suggesting to have demo accounts as we know it is risky.
  8. Yeah, it is only good or for traffic purposes only. Although, i have seen some members got paid here of 3 dollars it still a very slow earnings because you can have that 3 dollars within 15 days while in other forum 1 day you will have it.
  9. I have tried this shortcuts and other shortcuts in windows seven that i just discovered because of accidentally pressed it. Such as the reverse of the screen and also with the windows tab a great animation of alt-tab.
  10. I have used norton antivirus before and it is really detected viruses which other antiviruses that i have tried cannot detected. But because of the lagging of my computer to norton i decided to uninstall it.
  11. I am using Windows XP although, from what i experienced in other computers that i have tried it is better to have windows 7 operating system. This is for me the best OS with good graphics design and other features like the user accounts.
  12. Me too. I have used google chrome browser. But i have noticed too that when i tried to open atleast 5 and more tabs then it start to get slow in shifting to other tabs. This could be the browser disadvantage. Recently i have changed my browser theme.
  13. I just want to know if i can exchange to other payment processor that the exchanger dont require to have verified alertpay accounts. And i dont know how is the exchange in AP to LR. For instance, i have 5 AP then i want to LR how much is that? I dont have no choice because a ptc site have only AP option although i cant withdraw it directly to my AP account so i need to exchange it.
  14. What i have a problem with paypal is that i cannot really make some fast withdrawal of funds. Since the withdrawal to local banks have big fees. So it is better to gather first the funds. But i want paypal and the local banks consider that high fees they have.
  15. LR dont have dispute system if they will allow then many programs will quit on their side and dont used them as payment processors. So the risks of the hyip will be on us if we are able to decide to be scammed and loss. For now my LR funds come from in ptp forums.
  16. If we have funds to invest then we can risk sometimes but if we dont want to risk then just concentrate to get funds. It is really frustrating for others that they got scammed for the first time. I also got scammed but it did not stop my earning online but indeed i made to increase my earnings in other sites that what i know have no investments.
  17. That is why for those international members we can find other ways like ptp forums not be waste our time when seeking surveys that are inappropriate to us. We have lot of forums that pays us better rate.
  18. So that is a cheating really. Although, it could be a good or legal when they have a team that will join under them and then they will sharing on what the upline will have commission. Thinking also of making exchanges in hyip they have is a good way to but not really cheating.
  19. Nowadays, it is very rare now that we see spamming in most in the ptp forums. As we mostly see that they are now contributing and making ideas and questions that are sensible in their posts. Simple discussion is a good posts now.
  20. I heard this from a member too. He said that we can still have new referrals or potential to be our downlines. Because population increases and there were so many new graduate students and we are growing then we still have new batches of referrals.
  21. How we will really convinced them to advertisers to our forum? Is it only the traffic or it is also the where it should be placed? I see a forum having only one advertisers and that is very new do you think that only one advertisers is enough to start a forum?
  22. It is really indeed. What i know is that the rate is only 1 cent and still they only pay via paypal. I really think that it is hard to post and at the same time to earn. If mylot did changed something then i will post in there too.
  23. I am having difficulty lately to find the payment proof section in ecurrency. I just found out that it is a subsection and i know that other ptp forums have their own section for payment proof section. And today, i have another new entry in the contest of make5posts and i also tried the other contest like chat contests.
  24. Actually, i have visited already the I have been paid section of GT thread that the latest post is september 10, so maybe, there will be another payment cleared by the admin as i know that payments in GT is weekly. My request might be next week because i just recently cashout.
  25. Yes, when i compared it MTV is one of the ptp forums that have a high rank in alexa. It is really interesting that admin paid members request almost everyday now as soon he is available to the MTV. I am not really expecting to get paid within one week as i have other ptp forums that have recently focused and i dont worry of delayed payments.
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