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I dont know what the admin is thinking about his forum he has been seen some posters complaining about the post showing up here and the points maybe he really determind to loss more posters here because the posters are complaining bitterly about this so all the admin need to do is to try his own best and fixed the problem associating with this.

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I'm not happy to see that I can't still make more activity here or my target posting. I just made my mind to just have here lower my target for this month and just hope to have 50 dollars since I just have 15 more days remaining before the month end and the bonus for this month but still they have delay in the bonus.

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I just forget the site for now while I am still happy some problems on the site. I never wanted to stop posting on the site but there's nothing else I can do as I can not see my own posts. So it's just futile for me to keep on posting on the site as well. So I would rather be back here when he problem has been solved already.

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I dont know what the admin is thinking about his forum he has been seen some posters complaining about the post showing up here and the points maybe he really determind to loss more posters here because the posters are complaining bitterly about this so all the admin need to do is to try his own best and fixed the problem associating with this.


This is definitely something that they need to address especially since a lot of members are indeed voicing their complaints about the different issues. Member would end up losing the motivation to keep on posting on the forum for as long such things do come up and dont seem to be addressed.

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Somehow, I lose my motivation to be active here and still checking the issue about my blocked trading account if I can still have bonus in the forum because I have here same email address used in indian and nigerian that's why they just have stated that I will just get bonus from indian forum not here.

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I give up this site. If only I know that this is going to turn to me like this I only instead going to be active in mt5. Just imagine I been posting in here like 300 post already more or less from the month of October and this November only to be told that I can't get paid. This is totally insane rules. Why did they create a rules now after we make post in here? This is totally unfair.

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It is just right decision for me to not have bonus for last month as this month you said that they nullified the bonus. And also that they have delay in the payments so I guess it is just fine for me that they not put me in nigeria but in indian forex and I will be not able to have bonus here now.

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Yes, I think I will just focus to have bonus in other forums. Since there's no way for them to change it and for sure it's all are affected though, not sure why they come up to this decision. Anyways, for sure there's something change in the broker as well just like recent verification of account for the bonus affiliation.

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Yes, I think I will just focus to have bonus in other forums. Since there's no way for them to change it and for sure it's all are affected though, not sure why they come up to this decision. Anyways, for sure there's something change in the broker as well just like recent verification of account for the bonus affiliation.


Maybe the broker felt that they are giving out a lot of bonus every month to members by letting them be active in all three forums at the same time. They are hoping that this would be a way to limit or reduce the amount of bonuses that they are paying out to members since you are now posting on one forum.

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I start my actvity in here yesterday but for sure the forum is not emty there is so many things to discuss about and our previous post have gotten a reply is one of the most important issue at hand right now but there are still some constraint that if you are a members here you can join indian forum so I really want to know about it.

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From what I understand you will need to make a choice of one forum from the three that are sponsored by Instaforex. It would be best that you confirm this for yourself as well so that you dont end up posting on multiple forums only to be told that you are not going to get a bonus for your posting activity like the member above.

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So we are not interested on the site anymore because of the new limitations on the site as well so I think that will decrease the activity on the site as well and the spamming on the site as well as some members just try too a lot so fast with shirt post just to get big bonus on the site as well.


They would probably not get away with trying to spam the forum in an effort to get more bonus out of here. Its just better to do it the right way by having good posts in the discussion threads and fall within the daily post limits of the forum. I havent checked the forum but I am sure some members are still active.

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Now I am confused myself because I had initially thought that the fact that you dont have activities in other forums will mean that you are not active in the other forums would automatically mean that you wont get a bonus. So it means that you need to ban your account or detach to ensure you are not active at all?

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Hopefully after this there will be no more requirements that you would need to fulfil in order to get up and running and start posting on the forum. Its a been a disappoint month that's past with the announcement from the sponsor broker about the developments in here regarding the bonus.

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We can post in here we can't just earn in here if we going to detach our instaforex account. Or we can post in here and earn points in here but if we have accounts in its sister sites and the instaforex is still attach what will happen is that they going to do the average and pay us the average only. For example if we have an account in mt5 and in indian and earn points in their they going to add all of our points then divided by three. that's how much we earn.

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It would just be better for members to choose where they are going to be trading and concentrate on the forum without working on the others. So, if you choose this forum then detach your accounts in the others so that you can get full payment for your bonus as opposed to getting a portion of it.

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