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Everything posted by Legendkid

  1. So we need to wait before they circle before we can get paid. I think the best way to earn from here is through referring people to join this cycler,and luckly for us,we might get referrals to join.I love the rates per referral that this program offer.It's just huge.
  2. Sincerely speaking,i don't understand this autoincomeplus plan. First,we're promise bonus of $10,for just signing up or for our first investment,i don't know,and others looks different to me.I haven't come or read the minimum to buy here,looks like i need more experience before i can proceed to start my activity here.
  3. I sincerely don't know much about this clubasteria since am not a shareholder here and haven't invest a dime yet.Though this site have lots of investors.Am hoping to buy shares here and start earning too.
  4. I really love admin plans to make his cycler a better place for investors to buy shares. With a forum to support his cycler,creating trust among members,am sure this moves will restore this cycler to the top.
  5. Forgot to post my payment proof.here's is it 03/14/2011 03:4557147572 U6335394 (LRCycler)+ $5.00. Now is time to invest more.
  6. Well,i check my libertyreserve account and wow,found out that my 2.5$ shares have been circled.Now i just need to invest more.this is one of the best circler i have joined.Now,my shares circled within two weeks.All i need to do is just to buy more shares here.this cycler is super got.
  7. Well,guys no need to doubt the paying status of this forum since it paid it first member there.You can go over and see his payment details.Now you're certain they're paying,why don't you take a date with them? You can join under this starter thread link and you know what? Enjoy.
  8. That's what i have been thinking of late.This lines are too long. But since this system has been paying for some times now,i'll give it a try and see how things will flow.right now,i've got some plans i need to execute before joining other cycler.
  9. I have a 4$ position i purchase here in double moneyczechhyip.But so far,i'm just seeing payment proof from one hyip guy,don't know if it's a scheme to get people to buy shares or what.Right now,my shares are getting to 2months or more.How i wish this doubler do pay after certain period of time.
  10. And family members too,i don't like force matrix system,since i would have join this matrix a long time ago,mainly when it came out,but when i found out it's a force matrix,i just withdraw into my shell.But if our four referrals pay 2dollar each,we'll get paid?
  11. I'm also seeing that,i really wish admin will do something about it,since this group need to be paid and then waiting members can go and invest again,right now,people are waiting for those at the top to be cleared,and then they can invest.
  12. I can see you're one of the first to give this site some posts,well,vainsk you need to be awarded a position of an admin since you did very well in posting here. About this cycler,am not certain of it since i haven't purchase any position there yet,looks like they're popular.
  13. Is that sort of a joke or what?Why did admin says he's going to give $1 million for.I really don't understand the bottom line of this newletter.Any explanation of the bottom line?
  14. Well,since am not a member of clubasteria and don't have an investment plan with them,i don't know how much they do earn or members earn weekly. About the contest. Do they give this us dollar to winners account,or to their clubasteria account?
  15. Like what,memoney,i think he should also update this thread to make it more lively and give us more info about his cycler,hope he gets more investors,right now,am not loaded on cash,so there's no plan on my side to start investing here.
  16. Maybe it's a server problem or something sort of.Thanks this cycler aren't offline,right now,am among the people to be paid when the 2.50$ spot is cycle again.Hope admin cycles before mid week of next week.So far this cycler has prove that it is really good and working.Since lines here are really moving.Hope more investors come here and buy more positions.
  17. So that's it.We need to upgrade too,by buying position here before we can earn from our referral deposit?That's really discouraging,well,i would have join this program next week,but am in some other hyip investment now,i really hope to start here very soon.
  18. Well,i think the bonus offered by this autosurf program for registering is high,but i don't think i can spend my time here,since the money processors that they offer aren't in good terms with me,or rather,my country,so there's no need to spend my time here and gain no profit.Except to earn traffic.
  19. But others have gain much,friend.It really depends on how much time you do spend with any autosurf site that you can gain your outcome,either in driving profit to your site or earning.
  20. This autosurf program,aeonsurf is surely offering a different plan that don't go down well with me,and sure,with some others here,why do we need to post in their official forum before we get paid.That's really stressful and time taking.better to stick to other ones we're familiar with.
  21. Yes,looking at the rates offer from this autosurf site,there's no doubt that you're right,but about the traffic this site offers,there's no need to earn here everyday since we can earn from our site through the traffic this autosurf offers.
  22. Well,this autosurf really have lots of members and it's really busy any time.But bout the site we need to surf to earn the minimum payout is really high,except we used the tips offers by our member here,affilator,can you share how this can be done? Thanks a million
  23. This autosurf surfmore is offering a good and high visitors upon registration,am really happy with the number of visitors that this program offers,but we need to invest here before we can start earning,right? But my problem here is that it's only accepting paypal and other money processor that i don't have any account with,or restricted to join.
  24. So speaking of longevity and trust,we can place it in maxsurf autosurf? So admin is also operating two other other autosurf sites that has been paying for more than 2year now?.then this autosurf is worth trying.
  25. This autosurf minimum withdrawal is really place high,what plans do admin of hittactic have for this autosurf to place his min withdrawal really high?i don't think i have the patience required to surf sites here and the timer is a bit long.
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