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Everything posted by Legendkid

  1. This autosurf program plans are really good,and it is offering a short term plan,as there's also a long term investment plan here too,so the choice lay squarely on our shoulders,i think the long term plans are profitable,but for those that love short term plan,they can go for their choice too.
  2. This autosurf program is offering a good plan that are really reasonable and very good,i like this program plans,they're sustainable for a long run and here,the minimum to invest is not too high,just $5 this site looks good and easy to understand.
  3. With such a good script and a professional site,this program is offering a really big profit within 2days,174% after 2days?am really confused,and yet,with so much plans,this program offer the same minimum to invest in all.
  4. This program is offering a stable,reasonable and sustainable short term investment plan that isn't offering too much. In return.The first plan gives 16% for the next 10days,giving a return of 16% pure profit,since principle will be return after plans expires.And min of 10$,most investors can afford that.
  5. Now,you've brought to that to my notice,i think you're correct,since FXcambier are still paying,then it's exoticFX,with FXpower having run for guite a long time now,with this rate and payment proof from members in different forums,and comment about this hyip here,i think it will be wise to invest here,since this program is not showing any sign of turning scam.
  6. Troycash is offering a good plan,though it's a really long term plan that will take 140days for the first plan to expires.But looking at the daily return from this site,since we can reach bep here within 72days,and then,profit will start rolling it.but will this program run for the next 140days?
  7. This program admin name his hyip according to what he said he will be doing.Well,this one looks different since it's not investing our deposit money in forex,neither is the min deposit which is high,this minimum deposit can make investors to skip this hyip,but the plans are really good and stable.
  8. And that's one of the best offer from this program, principle return back.I think this program will last for sometimes,with it's protection and it's plan,which is a real plan for investors who aren't greedy to earn big within a short time.Looks perfect to invest our E-money now.
  9. Calculating our profit from this program,i think it's one of the lowest profit offer by a program for a good number of days.This program first plan gives 0.5% for the next 15days,right?And then the profit from here is 7.5%! I mean for 15 good days,you'll gain 7.5%,that's really low.Compared with the minimum to invest here,am guite sure this site won't be on the popular side of hyip programs.
  10. So much investing information and tips from exotic program admin. Looks like he's a real forex trader after all.Maybe what memoney said about this program is going to happen,it can be the next hyip to take the lead offer by fxcambier and other legendary hyips.
  11. Maybe we should wait and see what becomes of this program. So far,it has a good paying status and there's no complain from members yet.Hope members can reach their plan expiring date here.Well,i didn't have the urge to invest in this program,but looks like it's a mistake now,happy earning to investors here.
  12. This site looks clean,but i don't like this plan offer by this program. 120% after 24hours?That's really high,and here the minimum to invest here is good pure 10$! I don't think i can joke with 10dollars investing in this program.
  13. It certainly will hurt some places anne,what about investors trooping in to invest,which investors who are waiting for their cashout hasn't got paid yet?I mean this plans don't look normal,hardly come by,but i welcome changes.
  14. 130% after a day? You've the right to be skeptic about this program,but about keeping their paying status for sometimes now,i think this program needs more investors to invest here,and aren't they using the ponzie scheme?
  15. Earn 4% daily for 25week days?Now i don't know where to place this program,is it normal to invest here,or are the profit too high,looks like investors comment about this site,isn't really good.Better to skip it.
  16. Now,how i wish this program will be online,not only that,but will be paying for the next 1month,since this their sign up bonus is certainly high enough to attract investors.
  17. Well,since this site has been paying members and there hasn't been any complain yet from members.Since this program offers only long term investment plan,now it's out with short term plan,hope it will last for investors to get their profit from here as usual.
  18. Funny though,how do this site admin plans to bring investors into his program that looks empty,like buying a domain without installing any thing?If that's the case,i don't know where to classified this program admin in,right now,i go and check the link to this site.
  19. Then it's okay by me.I'll really afford to buy a position in this GBS syndicate by DMT,monday will be fine by me.I think i'll get the required min to buy a position in this syndicate.
  20. But not all,you know of one reputable hyip that has been paying for up to 100days and after getting review by this blog (MNO) it's didn't take long before it scam away.But here,looks like midasgoldfund is doing opposite of it.Getting stronger.
  21. This shows how caring this site is.Well,i pray for those who lose their familys and friend in this disaster,it's really heart breaking as i see cars floating,housing scatterings and roads opening.I fervently pray for this country.Hope they'll be find soon.As i watch this in CNN today afternoon,it's really heart breaking.I see what and where one can lend his help here.
  22. Now,i don't know where i can place investpanama,this sign up bonus is certainly huge,how do admin plans to pay members who decide to invest here or play to his tune of music.Am kinda of thinking,if this program pays for the next 1month.Then members can eventually make lots of profit from a short period of time.
  23. This forum is still new,and everywhere looks pretty empty.but i am sure it's not for long since with this forum influence in moneycycling they're really going to have lots of members,
  24. You mean you got paid by goldentalk twice in a week here? That's being a long while since i have seen it,lol am not even a partaker of it,yet i have few post to complete my post here.Gosh,i just neglect it.Hope to ask for payout today.
  25. I was among those that this forum server disturb,but as of yesterday,this forum start to open for me and i can post here,well, i once thought it's some problem involving everyone,but now it looks like it's somehow personal.
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