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  1. The rules during the bidding are worked out by themselves, because we gain a certain experience.
  2. Dealing with uncontrollable emotions always gives the wrong result, which we expected, because we start to make stupid mistakes.
  3. Trading that is accompanied by emotions and which we do not know how to control will lead to many mistakes
  4. The path to success without losses is almost impossible, but you need to strive to make them minimal.
  5. Now I have made good money with the Expertoption broker, although I entered with a minimum deposit of $ 10.
  6. It seems to me that the most basic fear for every trader is the likelihood of losing their funds.
  7. Developing patience is essential, it will give you confidence and help you avoid mistakes.
  8. Of course, the choice of a broker for us is a very important point of trading, I stayed, his reputation depends, which is why I made a choice towards Expertoption.
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