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Everything posted by adil007

  1. Well what can you expect @zef316 they would be paying for life time royalities so their rate would not be that high however I think the rate should have been reason-able like $1 for 1000 views or something like this so indeed their rate is low but if they are legit then it is not a big problem in my view.
  2. Well this is a good site of taking part it but my experience over here was not long because I only got notification from them barely nce or if lucky twice a month about a survey being available so I left this survey site because I knew it would take many months for reaching the payout request here.
  3. Well this is a funny feeling which I have because I had one account at their site and I was hoping to get daily surveys from them but till now I have not got any notification of a survey which they may have wanted me to take part in however now I do not need it as well because of the high minimum set there.
  4. Well I am a member of this site and it seemed to be a paying one because I checked it on ptc investigation and they had marked it as paying so I also joined it however I was not able to maintain my activity here and unfortunately did not reach payout mainly I did not get referrals here so I closed my part here.
  5. Well I have heard about this ptc site and saw it being promoted a lot as well mainly because it seemed to be a trusted one as it was affiliated by Tim Tech so that is the reason many people joined it but I did not because I assumed that most ads here would also be worth $0.001 like at nerdbux so I did not go for this site as I had wasted great time on nerbux as well.
  6. Well I can also surely feel the activity increasing over here, I am taking part in all sections though even in forex section which I like as well and also in hyip section which is interesting to me, I do not care much about the high rate I just feel more comfortable when there is some good discussion so seriously when I got active here I was not sure which section was giving high rate.
  7. Well this seems like mef to me as mef also has these sections as paying not mentioning the relaxing room which is the best thing I like about mef even though activity is not great there, so on other hand getting to topic for me posting rate does not matter that much really I like the forum when there is activity as when we get involved into the activity we feel better then if we are posting for high rate lonely at a forum so I like it that way.
  8. Well I generally do not get too much active on GT when I already have a pending request I just try to be more cautious when payments are nearer to get cleared, I think the member you are talking about should also do this because it would lower risk of getting banned, on other hand I think he might have been over-posting a bit and going fast on his activity which is not advisable at all in GT, you are right he is lucky.
  9. Well I would agree with you @Decub that it loads very fast compared to the forex forum which I use and till now I have not viewed any problem while using the forum, however I also have a pending payment of 460 points as well but I am still trying to give this forum some time as my points besides the pending one are low so I have to utilize some time.
  10. Sorry to disappoint you a bit if I am not wrong if we want to withdraw our funds without having the necessity of trading with them and only withdrawing the profit we would need to fully verify our account firstly which is the step that I do not like and that was one reason I got out of fxfred but still not to mention it is a very good forum.
  11. Well I would not be any affected as I had not been an active member of earning palace but I agree with @hadg33's point that admin must have made over a thousand dollars because of the advertisers on the forum even though one ad space is still empty in the top but admin had got a lot out of the forum.
  12. Well I always liked my time at MMF as well, when I was using mmf I did not have much activity anywhere else rather than GT, these two were my main valued forums at that time however I also am doing the same I just see the forum sometimes as then move out but I have expectations that this forum would arise again as wel.
  13. Well to be true after my posts were deducted previously I lost my hope in iaft, I mean they just deleted 75+ posts after a few days and when I inquired the reason that why did they do so the answer was that I was posting one by one while I am on other hand sure I was not posting one by one so as they deducted $3+ I just got enough with iaft and eventually pulled myself out of the forum as well for the time being.
  14. Well the right timing sure does pays off for long term trading but I think newbies should not go for long term trading and for me as well it is hard to get into the forex market at the right time, so I go for short term trading like trades of 15m and similar, they suit me better though.
  15. I have a question which I want to ask that I recently made an insta-forex account, I would be soon getting bonus in the end of this month from a forum to my insta-forex account for trading, what I want to know is that can I withdraw the profits from that bonus after trading without verifying my account or would I need to verify my account to withdraw profits from my account which I gained from trading the bonus amount?
  16. Well the profit seems unsustainable to me which this hyip is offering in it's first 7 days plan they are offering high return to the investors however the 30 days plan is having a better reasonable roi for the investors even if it lower than the other plan and less attracting as much as the first plan.
  17. Well the website is in russin so probably I am unable to understand however it seems that they have only one profit plan as described here from which a investor can choose and it seems that the profit is also very good, attracting and simple we just get $1 profit from the hyip. I think there are different investment plans if we see the above bar in the site.
  18. Well @forexlover you are right that hyips are risky but we sometimes have to go for them for making some extra cash, talking about this hyip I think I would agree with @standaard view that the investors would get paid a couple of rounds of profit because the roi is set quite low which is easily maintainable.
  19. It seems they are offering a variety of long and mid term plans, well I like the idea for going for $10 investment because that is like 36% profit at the end of our investment period to us so not bad one in my view and I think it is also maintainable by the hyip as well. Good to see bitcoin option is also available.
  20. Well yes this is a fact that they offering high return as well to the investors, does not matter how long they remain legit but if someone invests in with $20 he should be expecting some cents for him on the next day and not go for investing again and again according to my view.
  21. If we want to go for a hit and run strategy I think there would be no harm in trying to go for this and we should just satisfy ourselves from a few cents of profits if we are in for investing small and I think we should go for smaller but for more hyips not just investing all funds into one it is more safer like that.
  22. Well the invest seems low but same is the case with their roi, it is also low in fact and it would take 100 days to get our invested amount back if we invest like $5 or even $1 so the profi seem low to me because of this fact on other hand I think that the hyip would survive for long time because of its low roi.
  23. So they have some mid and long term plans of investment which seem to give relatively good amount so of profits which are easy to maintain as well as attractive because of their investment periods, I think this hyip would not go scam much quick instead remain legit for some good time to come.
  24. Even thought they have good features of SSL and DDos protection but I think these are just for attracting because 30% roi is no where according to me maintainable for an hyip so indeed only a hit and run strategy I think would remain better for this kind of hyip.
  25. Well the website seems good but I think that they would not be able to maintain themselves for long time mainly because they are offering high profit even on their basic plan of 2 days, each day they are offering 25% which is high in my view so it would be risky to invest here.
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