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Everything posted by mesbakh

  1. i ever used fbs and insta. different metatratder confuse me. i think using one broker is enough for forex trading
  2. the scheme plan seems good. but i need payment proof. ok
  3. i think psyicological factorr have great impact. we may not deny that. but we should train our mental to increase our trading skill
  4. i think some ronot may work but some dont run well. we have to have good trading skill
  5. what bolt you mean? i dont understand. may be you bot?
  6. swing trader is not good i think. i am scalper
  7. i think more practice and more experince are the answer on turning from loser to be winner
  8. i think forex is not about technic only, but be deispline using the technic and always practice
  9. some people tarde in forex like palying a game. i agrre but not 100 percent. because fundamentally forex is not a game
  10. i think 1000 is too much for me. i just tarde 10 bucks onlye. but by using compundging system, i belaive i can turn 10 bucks into n100000
  11. i think huge leverage is a trap, or a double edge sword. if w ecant use it, we well get margin call faster than we know
  12. forex is high risk high return. never tryto trader alone at home except acconpined with expert trader.
  13. sorry, but your post is not relevant with this subforum
  14. my philosophy in forex, is " more we trade more we make. greedy means lsoing money
  15. i prefer to trade manually to robot trading. i dont know why, but i dont believe it. i think we cant depent on robot
  16. i think brokers should give option which may be clasiifed as win win solution and ease trader to have good deal
  17. many people think they need to know all about forex before starting the trading. i dont think s. just one technic and be expert on it is more than enough
  18. i agree with what your opinion. if we dont play right, we get lost only in forex. it hard but it is the fact
  19. i think forex is about controlling ourself, not be greedy, war, stratgey, and of course much money
  20. hello, i ihave been using insta for 1 year. no problem, good srvice and fats response. but last week i got little proble, not bonus from my posting got in my account
  21. my biggest lost is last year. i lost more than 200 bucks in forex because of overtrading and bad hedging system.i was so sad
  22. i think there is no shortcut to heaven. we have to work hard to make good money. just remember, there is no free lunc, more we work, more we get
  23. i think i have no dialy target now, the most important think is i minimize my lost in forex and then i can make good profit. profit takes long time to benefit us
  24. i thin we have no future if w ejoin hyip. it is not a good business. forex is the business
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