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goldprofit - goldprofit.tk


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Our program is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts.

www.goldprofit.tk is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading, and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.




16% hourly for 20 hours

Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $50 8.00

Plan 2 $51 - $300 12.00

Plan 3 $301 - $1,000 16.00

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31% hourly for 7 hours

Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)

Plan 1 $5 - $100 19.00

Plan 2 $101 - $500 25.00

Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 31.00

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350% after 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $100 200.00

Plan 2 $101 - $500 280.00

Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 350.00

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Accept: PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve


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i guess only early investors will be able to get something from this program,though this program is still having a paying with hyip monitors but hourly program don't last long and i don't think it will be safe for any new investors to join this program now.i guess hit and run might have work for some investors inhere.i kinda like the design of the program.

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this is a hourly program and offer 16% roi per hour for 20 hour for the minimum deposit of $1.It's impossible for any hyip to pay their members these high roi. I think admin try to attract more investors.this program has very high risk and will run maximum 2-3 days and then stop paying or pay selective members. so Its better to stay away from it.

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I'm still not convinced by admin deals because of the advantages offered too large and also deposit a specified minimum amount is too high and seudah course this is a very risky HYIP program and is a great fortune to be able to pay for it all and I think this is a a very high risk investment

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well am avoiding this specific hyip regarding investment because i only feel that when this specific hyip's admin don't even have enough money to buy a domain for his own site then hows possible that they can pay his members.. try to avoid this hyp because 160% soon after 20 hours just isn't affordable for admin to pay.

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350% after 1 day

I don't really understand what we need to discuss about this hyip site. 350% in one day is just unrealistic. I don't know any hyip site that has turn to scam or still open until now that has a plan that is as high as this one and end up paying. Because for me a site like this one will eventually turn to scam and no matter what we do I know in the long run this site is a scam site. In fact we don't need to wait for a long run. I know right now this site is a scam site.

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the hyip offering more than 100% in 20 hour and according to me, its not reasonable. possibly the hyip will not going for a long run and if investors interested to make invest, better prepare for the worst scenario. by the way, the current statistic tell to us that they site also unable to make a good progress.

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This program has been running for about 3 days but still don't have any investors yet. I sense something bad with them, are they not that popular or this site is scam? with hourly plans that admin tabled here i am sure that this program must be has some investors to invest here.

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I am not so interested in the hourly program like this because I think the admin will not be possible to pay all investors who invest in this program and the admin will only run in a very short time after that the admin would leave the investor with the most money of investors who have invested on the program

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