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Everything posted by faceless

  1. @Trickster lol that is what I said as well. Well since it is still waiting after 2 days, I now believe that it really might be using the invested money to buy cycler positions. Only cycler would take a while to reach the top, and because it has been 2 days, and still not yet paying, it is likely that this is the case.
  2. @Trickster I dont think there is much sign to see whether admin wants to scam, Well there is one, and that is if admin is doing selective payment, But other than that, the site just goes scam, but closing down or not paying to members at all. Since this site has only been running for 2 days and is still paying, it is now a good opportunity to test it out and see how well the first round goes. Plans aren't long so we can quickly see results.
  3. @Trickster well you don't always have to post links to other sites to show that this hyip is paying. There is another thread in DMT that has this payment proof thread. You can just link it to there for everyone to see. Im glad that it is paying, cos the next hyip I want to invest in, is this one.
  4. @Trickster good to know that they are paying. But the funny thing is I don't get why someone would risk their money investing here when there are so many other optoins which are better. Im not saying this one is bad, its just not very attractive and ppl like us would just definitely not think about investing here. I reckon it is mostly monitor sites that invest here just to test if it is paying or not say they can list it on their site.
  5. @archu7, so the profit is only 4% after one day? And do you get prinicple return back? Its quite annoying that they sometimes dont state whether they give back prinicple investment. Or do we just assume that they do? 4% after 1 day seems pretty reasonable, since long term ones or mid term ones offer 2-3 per day. so this one isnt too ridiculous. @trickster in what ways is the admin trying to confuse and trap members into gaining more bucks?
  6. Still receiving SSl error, but I proceeded to the site anyway as I was interested in find out what the site was like. It actually looks quite attractive. Glad that admin released a newsletter to keep in touch with the other members and give them confidence. They should really upgrade their system as soon as possible since they are getting attacked and receiving SSL warnings. But other than that, I think the investment plans look promising. Rates, min. amount and the length of investment pretty much all acceptable.
  7. @omar-winners, I see, so how did you manage to get in contact with him? Do you know him personally? Also, most admins won't reveal what strategy or how they use the money to make it profitable. And what do you mean he will continue for some weeks, why not as long as possible?
  8. At first glance, I thought it was laid out like a ptc site. The writing and the layout look average, not particularly attractive. If it is legit, then this one would last a pretty long time. The lowest investment plan is 1 percent per day which is very low, but it is a long term one so it should sustain for a pretty long time, but it does mean it will take a longer time to reach profit. And the profit wont be big either.
  9. @macky110 agree the website name itself and the wording that the admin uses reminds me a lot of a cycler that already exists. The layout of the site also looks like a cycler. I wonder if the admin here is a cycler user and I wonder if he uses the money being invested to use on other cyclers to earn money. If this is the case then that is a really bad idea, because cyclers often get stuck and are not reliable.
  10. This site looks so tacky, The script looks so cheap and bad haha. I am surprised it has lasted for 40 days, although I do not know whether it is paying. If it is then it is surprising because of the short term programs. The 1 day plan is pretty reasonable with the 125% return. I reckon hit n run would still be ok here.
  11. @macky3, well it doesn't look professional because of the script. I think it is just a cheaply bought one. But who knows about the admin himself. Maybe the admin himself is pro lol. But yes DDOS protection and SSL are pretty important, but not many hyip get affected by DDOS attacks unless they are really popular. I reckon 3 monitors are actually enough for a site. What about you? What number do you think is sufficient? 20? 50?
  12. @mack10 yes it does look a bit dodgy. It is too flashy. too much colour and it doesn't look that attractive. I don't quite understand their investment plans either. Sounds like there is a twist to it. It says something about minimum upgrade. What does that mean? Does that mean minimum investment? If so, that is really misleading. However the plans themselves are not too bad. but I would not advise ppl investing here.
  13. @macky10 well doesn't matter any more about the SSl encryption and the things like that because the site seems to have gone scam! I cannot load it anymore. And what do you mean that the admin was afraid of showing monitor logo? It doesn't need to show logo if it has the monitor name. If it doesn't show the monitor name that says it is paying then you know it is fake.
  14. Simple script that I have seen many a times. 2.5% is not too bad for its rate, but I am not sure if it can withstand it because the plan lasts for as long as 1 year. That is seriously long after thinking about it. Many hyip's dont even last as long as 150 days. So i have no idea what the admin here is thinking about.
  15. @xetang, Are the mods efficient in doing post checks? One time for me it took me ages like a few days. And then waiting to be paid adds another week to it. Maybe they need another mod hehe. I find that they don't have that many sites or discussion on the hyip section. I try to search for sites to see if the hyip is popular but it always gives no result. So I cant check if a particuarly hyip is being talked about to see the overall reviews.
  16. Yay, i received my first payment today from Mayur. Thanks very much. A week of waiting is not that long at all I have also posted my first payment proof. I will continue to post regularly here because I find that this one is one of the easiest and active forum around.
  17. @Trickster well in their recent news posted in their forum admin says that they have nearly gained 100 representatives. I dont entirely know what that means., but it does sound like a big achievement. Sure that is getting lots of investors because I see payment proofs everywhere now, not just in their forum but in other sites as well.
  18. @macky well then this shows that there is a problem with this hyip. Waiting after 2 days is not good. Usually all monitors request as soon it is possible which is normally a day after investing. By the look of the site, it doesn't look very good anyway. The plan is 9% per day which is really high, and you need 20 dollars in order to start the investment. This is not the ideal program to invest in.
  19. 04/11/2012 16:37 91200271 U0990758 (DMT and MTW ...) + $1.50 $0.02
  20. This one is actually becoming very popular, for some particular reason. I don't really understand how and why it is doing so well in attracting investors. It has received over 30k in less than 1 week! This looks promising actually. I will give this one a go with the 1 day plan.
  21. Pretty nice hyip here. Quite attractive here as well in terms of design. But not so sure about the investment plans. I have seen similar plans like this. The exact one to be precise. And the other sites that I saw with the same plan went scam pretty quickly, so I am not too confident about this one.
  22. @monyitomon, dont just say may create account there. DO! If it is so attractive then please join it. I am a member there and I want to encourage lots of people to join! Because at the moment it is a bit empty and we need to make it a bit more lively.
  23. Displayed Username : faceless Amount To Request (DMT points) : 200 points Payment option : Liberty Reserve ID: U7527820 Hope to get approved and paid soon, Thank you, mods and admins. p.s Sorry, for writing [AP] in the thread title, I didn't mean to. I meant for LR
  24. @omar-winner, yes same here, therefore, once I receive payments from DMT, I will invest my money that I have earned into silverstructure. I believe the long term plan get get me very far with the profits. I continue to see payment proofs being posted on their forum which is great. And the moderators and admin being active by posting replies such as thx for ur proof, etc. This is really encouraging.
  25. For the whole day, I cannot access the site, Only 5 mintues ago the page was able to load, but still unable to log on because it is loading so slowly. and eventually timed me out. I thought they have upgraded servers to reduce the chance of DDOS attack. Are they experiencing another one?
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