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Everything posted by faceless

  1. Interesting site name. An attempt to attract investors, but unfortunately, the plans are not particular high either so its not really high return is it. 2.3% is probably average and mid term as it lasts for 60 days. The script is ok, but I think it is a bit necessary to have all the forex quotes updated or presented in the homepage 24/7. It dosn't exactly benefit anyone.
  2. @MrAAKK actually I think it is even more impressive that there is already over 9000 dollars invested in here just after 1 day. Whats up with the short term hyip these days. They seem to be much more popular than the mid and long term ones. What do you mean that the actualy profit is only 105% Surely if it says 120% then you get back the 120% How could it change?
  3. @Trickster, yea it is really not as easy as some ppl think. I gave it a go last year without any practise or knowledge. So basically a bit like gambling. And sometime I get lucky, but most other times, I just lose. Probably because my prediction is just awful as I do not have the experience.
  4. @Trickster, well it is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just not very well organised. They should have gave earlier notices to members or investors saying that they are moving, if thats even the case. But the new site looks so bad. I prefer the old one. Also the new one is completely different in wording. It uses words like positions and things like that which is not usual for a hyip.
  5. Nice layout of the site. It looks good. This is a pretty attractive one. Because of the short term plan and the rates are not ridiculous either. This would be a good one for anyone looking to get some quick money from a short term one. because this has a higher chance of receiving profit.
  6. @Trickster same here I cannot access it. The browser just redirects me to a search result thing. I don't think the .org one is the correct one. Because I have seen the hyip site before and as far as I can remember it does not look anything like what the .org one is showing. Unless they changed the site completely which I highly doubt it has. So it probs is now scam.
  7. @Trickster I think you cant see site status because of no hyip monitors can be bothered to understand what the site is about, cos it just sounds too complicated to me, no matter how many times I read it. I think i wil just give up trying to figure out and thinking of investing here. But since one of the admins or mods of the sites are active here in the forum, maybe he could give us an answer and see if it is paying.
  8. wow. this hyip does offer a very high ROI, even for an hourly. I don't recommend anyone investing, unless you want to waste your money or gamble it. But it does seem like there are already some investors and seem to be paying to members. Not sure, but you could still give it a go now, since it has just launched.
  9. Good script and all. @Trickster well obvously many members have not yet reached half of their investment. Even you said that they have only been running for 7 days. so how is it possible to get half of the investment already. This site can be sustainable, but also a bit more risky than some others. ROI is higher than avg, and the period of investment is only 2 months long.
  10. @Trickster, actually I don't think there is much problem with the script. It looks alright I think. I doubt it is paying, partly because it claims it is 'accepting' paypal as payment processor. Not surprised that monitor is listing it as a scam. I wonder why the monitor sites even bother to test and invest in these sites when it is obvious or has a high chance that it is a scam since they accept PP
  11. Site not loadind for me. Not sure what the problem is. Maybe gone scam? Chrome says cannot find the site anymore. Funny how they have only got one investment plan. Why don't they add another one to target different types of investors.
  12. @lyes, I see. but why only optimized to firefox. Surely you want to target the most investors as possible. And since firefox isn't the most popular or most used browser, many other visitors will see messed up images and text. This wouldn't be attractive for them would it?
  13. @Trickster.yep. its all good news for this site. How did this site become pinned onto the top of this section? Because of the large number of replies? or because it has become part of the sponsor. Since the hyip is now sponsoring, does that mean the admin of the hyip is advertising here? or is it just regular advertisers trying to get referrals? This is doing pretty well after 6 days. Hopefully it will continue to go uphill till the end of next week.
  14. Date:04/13/2012 Batch NO: 91400545 From account: U2617977 (Silver Struc...) Amount $0.04 $0.01 fee
  15. @MrAAKK, oh really? You found 10 sites that are monitoring this hyip? I can only find 3. And the 3 are basically listed on the site. It is shown on the 'our forum' which is strange since those forums aren't owned by them. Rather they are just forums or monitors that discuss about the sites like these. Same here, I doub it will exceed 30 days. but since it is still new, give it a go here for 1 day, if it is still paying.
  16. @Gaurav, uh... you can check if there is a payment proof in the been paid section if you really want to see if this site pays. But I heard its been on waiting list on most monitor site. So I dont recommend you to invest here especially if you are not too keen on risking your money on new sites like these.
  17. @MrAAKK, what do you mean he uses the investor to pay the minimum of members? That doesn't make any sense. Do you mean, he uses the invested money to pay to existing members. so a bit like a ponzi scheme? Yes it does sound like admin is not using the money to use on forex, but hyip is not necessary for use in forex.
  18. Oh good, finally I see a thread about this hyip. I came across this earlier a few days ago, and I was prepared to invest in it. But I wanted to know more about this site and couldnt find info here in the forum. Even better now that there is an admin of the hyip here in the forum to keep us updated. One criticism is that why is the webpage enlarged? The pictures look so out of proportion.
  19. @budado,. hm..maybe that is just a coincidence? Or do you believe that the rented referrals are being controlled by neobux, meaning they are just bots. Well I am still a standard member, and have 3 rented referrals. To be honest, they do not seem to be clicking like humans should be. One of them are clicking all 4 ads everyday which is good. so i et an avg of 4 from that ref everyday. but the other two. they only click 2 or 1 ad a day. This is strange because if someone logs on to neobux, surely they will click all the ads and not just leave the rest unclicked.
  20. @budado, Good work, 510 post all in one day? or over a period of time. And you seem to be doing well as well in mtw. I do not know, but is mtw also owned by the admin of dmt? if so, I will give it a look. I suppose the rates are threr are pretty much the same?
  21. @anjali, thx for the update. I am really surprised that this site is able to rise to the top! It is pretty rare for a short term hyip. But I guess it is just lucky that many investors risked their money here and as a result lots of deposit. Because of their progress, admin sees the opportunity to grow even bigger, and this is probably why he made some improvements and upgrade to the site such as live support and telephone help line.
  22. @Trickster I think you need to be more clear on what you trying to say. How can you prefer the site as selective payment site? You mean they ARE doing selective payment. Well, it seems like it since 1 out of the 3 monitors are listing them as scam. Maybe the other 2 haven't experienced any problems yet, but at certain point before reaching their BEP, they will also have their payment stopped. DIdn't expect this one to last long at all. Plans are average, but it is after all a short term one.
  23. I dont understand what this site is about. Is it just a collective of all the hyip and similar programs combined to one? It seems like on the left panel they have PTC paid to post paid to promote, paid to signup, paid to read, etc and then in the online investing, there is hyip, srufs, MLM,cyclers. This looks like monitor. So how does it fit into the hyip category?
  24. @trickster, the admin's attitude is bad? In what way? I have not looked at the site in detail but do you mean that the wordings and the content of the site are not very well put together? I think this is a pretty strange site. The loan plan seems a little odd. So basically you deposit and then the next day you can withdraw your principle investment (that is what they say on the site), and then you continue to get 2.5% daily for 25 years. How does that work? It is just totally unreasonable.
  25. @Trickster lol in skype? Isn't that quite un professional. Why cant they just have one built in to the site and have live support on the web. I doubt it costs that much. Also not everyone has skype and this can cause some inconvertible to some members. Actually I think 102% after 1 day is not high at all. Well if you do not get back initial investment which I doubt they will. If they do then yes that is extremely high I think for just 1 day.
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