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well, they are paying for three months so far and that is really great to know that

this program is going to achieve their hundred days online mark next week successfully,

it's pleasure to have invested in such a nice program in the very beginning

and moreover I am in profit as well.

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I agree. But sometimes its worries me also. Three months of paying means its has either high reserve because investors keeps on coming in. Or the site has low reserve because its paying too long and investors is not good. In that two questions this site can make a path. One is to keep on paying for another three months the other one is that this site will turn to scam.

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well, in my case, who is a early investor, I have got 150% on my investment so far,

the same is the case with every investor who has jumped in to the program in their beginning days,

it would have been much profit if I had invested here in hundreds, but my investment here was just a $20,

of which now I have already received a $30 in daily profits.

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another fast payment received few minutes ago,

this is a nice program that pay on weekends as well,

the profits will be credited on every calender day,

they always made on time payments, daily including holidays.

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their will be mail notifications from this program every time we send a withdrawal request and

after that request was processed, without fail,

other than these automatic mails, I never have received any updates from the admin to my mail account,

this program usually don't send mails for keeping in touch with the investors, but pay on time regularly.

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excellent program in the present hyip industry, with simple look but nice profits so far,

paying 1.8% on calender days, and the program is already completed their hundred days online successfully,

being an early investor I have already made a 120% profit till date,

I will keep reinvesting into the program everytime the term gets matured.

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well, the management of the program give us assurance that the funds invested here will be safe,

and it is 100% risk free investing in this program thus we can trust the program as they were trading for last five years,

so as there is guarantee by the admin of not losing our money to them,

and also being in profit already, I am thinking on reinvesting my 50% profit to this program.

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I have one pending payment since yesterday, that has already been more than 24 hours of waiting for now,

which is unusual with this program,

including today's withdrawal, I have total two pending withdrawals, so I am waiting for the payments to be sent soon,

recently I have reinvested one of my deposits matured $10 to this program.

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just as a quick update that I have received my yesterday's pending withdrawal three hours ago,

along with that, even today's withdrawal was also paid,

only the yesterday's payment was slightly delayed than normal,

still I am happy with the performance of the program and hopefully they should stay for another hundred days at least.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This site start last december and it reach it peak in the same month. Then its started to slide down until Last week of march. As its started to raise again. Problem is that at the end of march to first few days of april LR is down. So what happen is that fxband slide down again.

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well, I just hope that the investors support this program very well,

as they have been paying for a long time so far and also large investors comment positive on this program that

their withdrawals of hundreds of dollars were processed without fail,

I am a small investor and my experience is that this program is really doing a great job bringing us huge profits so far.

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I don't know this program has been paying this long,wow,for good three months now,and they've been paying investors,i don't even seems to remember this program domain name,hope investors get more profit here.

not three months, but the program has been paying for more than four months now, as their life time is 128 days for today,

I haven't expected this simple looking program can pay for such a long time,

this has proven that hyip can bring profits to investors,

I hope many investors can invest in this program and this one grow even more stronger for another hundred days or more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, the program is making on time payments so far and till date I have made more than 200% profit from the program,

that is the beauty of a hyip where one can make definite profits in a program like this,

I wish the program continues to pay several more rounds and wish them more success forever.

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  • 3 weeks later...


this program stopped to pay around 15 days ago, and there is no more payment received by them,

thus we declare it a scam now,

it was a good program that been active for a long time,

but it's now turned to scam, so newbies should be aware of it.

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