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Everything posted by chardyme

  1. Yeah I also have received that email so I was thinking that day when I received that he is online and will start to pay so I check the forum but there is no updates in it, but somehow hopefully he will return and make some payments.
  2. Well basically it is paying even if it was not daily but sometimes you will receive multiple amounts for all of your daily efforts in posting in here, even if amount are small in here then again if combine it will give you good amount of earnings
  3. Well I would try to make some posts in here again today, basically I didn't get to prioritize this today because I was just excited on posting in other ptp forums that I have missed posting with like here in DMT forum.
  4. Well that is right, this used to be one of the most active forums around and even if they just offer 2 cents posting rates, posters are still fond on posting in here but ever since the decrease in posting rates, it just dropped the activities as well.
  5. Well if you are into forex trading then you should be trying to join in this forum but if you are not then I suggest that you don't join this forum anymore as this is just for those posters who are knowledgeable and have experiences in forex trading.
  6. Well now you know, the forum is no longer paying for many months already and it was just too bad for those who believe and waited for the admin to still pay them and actually I was just one of those who waited but does not paid anymore.
  7. Yes this is an old forum and it has been paying ever since and til now, though it was much more popular before but now it was not too active but then again you can still earn a decent amount of earnings each month in here.
  8. I am glad to see that activities are still good in this forum and I have been still looking forward to earn from this forum again and I would like to focus more on posting in their hyip sections and perhaps the networking/cycler sections as well.
  9. Well I have been a member of this forum a very long time my friend and I have earned a lot from here already and I hope to see you become active in this forum as well and to see you contribute as well with its activities and its growth
  10. The posting activities in this forum have completely dropped because of the recent decrease in its posting rates and I hope that admin would realized the happenings in here and try to increase the rates again.
  11. It is still a good place to make some posts and discussed about forex and also to earn from it and you can be assured that you will get paid in here because the admin is good and trusted as many have known about it.
  12. Surprisingly this thread is still open for discussion as it was many months since this forum have stopped paying its members and it has been a good ptp forum before but now it was completely left by its admin.
  13. It has been quite some time since I made some post in this forum and I left some good amount of post to leave this forum completely so i will try again to make some posts here and try to reach 100 posts requirements
  14. The forum did not managed to make a come back, the admin may have some good intention with it but then again some factors just let him failed to do so, number one about is the funds to pay his members
  15. I have made some posts in mylot and unluckily I only get a cent to credit in my account despite that my post was long and I think that you post must be popular to be able to get some good credits for it.
  16. Well it seems that the forum made some payments for this month with the recent issues of delays in the past months that it did not make some payments to its members, it is good to know that is paying again.
  17. MTV has been the only forum that I have been active lately in my absence in posting in various ptp forums and earlier today I have managed to reach the minimum payout amount of 500 points in here and requested for payment
  18. The forum remains to be on top of the ptp forum forex based discussions around and it has managed to retain its top as some of the likes of this forum have fallen apart already.
  19. I have managed to make some posts once again in this forum and it has been quite some time that I left this forum not posting and not getting any earnings from it, but hopefully now that I am back I will be posting daily again in here.
  20. Well many are still waiting for the new contest in here before and it does not happen and til now there is no updates about it and they just continue to be a ptp forum with low posting rates.
  21. It has been quite sometime since I made some post for this forum and I have left with good amount of points in here that I can continue to make some posts and try to reach the minimum payout amount from this forum.
  22. You have received a payment to your account U1834697 (chardyme): Date: 8/17/2012 12:02 PM Batch: 107726468 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $1.74 Memo: Payout from Digital Money Talk, Enjoy posting at forum!!! Thank you.
  23. Well I am not returning my posting activities in this forum and it has been quite some time since I made some posts in this forum and I am looking forward to be actively posting in here once again.
  24. I like the new look of this forum and I have seen admin posted that he recently cleared the payments from this forum and with that I have already resumed my posting activities once again from this forum.
  25. I AM NOT THE ADMIN! It's still on pre-launch, actual launch will be September 2012! Guess what, it's FREE to join! We are a very large and ever expanding group of eager, cash-in-hand, members looking to make money right out of the gate in any New Major Launch that will benefit our membership. All that we ask, is for a little effort and teamwork on your part. In return, we can give your New Financial Life the wings it needs to explode right out of the gate. What do you need to do right now? Get the word out to as many as you can (those you want to help to a financial windfall). We give our members First In Opportunity in most cases and a HUGE following to catapult you to success. Masses. Masses with Money. Massive jump starts for your business. Massive Instant Momentum. In short, a guaranteed successful financial windfall right out of the gate. You are building your own list and benefiting from our Massive Collective: You benefit from your own personal referrals in the new Major Launch(es) You benefit from our Collective 2 x 20 Massive Structure (builds to over 2 million), ability to expand further Be Ready - to join the New Major Launch(es) when instructed (via OMG Alert System) Promote - It's free and you will help a lot of other people and in doing so, catapult your own financial windfall Join here: http://www.omgincomeclub.com/?VIP=chardyme
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