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Everything posted by andry777

  1. I am glad because the payment has been made by admin. It's good to get payment in here, I am really excited to make more posts in here. But I found that members who replied me are so few.
  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Your payment was successful. Summary Transaction ID 00002460 From HD2803951 (Mayur Bora) To HD3471757 (andry777) Amount $6.25 Memo Payout from DMT, Please post proof in different forum!!!
  3. Some people said that posting in FXFred is really hard. Actually, that is not too hard but you must learn about forex matter first. If you have learned it, then you can make post easier and also you must practice in platform.
  4. I am glad because I could win daily activity contest but I am a little bit disappointed because I didn't get the prize because it is paid in old LR account. I forgot to change my old LR account in my profile.
  5. I hope payment will be made soon. I didn't check once more in this forum, in the morning when I checked there, there is no payment but my request is accepted without any deduction. That was good news for me.
  6. This is new PTP site, although it gave good rates but the activities in here are not too much so it's hard to make many posts in here. I kept posting here and I hope many more new members who joined in here and active to post.
  7. There is new contest in MTV and I am really interesting to make many posts in there. It was similiar like another top poster contest, it is sponsored by FBS now and we talked about forex matter there. I am really excited to post there soon.
  8. I think, I will try to gain some cents everyday from here. Maybe it's small amount of bucks but it's okay. It's better to gain only few cents than we got nothing besides, it's only additional earning.
  9. Many members got payment from this forum and all of them didn't get any deductions at all. The admin in this forum is not strict at all, and the payment is really fast. Good service here.
  10. I don't think that TCC is bad forum but because it was same admin with EP so we can't deny that we oftenly compare TCC and EP and the result is EP better than TCC for now. Actually, almost all features are same except its rates.
  11. I think members who is active in MyLot mostly are not people who is PTP poster because MyLot is not good for PTP poster. Members who is active in here only people who wanted to get some fun with posting here.
  12. I don't know if there are many members who like to post in this forum but I looked that members in here who are still active only few people. I could say that this forum is not famous anymore as PTP forum.
  13. I hope Mayur could handle well these two forums, DMT and MTW, so both of them could be better as PTP forum and it won't be worse. Mayur must manage his time and his money more strictly now.
  14. Sooner or later, members in this forum will move to another PTP forum. The condition of this forum is really bad and now it was getting worse. I am sure if this forum couldn't survive as PTP forum.
  15. I did post in here only for additional earning. I don't make too much posts in here just to make consistent movement to earn some bucks. It was okay to make activities in MEF because it still paid me.
  16. I think the admin of this forum is really active and really innovative. He always created new thing in his forum to attract his members. Because of that, many members like to be active there.
  17. In here, you must ask payment each time you have reached 100 posts, sometimes you can get payment from 2 requests in here when the admin processed payment so in this forum you must make many activities first before he paid you.
  18. I looked there are many members who didn't like with performance of this forum. There are only few members who is active to post in here and many members have left the forum.
  19. I found that many members from this forum have moved to another PTP forum or at least they made more activities in other forum. I think that was because the forum didn't give some innovations.
  20. This forum must give something to attract its members to come to post there again. If there is nothing interesting, I am sure if members here will look another PTP forum because there are many new PTP forum now.
  21. Seems like the condition of this forum has no change at all. The admin never came to give updates informations and there is no activity here. I think this forum will become non paying forum or unavailable anymore.
  22. This forum is one of good forum for me because it gave good rate but I am a little bit disappointed because I can't get my earning from here in this week because the payment process is delayed for about a week more. I hope the moderator could accept my request and the admin could pay me soon.
  23. It's good to create many posts in here because we can make many posts in many different sections here. But payment process in here is a little bit late than usual, but it's still okay because it is not more than 2 weeks yet hahaha... I will be patient to wait it.
  24. This new forum has few members who is active to post, it's not suprising because there are not much people who knew this forum. It gave good rates, it gave 4 cents per post so it will give you good earning if you can make post in here consistently.
  25. @luke Sorry, I think I was wrong to say that. I thought about DMT in that time which can get payment with only 30 posts weekly Yes, you're right if we must reach 500 points at least to ask payment here.
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