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Everything posted by andry777

  1. I didn't have time to make many posts in this forum because I prefer to make more activities in EarningPalace nowdays. I think TCC must be improved so there is something which is more interesting than EP.
  2. This week, I got payment in this forum too. That was great because it can be used as additional earning. It's not hard and it spent few times to reach 5 posts only everyday here.
  3. I will be more active to post in here because I got 4 cents per post again in my last payment request in here. I am happy because the rate in here is good enough now.
  4. Date: 6/7/2011 5:54 PM Batch: 62817818 Sent To: U3459871 (Dimas Andryanto) Amount: $1.00 Memo: Payout @ Money Forum
  5. This forum will always pay us for sure, I am happy because I got payment yesterday. I got payment in Payweb and that is more profitable to use Payweb as payment processor in this site. We will get additional 25% bonus posting from Payweb.
  6. I think the admin should improve his promotion of this forum so members can be attracted to post in here again. It will be hard to be active if there is no one who supported us, besides the rules in here we can't make post if there is no reply from others yet.
  7. I tried to make more activities here because there is most active poster contest too here. If I can make post the most so I will get reward 50 cents. It was good, I am sure this will make members to be more active. Good improvement here
  8. @giridhar Yes, many members who moved to another PTP forum which offered higher amount of rates and better activities. If there is no improvement, sooner or later all members in this forum will move to other forum.
  9. This forum is good but I think it's lack of promotion so there are no new members who joined here and the old members are not much who is active.
  10. I started to post in here with posting in 5 threads everyday. I looked that some members have received payment but I still didn't get payment for my account. I don't know is it any mistakes that I made but I am sure if I did it right. I will wait for payment in this week. I hope there will be no problem.
  11. If you ever made 100 posts in this forum, you will know that payment process in this forum is so fast and you won't get deductions. I like its rule which is not strict but its rate is not good, it's too small rate.
  12. I am really enjoying competition of top poster contest in here. There are many members who took part in this contest and most of them are so active to post everyday. I have been left behind in this few days, that was great activities of members. I must spend more time to keep my consistency in posting.
  13. This forum is still paying its members but there is nothing which is interesting for me to post in here. It's better to make more activities in EP besides, I can win prize if I am more active in EP.
  14. @indieover Yes, that was impossible to get 40 dollars in a month in this forum. It's so hard to believe if there is someone who can realize that. I wanted to learn from him how to do that if there is such person like that.
  15. @indieover I got only about 150 points in here, that is the point which is left after I requested payout. I think I can get some points everyday to post here again, but it was a little bit hard to manage time to post in here. I heard that this forum is better in activities.
  16. @indieover I think with condition of this forum now, the activities of members in MTW could be better. The members got payments in all of their request from admin. I think many of them are really satisfy with this condition.
  17. @budado I am agree with you. It's time to close this forum because there is no good announcement and there is no good testimonial about this forum from many members. Seems the forum will be closed soon.
  18. Posting in this forum is good for additional earning but if you didn't have too much time to spend in PTP business, so it's better to choose another PTP forum which gave more rates each post.
  19. LOT is always give improvisation in its site, the latest program is investment in LOT but I didn't make any investment there. I am a little bit worry about this kind of program because I lost many bucks in similiar like of investment.
  20. I think the admin should give more promotion of his site because many members didn't comfortable with condition of site. I didn't like its condition which is few members to post. It's hard to make many posts alone.
  21. It's good if I can improve my activities in this forum because this forum will give me payment in a week for sure. Sometimes, I got payment more than a week or less than a week but never more than 2 weeks. I like to make many posts in GT because it was trusted forum so I can depend on it. I can make many posts without worrying about payment.
  22. Seems like there are many things which is fixed by GMT, I hope the forum could be better although the conditions is not good enough for me recently. I will wait its performance.
  23. Seems there is nothing we can do except waiting what will happen in this forum. I am not sure if the admin could come back again and cleared all pending payments. Seems like the admin has run away and never back.
  24. I still made some posts in this forum because this forum is one of good PTP forum which can give me good amount of bucks. I didn't too much active in here now but I planned to me more active again in the future.
  25. I like to make many posts in this forum because the competition is so hard but it's fun for me. I like this contest because it made me post more than usual because there are another members who is so active too.
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