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Everything posted by andry777

  1. I don't know why many members in here became inactive now. I feel like I am alone who posted in here. I hope there will be more people to active post here again.
  2. This forex forum is good PTP forum with good rates too, but the forum are rarely something different. Maybe the admin here should learn from LOT admin who is really innovative to improve his forum.
  3. I think there are many new members who joined in MTV, because the payment process which is so fast here. Many people are attracting with this offering, so I can say that MTV is one of success new PTP forum.
  4. EarningPalace is one of good PTP forum, and that was good because I can open this site normally today. I hope there will be no problem in the future so I can make many posts.
  5. Posting in here are a little bit harder now, maybe there are many new PTP sites now so members will focus in many PTP forums. Actually, it was okay if there are some people who still posted in here but the problem, sometimes there is no one who posted.
  6. @omar Yes, I have stopped posting in here too and it has been few months. In the first January, the forum is good forex forum but in the March, the forum became so strict and many innocent members got banned.
  7. Seems like this forum will become non paying forum. Now the forum is similiar like dead forum, no one interested to post here again. I stopped to post here since weeks ago before the condition was worse like this.
  8. I have been inactive from this forum for several months because there are few members who still active there. Besides, the moderators and admins in here are strict in its rule so it's better to move to another forex forum. I prefer to post in FXFred.
  9. @budado Yes, I am agree with you. The activities of members in here are so few so it's hard to make many posts in this forum. Many members became unavailable because of long payment process in here.
  10. @budado Can you tell us what is the problem? I mean what is appearing when you opened the site because I didn't experience anything to open ITM site. It was normal to open this forum, maybe that was your ISP problem. Maybe your problem is similiar with mine when I opened EP site.
  11. I experienced problem to make many posts in this forum because there are few members who is active in here. So I must wait another member to reply my post before I can make another post. And when i looked another section, it has few active members too.
  12. There is top poster contest in EP but I don't know is there similiar contest in TCC or not. If there is similiar contest, that will be nice because I got problem to open EP so I can win it in TCC as subtitute it.
  13. With current condition, I can't do anything to make many activities in EarningPalace. I can't open the site again, I hope if there is someone could help me what is the problem. Maybe there is member who ever experienced same thing with me.
  14. If you are active in many forums and you are active in many HYIP or moneycycler or any investments so you can make many post here because you can post payment proof here and you will get payment soon.
  15. I used LR as payment processor in this forum so I must reach 4 dollars to ask payment here. It is not hard to make many posts here but I needed another active members to reply my post here.
  16. I will consider to make post in MTW again because the admin of MTW is Mayur now. But I am not sure if the forum's members who has been inactive could make activities again. I hope I can find out many active members there.
  17. I just looked this site and when I looked its rate, I won't join here. It was too few of rate if I posted there. I got only 0.5 cents per post. That was the lowest rate that I knew for PTP forum.
  18. Seems like there are many members who got delayed in his request just like me. I hope the payment will be made soon because it is more than usual time of payment process.
  19. @budado I don't know any good business because I don't know any business which used MoneyBooker hahahahaha.... So it's casino and gambling sites which usually used MoneyBooker as payment processor. Anyway, how to fund our MB account?
  20. @budado Actually, that was easy to fix that problem. You can bookmark the right url site in your browser so whenever you wanted to open the site, you can use bookmark from your browser and you didn't use another else link, it will be safer for you.
  21. @budado I think that was okay if HD-Money became more popular than LR if there are many exchangers of HD-Money to another e-currency and to local bank just like LR too. And also it is okay if the bonus posting is still given by HD-Money hahaha...
  22. @budado If we wanted to exchange it to Paypal, what exchanger that you suggested to use? I don't find out exchangers which offered good fees, usually it took fees about 7-8% that was too high. If you knew another exchanger which has lower fees, please tell us here.
  23. How did you sells your LR to get Paypal? I mean what exchanger that you used because it will be nice if I can exchange some funds of my LR to Paypal too. So far, I didn't exchange my LR to Paypal but I exchanged it directly to local bank because there is exchanger to support exchange from LR to local bank.
  24. @budado Oh really? I never found that LR did some maintenances except in few months ago when LR did maintenance for long time enough. It was about a week maintenance, I never found any maintenance in LR anymore after that. I don't know if I am the one who didn't know it.
  25. There is no problem with this new PTP forum, even I am really satisfy with performance of this forum. I ever got payment once in here and I got no deduction at all. I am happy with performance this forum. It paid me so quickly.
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