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Everything posted by faceless

  1. I think it is a bit risky with the 4 tier referral program. They would lose out too much money just on referrals. This makes it less safe. But at the same time, the site does look quite attractive. However there is a major disadvantage that could stop them from getting a lot of investors. and that is because the minimum investment is 50 dollars. Very few people will trust this for the first time.
  2. Trickster it is only 3 days old. Why do you jump into conclusions that they only do selective payment and only pay to the monitoring sites? I am sure that is not the case. Maybe I am a bit biase but dunno because I just made a deposit there today because I thought it looked pretty safe for now. Since I plan to do a hit and run.
  3. So far it has not made any payments yet well thats because one day hasn't past so we will still have to see. On the ratings page, there are over 6 monitors monitoring this site. No pressure, but it is likely to pay for the first few days. I made 1 dollar deposit through Payza, but what do you mean it wont deal with HYIP. A lot of hyip still accept Payza with no problems.
  4. ROI seems pretty good. 1.3% is a little low, but sustainable enough, risk is much lower. But, no deposit has been made yet, which is not a particularly good sign. Maybe it has just launched and needs some attention. only one problem I noticed is that, the stat box is covering over one of the texts. THey need to fix that.
  5. My browser says the site contains insecure content. Immediately this gives a bad impression. Is it because they are not SSL encrypted? Something seems strange here. It is 0 days old so meaning it has just launched today the site. Yet 5 dollar withdrawal has been made, and the shortest plan is 1 day. How can this be. Either they are lying or there is error.
  6. this one is pretty reasonable with the ROI. Obiovusly no principle is returned I don't think otherwise that would be really be too high and unsustainable. The script looks quite basic though. No stats shown or anything. Don't know if anyone should invest here yet.
  7. the script doesn't look that nice, but I do sense that they made an effort to highlight the important bits.It only says 5% daily for 30 days, but cannot see where that it states minimum is 20 dollars, and don't see any where that they say the minimum deposit has been lowered. Looks like it isn't much talked about this site and so not very popular. I wonder whether it could last long because of this.
  8. Not very risky to be honest, since principle is not returned. But the short term does make it a bit risky, but not that much. Site doesn't load any more so I guess it has already gone scam so quickly
  9. I think it has gone down completely. Most monitors are now stating a problem status. The site has been going on and off lately and no it is completely down. I am really annoyed, because this was voted one of the best in many monitors. And I deposited a few days ago, only to find out that now it is gone scam.
  10. Well of course it looks natural, the ROI is only 0.5% daily. It is sustainable, but with this rate, it kind of defeats the purpose of hyip programs. I mean, look at ROI, its hardly high yield. It would take around 200 days to reach BEP. And for a site like this, it is extremely difficult to maintain.
  11. @indieover well how do you know there isn't another paypal user with the ID that you input incorrectly in the first place? Maybe there was one. Any anyway, if you really feel that you must have it back, I can try giving it a go by contacting the admin there. After all he trusts me the most out of the people in the forum as I am the only moderator there,.
  12. seriously? So you can discuss things just like as if you were just chatting? And posts do not need to be very long? Wow well that is incredibly good rate for doing that. That is just like paid to chat, except much higher rate. Do you therefore spend most of your time there in the forum? But I still don't get how it works then in terms of their splitting of their rates.
  13. Date6/3/2012 12:13:24 PMReference NumberxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTransaction typeTransfer Received From Name/EmailGabriel Raske alertpay@silverstructure.comCurrent StatusCompletedAmount$1.03 USD Purchase TypeService Shipping DetailsNot Provided Note (optional)Withdraw to faceless from Silver Structure
  14. Well I don't actually recommend anyone to post here. Seems like their payment processing is extremely slow. And not many people bother to post here any more because we all seem to have doubt whether the admin is able to fund us. Seems like his paying schedule is too irregular, sometimes waiting time over 2 months, and now been a few weeks.
  15. It isn't hard obviously to participate in the chatting contest. Requires not effort at all, and you can really talk about any thing. But chances of winning is pretty low, and the prize is not that great anyway for the amount of effort you have to post in.
  16. That is because the post rate is too low if you are just thinking about the money. Activity is not great, and one can only really make a max post of 20 in the space of 2-3 days.
  17. This one looks pretty good with the plan. Script looks attractive as well, but at first sight, it looked too wordy. No body would bother read all the text. They need some text which highlight the more important words rather than a whole page of essay. Their registration took quite long as well, but some were not mandatory to fill in if you don't feel like it.
  18. But it wont be for long. This is definitely a short tern hyip in terms of the plan, and alos its lifetime. Too difficult to sustain for longer than 1 month. Best is to do hit and run. But even now, it would be too risky to invest 5 dollars.
  19. Yea mine and yours seem to be in the queue in being paid for quite a long time. I don't know whats really going on apart from the fact that admin is experiencing some delays, but not really giving any reasons. It is a relatively new forum, and people need to be hyped about this one if only they can keep up the fast payment, otherwise it will just drop back down to an ordinary forum.
  20. well in a way that is true, but they only do what is best for them. They lowered the rates for some members because recently the general post quality is pretty bad, with the new members coming in and just saying nonsense. But for me, who is an old member there, they have kept the same rate for me, and I have been getting paid 5 cents per post on average there.
  21. That is because admin says there is a rota or a permanent schedule of when he is going to do payment. Just wait before that deadline, and then request a bigger amount, rather than waiting for small amounts and have multiple request.
  22. Well it doesn't seem to be stopping from the monitors from investing in them. They have 3 good hyip monitors displayed at the site and all 3 stating that it is paying. But I agree, it doesn't seem attractive at all when the symbols look like a right mess.
  23. It isn't particularly high with the 2 cent rate, but it is good enough because we don't have this time interval between posts, so members can just immediately go onto the next post without having to wait, which wastes a lot of our time really.
  24. Well it does seem that most members are in for the 30 days plan rather than the hourly plan which is much more risky. Seems like it is getting popular already,. with over 30 thousand dollar deposited in just 5 days. But strange only a small amount has been withdrawn. Not many monitors are monitoring it so we don't actually know its status. But if it is going to grow at this rate, it surely does need DDOS protection.
  25. @indieover, no you have not wasted your time in here at all. it was actually your fault because when you requested payout, you entered your paypal incorrectly, so admin ended up paying the wrong person. That is not his responsibility if you input your PP address incorrectly. Don't blame it on any one. Also, if you think you have wasted time, it just shows that you were there just for the money, and not really caring much about whats being discussed.
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