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Everything posted by dierdre

  1. I don't have LR funds right now so i can't invest in here at the moment, but i researched a bit before posting this thread and seems like the site is still paying after 9 days of being online, i usually search at goldpoll.com, and it only has positive votes at the moment. I usually don't mind the design of the site as long as i get paid.
  2. I already got a warning for posting my payment proofs, so i won't do it again. Actually if you notice, my payment proofs were accompanied by a comment on the topic, so that it's solely not a payment proof post, but it turns out that it's still not allowed. Anyway, yes, that's the way to play this game, invest early and exit early, although i still invest in long term plans, but i prefer a week or two weeks maximum plan duration.
  3. This site is going down, big time. I've been clicking since June 2010, and presently, i only have $1.39. The only reason that i keep clicking is that sometimes there are some interesting Kooday ads.
  4. I tried to visit the site, and it's gone now, after a few days since this thread was posted. Now that's you call an outright scam. So this thread should now be moved to the scam section.
  5. The site is gone now, actually i'm surprised that this thread still hasn't been moved to the scam section.
  6. I joined this site in early Jan. 2011, and i invested one time in this site, i got paid, but i never re-invested again. And i never got the $10 bonus deposit, maybe because i registered late.
  7. I agree, website owners should not scrimp on getting a paid domain specially if they are serious about making a money making website. A free domain tells people that he can't afford to spend on web hosting. Anyway, the stats say that the lines are stuck now.
  8. I still don't have enough funds in my LR to be able to invest here, and i only have Alertpay balance. Too bad the site doesn't accept Alertpay. And if the cycling waiting time is 1 week max, it's pretty reasonable.
  9. I'm now a permanent investor in cashflowbot due to the auto-reinvest feature, so if you plan to buy a share they will auto-reinvest the other half and you get to keep your original investment. Unless they have changed their rules again and i'm not aware of it.
  10. I wish i had invested in this program the first time i heard about it in the forums, but back then i still didn't have an idea on how to earn here. I wasted 4 months already. Oh well, better late than never. The site will be here for a long time, i'm confident about it.
  11. I would love to make a test spend in this site since the minimum deposit is only $1, but unfortunately, i lack LR funds right now. I'm predicting this site will last for a week max, given the high interest rates.
  12. Trylax was established in August 2007. Your managers at Trylax with whom you will relate and interact, came together for the sole purpose of developing a unique synergy among experienced financial professionals, who have specialized in different aspects and functions of current markets in order that comprehensive, adaptive solutions that reinforce the Trylax mandate remains paramount and achievable at each juncture in time. Plans: 110% to 125% after 1 day: Plan 1: $5 - $150 = 110% Plan 2: $151 - $1,000 = 112% Plan 3: $1,001 - $5,000 = 115% Plan 4: $5,001 - $10,000 = 118% Plan 5: $10,001 - $20,000 - = 125% www.trylax.biz
  13. This thread has been posted last Dec. and after a month of being online, the site is still up and paying it's members. Good job admin. I saw at the moneymakergroup forum that the admin is inviting their investors for a live conference online, so it seems that the admin is very eager to know what his members have in mind regarding his site, or if they have any suggestions.
  14. Well, those low risk plans take weeks, months or even a year before i break even, and in my experience, they turn to scam even before the expiry date of my chosen plan, so i'd rather invest in these short term plans, it's safer that way.
  15. Well as for me, i love these kind of HYIP sites, they offer high returns, and once the 1-day deposit time is over, you withdraw your money plus interest. And you have the option of walking away or re-investing. It is risky, but you are assured of payment if you get in the game early.
  16. I can't open the site, if this continues for 3 days then i'm pretty sure that it turned scam already.
  17. I can't open the site, if this continues for 3 days then i'm pretty sure that it turned scam already.
  18. $5 is pretty much affordable to invest in an autosurf site, and the 140% return after 14 days is very reasonable. I might give this site a try.
  19. Selling audiobooks isn't bad, i'm sure there are lot of people out there who buys that, the challenge is where to promote our referral link to sure paying customers, since most would just go directly to ebay or amazon.
  20. This one requires you to have lots of referrals to be able to earn here, and i'm really not good at getting referrals so i'm gonna pass up on this one.
  21. I never promoted the site, since im quite hesitant to do so since the amount of free money that they offer is too good to be true. Let's see when paybox launches this April if our money there will be worth something.
  22. The site now offers alertpay as it's payment method, before they were using paypal. It's very hard to earn in this site unless you have large funds to buy those expensive keywords. I should have not invested in this site, too bad i wasted my money here.
  23. I also invested in this site and was paid several times before i left it, and now i heard that the site is not paying anymore. Oh well, as expected. Game over for this site.
  24. I myself invested in this site and it has paid me many times, but now the admin has stopped paying, even if the site is still up and running. My remaining investment there is purely profit so as long as the site is running i hope to get paid, since the "total withdraw" stats changes every few days.
  25. The site offers low and sustainable plans, but 45 days is the shortest plan which is quite long for me already. So i'm gonna pass up on this one.
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