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Everything posted by macky110

  1. Speedtreasury is definitely looking a good hyip because it does not pay very high ROI just like other short term hyips.We get 20% total profit in one month(Considering we don't get principal amount returned) but i won't hurry and invest here since i think it is too early to trust this site.
  2. This site is purely ptc investment site that means we need to upgrade in order to cashout even a single dollar.I never trust any site which asks for investment at the beginning but upon seeing payment proofs i will try since the upgrade value is as cheap as 2€.
  3. I don't understand why admin is using this currency instead of internationally accepted dollars.Its really hard to make out what is the actual value of clicks in dollars but well this site looks good and paid to one member already so i might join and check out the upgrade plans.
  4. Free luxury membership for 30 days is a good offer but i am not sure my account is exist anymore here or not,i have joined this site long back but i was never active due to low earning potential.I will login and see whether anything changed or everything is same like before.
  5. Payout is little high on this ptc just like other buxhost sites but i have noticed that we earn more than 7 cents per day so it will definitely help us reaching the cashout sooner but since this site is new there is no evidence that is paying and trusted.
  6. Purbux has good click rates and stable strategy to earn money and according to the stats there are 500$+ already been paid but i don't see any payment proof over the proof page and this site already disabled forum so looks completely suspicious to me.
  7. Incrasebux has a huge number of payment requests pending at the moment and the problems created by paypal are never going to stop and members already stopped clicking on this site.Luckily i don't have any pending payment from here.
  8. I have came across this site a couple of times but did not start clicking since it sounds aurora site to me but i noticed here that the minimum cashout is very low via paypal and liberty reserve so i will give it a try,i just hope that admin makes the payments on time in future.
  9. Reliantbux does not seem promising ptc site to me since admin made it very difficult for standard members to reach a higher payout.If this strategy will be used in future,no one will prefer to click since it might take many months to get some money from this site.
  10. We need 200 clicks to get paid so i think making direct referrals wouldnt benefit much,there are no payouts made on this site but i must say admin is trying to give good offers so that members can invest but so far it seems no one upgraded the membership.
  11. Minimum payout is quite low on this site but at the same time the click rates are low too.We get only 4 ads here as a standard member so it is quite difficult to reach minimum payout.Admin should increase the quantity of clicks in order to attract users.
  12. Buxandmore is a newly launched ptc site from the same admin of Bemabux and i am glad to get in early here.So far i got 10 direct referrals so i will upgrade my membership soon here.Lets hope for the decent profit from this lovely site.
  13. Have you guys checked this site,its coming offline out here and showing error "Error 504,Server is unavailable" , i don't know whether this site is permanantly offline or its just temporary server mentainance.
  14. Now a days it became very difficult while choosing a good short term hyip since all of them give similar ROI and a similar design.Precise Real Fund is paying since its new but i still don't feel safe to invest here.I don't plan to invest here unless it is 2 weeks old.
  15. Whenever i visit this hyip i get a feeling that this might run for a long time just like Powerfulstrategy but still its a long way to go.Its paying at the moment and all the monitors giving decent RCB offer.I ll invest once this site gets little old.
  16. Most of the monitors listed on rate us page reached BEP or closed to reach BEP in just 5 days so this site is really good as a short term hyip but it pays hourly which makes it risky.Many hyips turned scam and start making selective payouts,i have been a victim many times from this sites.
  17. Very few hourly paying hyips remain online longer than a week,this hyip seems quite popular at the moment and listed on all major monitors but today i am not able to visit this site,its giving me server error,i hope its just temporary.
  18. This is not exactly an hyip,the concept here is quite complicated than hyips,its not like investing money and withdrawing after plan matures.We have to sell eggs generated every week to gain profit.Investment strategy is good out here since it takes a long time to reach BEP but this program does not seem to be popular so we need to find out its paying or not.
  19. I never came across this site until now and i observed that its paying well more than a week now but its a short term hyip so it includes a big risk.It looks like admin is going to spend some more money on monitors this is what i noticed in the recent news.This site could turn out to be long runner.
  20. I like that the admin kept the minimum spend as low as 1$ so we all can test this site,as far as now it seems to be paying well without having any major issues but 3% daily profit is quite high for a long term hyip so it increases the risk of losing funds.
  21. The investment plans are nice since we get 20% profit after 10 days and principal also returns and it has 3 levels referral income which is a great news for promoters but i don't want to invest a dime here at this moment since it is on waiting status on GP,its a sign of scam.
  22. Riskcapitalfund is having only 1 investment plan which makes this site different than the rest but it is risky to put our money for 25 days here.There are chances that we can lose all money but well for now,this site is going good.I see advertisement on Neobux almost everyday,there must be many investors who trusted this site.
  23. Earnings-center is not amongts the most popular short term hyip but i think its going well till now.But i feel it is always risky to invest in short term hyip sites,doesnt matter at which stage you are.I saw some sites go scam on 2nd day as well.
  24. Basebucks is really a very good site but its not a usual hyip i observed,its more a money cycler i think.I have came across to this site first time through MNO and later on i have noticed that its interviewed on MNO.If any of you guys making good profit then let me know so i could try too.
  25. Investment plans seemed fine to me but i just don't understand why this hyip vanished in thin air so early.I visited the URL just now and found that its giving "404 - not found" error.I would stop investing in hyips if long term sites start going scam within just a week.
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