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Everything posted by macky110

  1. The Cash Chat is really active now a days and gaining new members.I recently requested first payment here and got paid very fast.I am going to be more active on TCC so that i can earn at least 10-15$ per month from here.
  2. I have recently got paid by Goldentalk and the rate was 4 cents which is really good for me so now i am trying to increase my activity over this forum so that i can earn some more bucks here but i cant make more than 10-15 posts here since there are not many threads getting created everyday here.
  3. There was some database error on many forums few days back,even i noticed but now i don't face any problem anymore.I am not so active on MTV as i was before because now we can request only 5$ maximum at a time so there is limit for earning but i hope admin will pay fast.
  4. This site is using a simple script but i must say that it is widely getting advertised on monitors,i have seen a huge list on rating page and it is inspiring me to invest and complete some rounds but the investment plans arent supposed to be sustainable for long.
  5. GoldInvestprofit is offering very high rate of interest and i think it is the reason many investors chose to invest on a very first day because they know this sites cannot sustain for long time.I think i should give it a pass to it and look for other stable sites.
  6. I have noticed that there are many short term programs are being launched in this Christmas season,i see new sites almost everyday,Christmas Investment has the similar investment plans which are being used widely but this site has SSL encryption which protects us from account hacks.
  7. Its really a trend to launch short term hyips with attractive templates and making scam upon getting enough profit.This site is getting advertised well on almost all major monitors so there could be two chances,either it will go scam quickly or it will stay online for a month.
  8. Thats what happen usually with short term hyips,some users prefer to quit investing after 1 or 2 rounds and the admin starts losing funds.This site looks good but its needs to be advertised well in order to gain investors,i would not like to hurry and invest on first day,i will prefer to wait and see how it grows.
  9. Tureprofit is paying weekly profit so it will take time to reach BEP but this site can be sustainable just like Paidjack,it has the similar kind of plans.What i observed here is,this site has a huge referral commission,its upto 10 levels so the more we promote the faster we reach BEP.
  10. Zone Money does not seem to be promising hyip since it has all the short term plans and they give back principal + profit after just one day.The Roi is also high and unsustainable,this kind of sites are usually scam and yes there is not a single monitor listed on rating page.
  11. I cannot see any of the plan listed is sustainable so i think this site is making selective payouts,it should be paying to only monitors so that they can get attention from investors and lure them.High paying sites do this thing all the time.
  12. I agree that it is nicely designed hyip but i think appearance is just to attract new investors.Investment plans give unreal ROI which is highly profitable if we complete the term but at the same time big risk involved.This programs fall within a very short time.
  13. Global Trade Trust has a custom script which is really a good thing and this site is giving typical long term ROI like other other successful hyips but it is too early to trust it.We should wait and see whether it grows or fall down under 50 days.
  14. I did not understand why you are not able to open the website when it is accessible for everyone.I think you must be doing mistake in typing the URL or you must be visiting tripler.justbeenpaid dot com(edit dot with .),i suggest you to type justbeenpaid dot com.You will be redirected to the homepage for sure.
  15. I invested just a week back on hotsurfingbar but i did not cashout yet.Its paying consistently but i know it is already more than 2 months older so i will not reinvest my funds.As soon as i complete my plan,i will say goodbye.
  16. This traffic exchanger has been launched many months back but i do not see any active surfers here and also i never came across it through ptc ads or blogs.It looks like this site is completely active.
  17. I cannot see any developement on this site and it has not got many investors yet.The media page is showing no monitors and everything looks inactive at the moment.I think admin should configure things and launch the site as soon as possible.
  18. I am just wondering how this site went scam in just few days,i remember it had a catchy design and attractive investment plans.I guess admin got enough money to run away so early,i am lucky that i did not invest here.
  19. I get so many emails from the admin of Easyhits4u and every month there are offers,contests and promotions.Admin is really active and developing the site very nicely.So many new members join everyday so it became easier to get views for our advertisements.
  20. This is basically a flash website so thats why i think it takes a lot of time to open but that is only first time.After that it opens smooth but i don't see anyone considering here to invest.Just wondering what will be admin's plans to get investors.
  21. The investment plans look very similar to the most of the new short term hyips which are very unstable in this hyip industry.Paying profit along with the principal amount does not work for long time and we can see that this site already went scam and its not accessible anymore.
  22. This site is definitely good to invest on a very first day but the investment plans are not sustainable for long time,this plans works usually with autosurfs.Admin spent money on SSL but there is no sign of DDOS protection out here so it may get hacked.
  23. I have not heard much about this hyip may be because its not very popular.I don't think this is a professional hyip since there is no SSL Certificate i found on site.SSL is very necessary to protect our accounts now a days.I think admin should rethink about adding SSL.
  24. 2.5% daily seems really high in a long term plan,at the end of the plan we could earn a huge profit from this site but the plans arent sustainable so i doubt this hyip will remain longer or fall in just a month.I wouldn't risk funds out here.
  25. It looks like another short term hyip is in the market.Well i like this site and i feel it can be trustworthy at the beginning because it is listed on many hyip monitors so the admin is trying to spread the site.It may stay online for couple of weeks.
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