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Posts posted by tirus

  1. Its always tricky to be the one of the first members on a forum who join especially when you have no historical background on the admin. But someone has got to do it at the end of the day. I just hope that admin does pay those members that have already reached payout even if he decides not to go ahead with the forum as they deserve it.

  2. There is a good opportunity to make a lot of posts in here. Not only are there a good variety of posting sections and threads but there is also a lot of activities from members in here. The only thing is the limit on payuout which is in place which results in members taking a break from posting after making enough points for a few payout requests.

  3. Still finding it a bit hard to be fully active here despite the good posting rates that are offered here. I have only been active for a few days then stopped. I hope to get back here soon to resume and see how much I can make this time around.

  4. Yeah,i totally agree with the poster that we can start with those bonus we get from discussing forex on forum sites and the welcome bonus from those brokers.It is better this way because,if we eventually lose,we won't be affected.If we make profit,then we can put in more money from our pocket.


    This is quite a plan especially in the beginning since to introduce yourself into the world of forex trading. You not only will be getting funds to use for trading purposes but learning about forex at the same. You can also be able to use the funds even if you are quite familiar with forex to fund your trading experience.

  5. It would really be best to try out trading on a demo account where possible to develop a trading strategy or just to farmiliarize oneself with the platform. When you start trading for real things will obviously not be the same since there a lot of factors to consider but a trading account will surely do the newcomer a lot of good.

  6. Forex forums are indeed a good way especially for newcomers to get introduced to forex and also put together some funds for their initial trading. It may seem difficult to post on some of these forums at first and newcomers tend to be intimidated as a result. Overtime and as you gain knowledge on the various topics this is bound to change.

  7. I personally dont think that there should be a limit on the amount of time that one needs to spend on a demo account. After all, its used for practice and only until one is confident enough to go for the real thing then they should take as long as it takes. Even people that have been trading for some time can also go ack to the demo account should the need arise.

  8. Its true that the demo account give you good practice for when you are finally ready to trade with real money. This process should not be rushed as its vital to study the process and understand practically how forex trading works. Only when you feel confident that you can switch to a real account should you do but with necessary precautions.

  9. It does seem to be more convenient to trade from your phone from the obvious reasons such as mobility. Because of the technology/software on mobile phones it is inevitable that you will not be able to access all the features and functionalities the way that you would if you were using a computer or a laptop. That said, only when necessary is then that I would look to the mobile as an alternative.

  10. The choice of how much you want to start your investment is yours really. It would also depend on how much capital you have at your disposal because you cannot trade money that you do not have. Just as long as one remembers that they should trade with money that they cannot afford to loose.

  11. Yes, it is already a mark that a hyip after they got some funds or in good earning already will turn to scam. As most of the hyip are not really into online business legally of having the funds but to scam people. You can have the choice to take it early to earn from the hyip or you will be the one who will be scam by the hyip.


    Unfortunately greediness does play a role our side when we invest in hyip's. Instead of doing a hit and run we want to try and squeeze more profit out of the hyip which ends up scamming us out of more money. Truth is we can never really know when an hyip will turn to scam or fold so we need to be careful and stick to the plan on when to withdraw.

  12. Quite true since you already run the risk of loosing your investment, Why would you want oto create multiple accounts because you will then have to invest more and in turn you will loose more if the hyip folds. Maybe if you make an short-term investment you might just get away with it if the hyip does not allow multiple accounts.



    i am wondering in forex, but how to invest on it? and what website is the better site to invest?


    First of all it would be important for you to get as much information regarding forex as you can so that you know what you are getting yourself into and to understand how it works. I would suggest for now you be active in forex forums as this is a good way to get funds that you can trade with without the need to use your own money then take it from there.

  14. Having the backup of such an academy can be really helpful to your online forex trading career. This is not to mean that you cannot be sucessful in trading online if you have not been to such an academy. It just means that you will have more of an advantage because you had someone to walk you through the process and guide you in ways you may have not been able to do yourself.

  15. Emotions will always be there and they tend to get in the way of making a logical decision and sometimes its not easy to overcome them. That is why we need to trade with out mind rather than with emotions since then you can be sure that you making a calculated investment.

  16. Some of the hyips are just out there to scam and you can clearly see from their investment plans that they cannot be sustainable in the long run. Others fail I believe because of failed investments that were not thoughtout carefully by the people in charge. The risk in hyips is because you dont know when the hyip will eventually stop paying.

  17. I registered with Global Test Market some months ago and completed the surveys that they sent me on a regular basis until I realised that they paid via check only and you can withdraw at $50 if I remember the cashout amount correctly. Fact is being in Sourh Africa a check is not the preferred method of payment for me. For some reason I had thought that they paid via payment processors.

  18. Never really thought of doing something like this but must admit that it is quite tempting..LOL i have been scammed by so many hyip's that its not even funny so it would be good to get a revenge sometime. Unfortunately if you adopt the mindset of a cheater I dont think that it will be easy to let go of it and might end up even cheating on legitimate programs as well. That wont solve anything.

  19. There truly isnt a lot of activity on the site. I also registered here a couple of days ago but found that it would be a bit hard to reach the set payout if things remain this way. I am also not used to creating threads of which there is a lack of threads in many sections at the moment. Its a pity because the post rates here are quite good and the topics are quite interesting as well.

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