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Posts posted by tirus


    Well,i have made some posts on forex sites like it and all was approved.I don't think i am going to have any problem posting on this one.Like i mentioned earlier,i am going to start posting on more easier sections before i move to the real Forex discussion.


    We are all different which is why some people are able to easily grasp the basics and can be able to immediately participate in discussions without the need to trade first. My understanding is that the main aim of the forum is to encourage members to trade in forex so I suppose at the end of the day one has to trade but to better contribute its better if you have some understanding of forex at the least.

  2. Well i am not quite good in the refferals rally as i don't even make signatures in my PTP sites.But posting in here will still earn us some points to cashout at any point in time.


    I am also one of those people that dont take much advantage of PTP forum signatures although I want to change that in the future as they are good marketing tool. Making money through posting only will take some time due to the current posting rates so I agree if there were other incentives to reaching payout much quicker they would be welcome.

  3. The good this as you correctly say is that the site is still paying although it takes a lot more time to release payments. We are already used to PTP forums that do not take a while before paying which is why when the time elapses in here without payments being cleared most of us start to panic. Senior members in here are already aware of this and they see no cause for concern as they know theyt will eventually get paid.

  4. Congratulations on reaching that target, how I wish it were me who had them. I am still at around a hundred points in here but will be working harder and aim for a higher payout the next time I submit a payment request. Activities are picking up again in here which is good as more and more members are returning to the forum.

  5. my target here only make about 100 points per day, i don't push my self too hard to make post here since i know i try to give better posts and not only searching for bucks :D, well today i am happy with condition of this forum, i see mostly section is alive, which make me more flexible in making posts.
  6. Quite right since the demo account is very useful for both newbies as well as experienced forex traders. Newbies are able to put into practice what they have learnt theoretically and before they deal with the real thing and at it stage dont have to use real funds till they feel they got enough of that practice. Experienced traders can also revert back to the account in the event of consecutive losses and they feel the need to go back to the basics.

  7. I would make forex primary and hyip alternative. Yes, most hyip's are scam and are simply there to enrich themselves. We mostly get scammed because of greed where we see that hyip's are not sustainable in the long because of the promised profits but we still take a chance. Forex on the other hand is much better for me as we do have a chance to do our analysis and make a trade based on that. Its better than being scammed.

  8. That is correct. Accept that as part of trading you will encounter losses along the way, its inevitable. Do as much as you can to try and minimize the chances of you encountering a loss. Also in the event of losses, study your strategy to see if you could have done things differently to get a favourable result and adjust where necessary. Even seasoned or experienced traders still encounter losses time and again.

  9. It is really a tricky one. Whenever you feel that you are confident enough to switch over to a real account, you should do so. Then what? The pressure and emotions will now play a role whether we like it or not because we are all human after all. As you gain experience you will learn how to keep them under control so that they do not influence your trading decisions that result in losses. It surely is not an easy feat to achieve.

  10. I wouldnt miss the oppotunity to have a mentor if it were offered to me without even thinking twice. I know for sure that it would really help with the learning experience in forex trading. We know that mentors are not perfect too and they also do loose when trading but their experience in the field will surely come in handy.

  11. It is all part of the learning curve. For newbies you can also start threads and ask questions regarding certain issues and see if there is something that you can use from the responses you will be receiving. Fair enough there will be some responses that are not useful but I believe there is something that you will gain out of it at the end of the day.

  12. I guess it would also depend on how you approach the demo account. If you are serious and do show that even when dealing with a demo account then you will likely be able to use it quite well. You may not have nothing to loose since you are not dealing with real money but taking it seriously will help with the learning process and eventually when you switch over to a real account.

  13. The mobile does have its convenience in as far as trading is concerned and obviously as technology evolves there are more and more functionalities that are on the PC that will be available on some compatible mobiles. Trading on a pc is still preferable because you get to make use of all the features with ease as there is no need to compact.

  14. Just got suprised to see that I have $1.02 in here. It has really been a while since I had posted in here and it seems like lately payments are delayed. Its a pity that the minimum payout is set at $3 otherwise I would be submitting a payment request immediately. I suppose I could continue to post when I have time to reach the target and cashout.

  15. Supporting the forum is not a bad idea indeed since we do get compensated for our posting efforts eventually. I still think that this is a good place to continue posting at and I have no doubts about that. Slowly but surely am nearing towards my goal and will continue till I reap the rewards.

  16. I just need a few more days to reach payout and then I can take a break from here and concentrate on other forums in the meantime. I am quite confident that admin will come through just as he has done in the past and managed to clear out the forums pending payment requests.

  17. As long as admin does pay member for their posts theen I suppose it would hurt to be active here. I just dont see myself requesting for a couple of cents as payout. I would rather set myself a target and just make a few posts whenever I can only if I feel that I am not reaching the target the cashout for whatever amount I have got. If I plan to be a regular I would rather cashout at a good amount.

  18. Maybe by communicating with him directly we can really get the jist of what his plans are or how he strategises. I will still remain patient myself till the payments are cleared in here. I wonder if it is allowed to submit more than one payment requests at a time as this would be very much desirable for members and will ensure continued activity if admin is busy with other offlile activities.

  19. Not all the section are non-paying sections or even lower rate sections. My point was that if you still find the forum a good place to earn but are with the resposes that you find in a section that you mostly frequent, then why not try other sections within the same forum that are paying. This way, you still get to earn from the same forum and take a break from that section which has become boring to you.

  20. Its good to see that payments have been cleared. Unfortunately I will only be submitting my payment request tomorrow so for now I can only admire the proof of payments from other members. Hope mine will get verified soon and that when payments are cleared next I am included as well.( I can only wish)

  21. It appears that the forum is quite strict from where I am sitting. I dont mind rules because rules need to be there to maintain order but I believe newbies must be guided so that they aware of what is right and wrong. I will try again in the coming week and try to make it a habit to post here.

  22. I did experience delays the first time that I participated because my payment was not received on time and I only received the $0.10 for the 5 threads a day contest and still havent received the daily login one. I still post nonetheless in the hope that this may just be a delay issue but if it does become pertinent it may not be worth the anxiety for me. Will see how it goes over the next few days.

  23. Yeah you re right, thast why for those that dont know forex, they should equip thereself by going to site like babypips.com inorder to gain good knowlegde and start up their activity in here. Now am heading back to school tomorrow and posting here again might be when i have some liesure time.


    I think that I will have to end up taking your advice on learning more about forex in order to properly to contribute. It irritates me that this is a good earning opportunity but I am unable to participate in because of limited knowledge in forex. This seems like an appropriate step to take to achieve the goals of posting well here.

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