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Everything posted by sheikh

  1. Well the latest news is that the admin has launched the new hyip site named as fivepercentdaily.com.the plans are really good here but the suspicious thing is that it is 5 days old,they have already got 100$ deposit but no payout has been made yet in these days.
  2. it is quiet surprising for me after seen that the site has paid 6$ (in two payout requests) to its members but i am thinking that how it is possible that they have paid 6$ when the payout minimum is 4 if they have paid to request then there should be 8$ here.i have checked its payout proof page and found that both of the payment which have been made are less than 3$.i am not working on it because i have a doubt about its legitimacy.
  3. this site is totally fraud because it is sister site of big-bux.com and buxcrasher.com where all of the payments are already pending.i suggest all of you to not work on it.the payment proofs which have been posted by its member in the month of june and july are old because all of the them are lower than 1$.the payout is one now.
  4. i will only say that the big problem of the new ptc sites are only that they are providing any earnings to their members and also they have very high minimum payout.When people looks such high minimum payout on the upgraded page they feel that its not possible for them to earn here.so these admin must need to think about it.
  5. there is only one ad available this time and only 59 members have joined this time i think its admin should add some advertisement at least to members on his site.he should very low minimum payout.the main reason for not joining this is only that the minimum is 4$ and no earnings available.
  6. the is looking very interesting to me.only 2 cents minimum payout is a good figure chosen by its admin we can earn it in two days but i think we should for a week here because two cents payout is very low after cutting fee of liberty reserve we will get only 1 cent so that its better to work for at least 7days.
  7. the total maximum ads which we can click are only 5 and from these ads we are able to earn only 1 cent daily.the payout is definitely low but to reach this payout we must need to click for 50 days only because of the limit of the maximum ads.i think this condition should be changed.
  8. Membership Worth Standard 26 ads $0.0393 Premium 26 ads $0.0393 Elite 26 ads $0.0393 Ultimate 26 ads $0.0393 The earnings are same for these four memberships only the difference occur in it referral rates and all other details like payout minimum are same.i think the earnings are low as compare to its ads but i think it is easy for its members to get first two payouts here.
  9. the site requires very high minimum payout and it is not easy for us to reach however there is only one payment proof posted yet which is four days old.i am thinking that the payout minimum is 4 but the payout proof which is posted by member is 1.28.it clearly means that the member who cash out his money is the ultimate members.
  10. the details for the standard members are really good but they are providing free premium memberships to the newly joined members and in this memberships the minimum is definitely low but they requires investment for cash out money.without investment we cant do anything.so that i am interested in it.
  11. there is no sign of minimum payout only it is written that you can withdraw after reaching the minimum payout.in the upgraded page no details of rates and payout uploaded by the admin. i have clicked 2 ads of 30 seconds and i earn only 0.0015 per ad.i think we should stay from it because there is on sign which tells us that we have reach the minimum.
  12. @sh.shani i am totally agree with you the script really has the payment problems.what a coincidence this site is also facing this problem because i have clicked many times on the withdrawal payout link it loads then again came back to account page.i have tried many times but same result here.
  13. on 30-6-2012 admin posted the latest news about this site that finally he decides to change the click values in this site but now its third day still no changes have been made yet.the earnings are also same for all of members (1 cent).i am thinking why these ptc do not fulfill their promises.
  14. well the admin has launched the new contest in which he has mentioned that those members who will refer 3 people here he will get balance from 0.35$ - 1$ directly in their account balance i think its the better opportunity to earn 1$ in just one day if we get 9 referrals from somewhere.
  15. there are only 172 members in this site and i could not found any member online in it which shows that the members who have already joined this site have leaved this site.the main reason is that they are forcing members to invest money in this site and also there is nothing available to earn.
  16. well guy now the site is ready to be worked on it.the admin has successfully made the very good changes in his site.the minimum payout has been decreased to 2$ and the earning of the standard members are also 5 cents but they are supporting only paypal for the payments i suggest them to add more processors.
  17. i could not found any ad of 1 cent here even the provided earnings are less than 1 cent which will take about an year to reach.i think we can only get paid by them if we are a upgraded member or another way is only that we have more than 100 active referrals.otherwise almost impossible to reach payout.
  18. the site is really interesting and they are providing free premium upgrades to the first 20,000 members but i dont they will reach that limit.i like its referral which is quite high from those ptc site which have been launched now a days.the premium member's earnings are really high which will help members to reach it in a month without referral.
  19. the site is totally fake and scam because it is the sister site of victory bux which is already turns into scam.i suggest all of you dont waste time here in this site.you have to think the how this site will pay when its sister site is already scam and not paying.
  20. just look at the Admin's cleverness he is providing earnings to all of the members in dollar currency on the other hand he has set pounds currency for upgraded memberships.which means if anybody want to upgrade to he should pay in pounds.just look how clever he is.
  21. earning stats clearly showing that the admin is not interested in having standard members because the standard members are earnings only 10 percent of one cent however the upgraded members are earning up to 1$ daily it is clearly showing the admin's strategy that what he wants.
  22. the earnings are really better here if we compare it with another ptc site but if we look at the payout minimum you will feel that how hard for the members for reaching this payout and there is also the ads limit up to 10 i think this limit should be removed.
  23. the site really has a new and attractive script and the rates are really attractive also.but i agree with desi boy on one point that you have not posted the complete information about this site that what is the minimum payout and which payment processors it is supporting.
  24. the rates are average and the minimum payout is too low but i think this payout will take much time to reach because i found 2 cents earnings here for the standard members which means we have to click for 10 days in order to withdraw money.so i will not join it.
  25. the earnings and the minimum payout is really fine but there are too many ads available for click which will take too much time for clicking them.i think the number of ads should be decreased because not so many members will like to click here after seen the no. of ads.
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