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Everything posted by luke1

  1. This is not a good offer to make 150% RoI after 28 hours investment here. Well, this will be a dream never comes true in this life here. So, better for us here not to invest on the cheap HYIP like this one here, because the risk on this HYIP is very high and hard to get paid here
  2. It is not too bad offer to get 3% daily RoI here. Because it is still reasonable here. Then we can see the script used by this HYIP is still nice. So, hopefully this simple HYIP still can pay us good here, and can be the next star in the HYIP business
  3. What we can see from this HYIP here, the RoI offered by this HYIP is all the way very high and not reasonable at all here. We know, to make 3400% RoI after 30 days investment is not good at all here. And better not to invest on the HYIP like this, because it will not sustain too long
  4. What we can see from the domain name here, .ru means for Russian website. Well, we know, many Russian HYIP website is actually not too good. Also, here, we can see the RoI offered is high with based on the hourly paying plan. This is no a good HYIP
  5. There is almost no way to eliminate the risk on Forex trading 100%. We can only try to minimize the risk on Forex trading. But, risk is always a package on Forex trading, risk and profit. If we do not earn the profit, then we will get what the risk is
  6. Yes, the Forex market is closed on the weekend. But, actually the running price is not stopped on the weekend. I still do not know where to find the running price during the closing date on the market. The running price on the closing date on the market will create what we call it gap.
  7. The simple thing to see here, when we trade on Forex, we can trade the amount of money we can afford to lose. In this way here, if we lose the money, it is not a big problem for us actually. Well, forex has a big risk, but forex is offering good profit as well here if we can manage it
  8. The proof we can see on who is doing Forex as the full time job is if we go to the future companies. There are so many full time forex trader. They make money only from Forex trader. Either trading using his own money or like trading using the investors' money. But they are focus on forex trading
  9. The daily RoI offered by this HYIP is all the way very high. To make 10% daily RoI everyday actually too high. Only in 10 days we reach the BEP already, and then we can make our money double on the next 10 days again. Well, it is too risky
  10. If we are old enough on the HYIP business, the monitors rarely spend their own money to invest on the HYIP. But, the secret here, the HYIP Admin is paying or giving them a free account on its Investment Plan here. Then the HYIP monitors will monitor how good the payment runs
  11. What we can see from this HYIP here, it is impossible to make 300% RoI after 2 hours investment plan here. Simply we can see the RoI offered by this HYIP is all the way too high and not reasonable. Usually, this kind of HYIP can not sustain too long in the market and will collapse faster
  12. What we can see here, this one here is just another cheap HYIP. 265% RoI after 5 days investment plan is all the way too high, and not reasonable plan here. It is not a good place to make investment here. Better to skip it and not to be too greedy with the offer like this one here
  13. I am just wondering which one is correct about this thread, about the Big FX or Bucks Dollar. Because when I try to click the link available on this thread, it is connected to the Bucks Dollar website, not Big FX. I do not know if the HYIP Admin changed everything here to be new, or not
  14. If the RoI offered by this HYIP is true, 600% after one hour investment, everyone will be very rich here. Even can be a billionaire from this HYIP. But, back again, we have to realize and using our common sense, the RoI like that is just a dream never coming true, like a scam offer
  15. This is why, the real thing on Forex business is trading. We call it with Forex Trading. On Trading there is profit and loss. It is not an investment. So, we never call Forex as Forex Investment here. The meaning between Trading and Investment is totally not the same thing
  16. 108% RoI after one day investment here is very high actually. Also, this HYIP has so many Investment Plans with hourly paying plan. And we know here by the experience, hourly paying HYIP usually can not sustain too long in the market. It will be hard for the investors to make profit
  17. We can make calculation here, 2.5% hourly RoI is all the way too high and too fast actually here. It is not easy and almost impossible for any business can make sure to get profit 2.5% on every hour. Even without a break or a rest in one day.
  18. This HYIP here is not too bad. First we can see, the Admin wants to spend money for the Advertisement on some forums. Then, the RoI offered by this HYIP is also nice and pretty. Although we can see here, it is not high, but better than too high
  19. The easy thing we can make decision here, there is no business in this world can make 450% RoI only after 20 days investment here. This is all the way very high offer and not reasonable at all here. It is better for us as the investors not to make investment on the HYIP like this one
  20. It is just a simple thing for us as the HYIP investor to make decision about this HYIP here. We can simply make calculation from the RoI offered by this HYIP here. 1500% RoI after 5 days investment here, is actually not good and all the way too high. Better not to make investment on this HYIP
  21. What we can see from this HYIP, this one is just another cheap HYIP. Because the RoI offered by this HYIP is all the way too high. It is impossible to make our money double only in one day investmen. In this way, this kind of HYIP can not sustain too long in the market, and better to be safe.
  22. We can not see and depend on the payment proof made by the HYIP monitor actually. Because it is different. HYIP monitor is not the real HYIP investor. Also, if this HYIP is paying on its very first day, then it is not a problem. But, we do not know for sure, how long this HYIP can sustain
  23. 10% to 15% daily profit is too high and actually not reasonable offer here. Because, in one month, it is like making money three times bigger than what we invest here. So, it is better not to invest on the HYIP like this one, because usually it can not sustain too long in the market
  24. Well, if we are old enough on the HYIP business here, we will not wait for the HYIP monitors for the HYIP like this one. Because the main thing to see, is the RoI offered by this HYIP here. We can simply see here, the RoI offered is not reasonable. Usually, if the Monitors status is paying forever, it is using cheap monitor
  25. Well, before making investment on any HYIP, we have to think and to realize if the HYIP offers reasonable RoI or not. Because like this one here, 2000% RoI after one month or 30 days, we can simple decide, the RoI is all the way too high to be true
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