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Posts posted by budado

  1. You can still get bonus if you invest. But I doubt that if you invest you will earn in here. For me the reason why a hyip changes simply because it can benefit them not the investors. So its means you invest and you get the bonus. In short what you invest in this site is where this site get the bonus to give to you.

  2. I'm not the admin of oil-cash.com


    Hello, dear users. Our investment company oil-cash.com offers you a unique view of earnings. You will not need to do anything, just invest in our own money and make profits. We give you 100% assurance in daily profit. You can dramatically change your life, just joined with us. Just make deposit into your account and watch the growth of profits. A month later, you realize that work is no longer needed.


    Why are we doing this? I will answer you. In order to gain invaluable experience in trading the currency market and earn a little money. Most of the profits, we certainly give our customers. Our agents are investigating the market for many years. During this time, we learned how to produce a constant daily profit. Everything depends on the investment. The more investment the higher the earnings. You can choose any plan that suits you. Our support team will answer all your questions. Our company cares about its customers and provides them with daily earnings, with payments at any time. This kind of earnings is very beneficial both for you and for us. So why do not we help each other? Earn with oil-cash.com

    Investment plans:


    126% After 1 Day

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $200 105.00

    Plan 2 $201 - $500 105.50

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 106.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $2,500 106.50

    Plan 5 $2,500 - $5,000 108.00

    Plan 6 $5,001 and more 126.00


    197% After 3 Days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $200 115.50

    Plan 2 $201 - $500 117.00

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 118.50

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $2,500 120.00

    Plan 5 $2,501 - $5,000 125.00

    Plan 6 $5,001 and more 197.00


    401% After 7 Days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $200 137.00

    Plan 2 $201 - $500 140.50

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 144.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $2,500 147.50

    Plan 5 $2,501 - $5,000 160.00

    Plan 6 $5,001 and more 401.00


    700% After 15 Days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $200 180.00

    Plan 2 $201 - $500 187.50

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 195.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $2,500 210.00

    Plan 5 $2,501 - $5,000 300.00

    Plan 6 $5,001 and more 700.00


    2700% After 30 Days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $500 250.00

    Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 750.00

    Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 1200.00

    Plan 4 $5,001 and more 2700.00



    * Accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money

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  3. I do believe in hit and run. But I'm not a fool to invest first before seeing others proof of payments. I feel its better to invest in here if you see proof of payments. That what I'm waiting until now. But I will not wait for ever. I will try until this site turn to scam or after this site reach two months. Even if this site is paying. I will not invest is if this site reach two months.

  4. I just notice that LR has bug problem is pass two months already. They say they are upgrading but its seem they are more better of when they don't upgrade. Lets just hope this kind of problem wont affect investors confidence to lionfunds site. I'm sure they will understand that its LR fault.

  5. I think so,


    actually your site has too low RoI ......... and the site has ssl error ........ I don't trust any ssl site ........ each and every ssl site has DDos Attack ..........


    But although admin must try to solve this error .......... but due to some untrusted feature ............... I think site must turn into SCAM very soon ........


    any quarry ...... tell me ........ I must try solve .........

    What you need to solve first is your posting. Read rules of DMT first. your using excess ".......". Second what make you think that all or lets say "each and every" ssl site has DDos attack? If that is the case then its useless to put ssl security features in your site. If you want to help do research first before making comments.

  6. I ever joined to this forum before but the forum has been closed for long time ago. That will be nice if the forum could reopen again.

    I hope their rate is 5 cents per post like before, that is great amount of rate. Even the forum gave 3 cents per post, if the site is really

    paying us, that will be great. But I will wait members who have been paid first.

    This site is running for a long time and I'm still posting in here. What make you think that this site has been closed for a long time? You don't even bother to visit the site. But its easy to you to make false comments.

  7. I think if they decrease the waiting time of cashout to five days rather than three weeks then I think the activity in here will pick up. The reason why so many members don't return to post because of too long wait to cashout in here. But I'm surprise that this site still can afford to buy another ptp forum.

  8. Every week I can cashout in here if I want to. Simply because the minimum to cashout is so low. But problem is that my post in here is also low. I have no strategy and I only open and post about ten post a week in here. So its really hard to reach minimum cashout even though the minimum to cashout is also low.

  9. I can't stop but think if this site is stable or not. I'm posting in here which a week that why its took me lots of time to reach minimum in here. In first lotoftalks. I almost reach minimum cashout when its turn to non paying. That what I'm afraid will happen to me when I reach my minimum cashout.

  10. I love this site. Although the rate is low. Its still perfect for me. I can post in here daily and earn in here daily without thinking that I will be ban because of spamming. Sometimes if you really enjoy waht you do you post a lot and its really painful if your reward is ban simply because of called spamming.

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