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Everything posted by antthenait

  1. Lot of talks is one of the best well knows society like pot system. And this site (Play to Win Game) is a sub-section of them.So this is very trusty and on time payout site. I think we can join with the site from their reputations, but play is a little bit luck game here.
  2. Congrats everyone who have been paid already from them.This is another coin toss game, where we can get 210% return of our deposit amount. But unfortunately there is only a change to play this game, so there will be a little risky than one by one play system. But it's all right because game is game especially like this type of one shot game.
  3. Oh no! this is a real gambling site with best plans and Instant paying feature. Who Can play best card games; should join here immediately and win it surely. I followed that a friend has already been paid from them. So anyone can try with this.Finally hare also has a change of testing our luck of play such point-to-denote games.
  4. This is a real bet system with auto pay mode. We can trust our luck and join with them.They really pay us as we might get out point of target.We are ready to use this service with our best ideas about such playing games.I hope will must earn a daily base profit like bot.
  5. I think this is a real best Instant paying game. I've spent more than 15 times where I won and withdrawn more than 24 times. Later I'll upload my proof screen shots. I would like their coin game than wheel.
  6. I think this site had gone or stay on maintenance or bandwidth expired.Because their forum bug is still active admin need to fix it urgently. If the site closed then we might lost a big traffic auto-pay system. [Proof]
  7. I really appreciate their promo plans with auto return policy with better credit system.The bonus credit is awesome. But the problem is where is the join link. I want to Join. Please support us.
  8. Their traffic control capacity level is very impressive.where we can find direct communicator like Facebook with 5K+ active members, we must try to Invest as we can control daily basis plans. Another perfect matter is they should be from France but they have permanent solution for rest of the world.We should try their refs level system for better chain.
  9. This is the full-proof site with great security protect.They might used crystal script system with tri-band payment protector. On very front view they are still looking attractive as well as they really based on dynamic set of customize D-base; so we can enjoy dynamic data recovery service and we may use to increase out RoI plans.Overall they may stay for a suitable layout. (+1) from me.
  10. @chasmi I think $10 is not too high, high mean such sites which have started with $50/$100. I support your idea that if the authority will make a plan of $5 base for the monitor system, then we should get a little bit profit and another thing Admin must need to change the ref.commission level it should be on standard like 5%. I must choose the first base plan for any short term Investment.
  11. @chasmi please think about your statement because your statement didn't followed with the original view.The site has proper server show view with legit Certificate.The most pointed matter is they have too many members, although the ratio is not good enough but still increasing.The Idle matter is that they should give us profit only and after maturity we must return our deposit figure. So here is the best for gain more fund.
  12. @chasmi I think this site doesn't give us too high RoI that you told us doubtful. Actually daily based plan is wrote 115% but for base it'll be only 105% as they doesn't return out fixed amount so the profit will be only 5% daily. up-to 3rd plan the RoIs are really stable (as too many sites can give 10-15% Daily) but Only last two plans are really doubtful.If they'll pay on-time then OK.
  13. I don't know what did you want to tell us that the site might not pay big amount.I think your idea is not sure, if you thought that you was not confirm then you had to mention such statement. Or the most important thing is that before complain any, you must need to set a strong proof against them.Thanks.
  14. @budado what did you tell about this scam term. Are you sure that the site have lost over 40% traffic because of late pay or stop pay. Please give a strong supported proof against them.Like any news letter or any screenshot or any other hold on payment proof. Please make a perfect statement on your speech. I'm sure but actually I can see it's a down site. Have any idea of this site.
  15. @anne what is your big amount that you've spent with them. If you already been paid many times then you may hold any amount, but I think on very first or second attempt never take any risk even any site can give high or over-standard RoI.I'll wish that you must get back your fund with positive result.
  16. We must get a success story from you, wish that you must take a good decision of your 3rd round.Because we knew that top to bottom steps are normal way for any HYIP. I think my associates must start again with $5 tonight.Thanks for your support.We must gain a few from them.
  17. Thanks @anne for your support.I thought that it was a payout but unfortunately I've mistaken it.If you'll get any good return then I must turn my look on Payout-proof and you should get a best return from them. If they'll start auto-return plan then we shall grateful to them. Update
  18. Thanks god this is open for me now. On my last post I've made a comment on such types of down-site to make clear of our friends. Now I want to tell you such quality about this site, they must provide our membership level by which we'll get extra bonus.Another pointed topic is their daily base system. If the site will pay us on-time then everything will be all right and we must gain better profit but unfortunately they have set a long term Investment plans for us like 180 days.That is really long for us.
  19. Boss I knew you're the best in this business also Mod here :- but unfortunately I found some mistake like broke rule (No Ref link found) [Proof] Now make a comment on this program. According to my opinion this program wont look like proper HYIP, also can drive a chain bonus system like doubler or (%) return system.
  20. Their strategy of future plan is very flexible as they use fix base for each stage. Here also we find some feature like return-bonus system, by which we can get auto-return by the authority. So after each pulse we may get our bonus directly into our pay account never try to ask.
  21. Really great news from the Admin that the site has connected with world best community (Facebook & Twitter). So we can now join with the team easily. But still they have some critical bugs with designing errors, they have to replace it and urgently need to show the total records with proof or forums.
  22. I really like this program; because they have perfect design with crystal dynamic features including daily status, total record, exchange feature, and the most important Instant payout. We can get get regular profit from them with 5% standard ref.back. I'll request you to join with first plan basic.
  23. This is the site where we found perfect DDoS protected with dedicated server. From them we must get Instant payout.The most idle idea of them is that we can Invest same figure for each of the plans.Only $1. I think we must get 10% more per/day. That's all we must try our luck.
  24. I think this site is hold by macro-trade authority, as we get 100% return of our base plan so we must try our luck.I think daily plan is more profitable than long term. Note:- they have provided all Proof section with exclusive 20% Ref.Back system. Only 30 days plan (RoI) is really imaginary for us.(+1) from me.
  25. I think this is a down site or temporarily down for us [Proof]
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