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Everything posted by antthenait

  1. This is a perfect Instant paying site , I've followed their payout proof, although we may see some fake proof on such scam site but I must depend their truth, that they must game us perfect genuine report. Followed to their total report we can predict their total fund status and by which we should decide that what is our next strategy on the base plan. We have to calculate the total return ratio then need to Invest. But I also like their hourly plan. Thanks (+2).
  2. @mixpepper22 I support your idea, as you've warned us to not join this scam site. But I think your planning was not perfect. First of all you had to follow some regular step to take down this thred. 1>Report to Admin/mod. Next 2>You Could edit this post. 3> Make a post on scam section. I think you may get some info from this. Thanks for the help.
  3. @checkpaying.net although I don't like to tell repeated speech but I've to do the same for control such activity. I want to tell you that your idea is perfect but please post your next proof in proper section, although your helping proof must help us but we've to follow the board rule. Thanks.
  4. This is the site hosted by cloudflare hosting system, which is one of the best host and secured by comodo security system. I like their crystal design with flash button interface. Mainly their site is well developed for attract any client. But unfortunately their name(Title) was not matched with their actual plan; because this is not any credit system that we can call them loan. This is 100% Spending procedure for us.
  5. @nehmer this is the real genuine look pro level marketing policy. Because Admin told us about their critical situation and give us importance by which already sent info message for our patience. I must like this types of attitude that tell some low is better than ignore any.
  6. This site might gave such beneficial bonus like $100, But their plans which is 1% daily , is the best policy amount all the plans of them. But unfortunately they must set $1000+ base amount for set this plan. I think this is really too high for any normal Investors.
  7. @Rainbow65 I saw here that you've posted too many withdrawal proofs that mean payout proofs. I really appreciate you for stay this site and trust them as usual. Although by followed your proof anyone can make a good decision for join this site. But unfortunately this is not a proper section for post payout proof, please go to proof section and make post your proof. Thanks for the support.
  8. Although here we see that some promo plans stay in fixed 100+ return, but we've to calculate the excess (%) of 100 that are our real profit. AS we see in the first title that we can get 125% return after 1 day, but actually it will be only 5% Return like normal RoI, so this is the good settlement for stay long of any good Investment programs. I think 7 Days promo plan will be the most popular to all Senior Investors, where daily plan is suitable to all base Invest.
  9. I think this is a very good site for us as here we can see the presence of the Admin, because admin might Deposit & Withdraw our fund by ownself, so here is the real presence of the Admin in the site. Another thing is that we can get 5-30 % return RoI, and payout will be on time. The Best Plan is their up-to 30% Ref.commiseration level. Only need to add some HYIP proof forums. (+1) from me.
  10. This site is real best for us, because no deposit require here, so we should try, and there will be a change of win. The best idea is here we loose nothing only spend a little time. Overall this is really best.
  11. This is a perfect set of royal casino like 3 set 1 bet. Anyone can join this casino site who has best poker idea with huge jumping fund, because here needs a lots of cracking fund although they have decided to give us little bonus but the total amounts have more difference than the base amount. The forest based casino system is this, so 3-2-1 will be casual code for pass-board.
  12. Who have been paid are really lucky. Because the payout ratios over the winning level are too tiny than the normal section, i.e. you should take one flip on one done(Bet) but here you've to take 3 on base amount for the start bet. If you'll be lucky or will take a calculated risk then you've to take 3 times target for your bonus level. Finally Return % is very standard.
  13. Here we found 3 layer target systems , so we should try to test our luck minimum 3 times. We've to match it 2 times so one loss never make any damage. Only $0.01 can change our plan where the minimum payout amount is $0.05 with Instant system. We Can Use multi Payment processors for our fund transactions. But here found two junk post(Reply) proofs are followed below.
  14. This is a real funny game like head tail twist. 250% is real best plan for any flip site. Only one matter ref. commission is not suitable for us, it need to be set as 15%. Out set of mind with this promo site must be one 2 one target. Because their total side ratings are around 50%. So this is not real bot; here must be a change of 50/50 character. We should start with base amount and later must increase it with 2x times. Thanks.
  15. This is a old & trusted online casino. Here we can found multi payment processors not only LR. If we can create an idea of our target setting capability then we should win this game. Just keep in mind that here we set our location and shout our mission goal. I think we must win the game If we understood the policy & setting of this board set. Else it's very tough. OK let's test our luck. Thanks .
  16. I think this is a down site or hacked site or in maintenance or server has loosed it's bandwidth and finally site has gone forever. [Proof] If I'm wrong then please give a support but never blame me because I've shared my current status only. Thanks.
  17. This site has best funny plans with proper design, where this is same like Coin flip but shown as knife/pistol. Their site name is really validated named Gangster. Only one problem payout ratio is too low only 98% where the risk level is the same like others.
  18. Although this site is real looking flip game.But their selection section was not set properly (Order missed). Admin need to set it either upper layer or reverse layer. Congrats mate for your repeated winning share. But the ratio is not suitable for us.
  19. I think this site has auto bot system with 1000% more bonus. We can use at least $0.10 for our first play system. But the entire records tells us that the Tail(s) ratio is much better than the Head(s). We shout try 75% Head and 25% Tail for our toss. But need to remember that winning chance is only 15%.
  20. I think this is a duplicate topic Proof http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/index.php/topic/315-1gold-game-1gold-gamecom/ Please don't treat as spam. It's just a notice.
  21. @Nikhil I think this site might has best casino plans with best return ideas, But unfortunately you didn't set the join link and you should change the title name name because It's look like same of other lucky2bet. Another congrats for for one by one payouts. Expect if we'll get the link then we can make a little bit money from them.
  22. @standart I think your idea is perfect because the calculation depends on the previous results as per total nos of Head(s) or Tail(s); because I think they might set their bot in such mathematical calculation. If you'll able to find out the exact steps then your change will be very high. But it's very difficult because after some times the combination must change automatically. So Little tough decision. Only their best plan is they have little bit contest for us. So someone can take this.
  23. Though this site has only one flip recommendation so we've to think about such combination like 2+2 or 5+7 or or such nos followed to the Previous results. If you'll able to calculate the perfect one then there will be a change of 80% win, else 50/50 chance or like 100% loose. But keep trying your luck with them. Because anytime can make for you. Only 1 request; authority need to down the base amount.
  24. This is one of the big returning flip coin program. But I just share my opinion and I would like to say here that the site might use share-domain with tiny script. But I think that they need to upgrade their script and give their server status.By which such lot person may join with more fund.And congrats mate for your best plan.
  25. We knew that this types of flip coin game has two on one change for any body, But Unfortunately their records tells us that they might control the script reverse system.So When we check any bottom basically the results will be the other, also they might coded such 5% Return system for their program. The user who has already been paid from them is the luckiest person.
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