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Everything posted by Alexuijin

  1. Distributed supercomputer That Fits Your Needs. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | TWITTER | DISCORD | YOUTUBE | WEBSITE | TWITTER | DISCORD | YOUTUBE | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. width=450https://tradingandinvestmentnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/TIN_logo.jpg[/img] Trading and Investment News __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | AboutTrading and Investment News: Welcome to our Trading and Investment News platform, your go-to source for comprehensive and up-to-date news and analysis on the world of finance. Our platform provides you with real-time updates, expert insights, and market data on a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and derivatives. Our platform is designed to help traders, investors, and financial professionals stay informed and make informed decisions about their investment strategies. We curate news articles and analysis from trusted sources, including financial news outlets, trading platforms, and investment research firms, and provide them to you in an easy-to-read format. In addition to providing news and analysis, our platform offers a range of tools and resources to help you improve your trading and investing skills. Our educational articles, trading simulators, and expert advisors can help you stay ahead of the curve and make the most of your investment opportunities. At our Trading and Investment News platform, we understand that the world of finance moves quickly, and timing is crucial. That's why we provide real-time updates and market data to help you make informed decisions when they matter most. Our platform is accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world, so you can stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends no matter where you are. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, our Trading and Investment News platform is here to provide you with the news, analysis, and insights you need to succeed in the fast-paced world of finance. So why wait? Sign up today and start making informed investment decisions with confidence. Trading and Investment News. Learn More. WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. width=170https://i.imgur.com/xDc6cLC.png[/img] EndBlock: A Peer-to-Peer Reverse Pool System. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT IS ENDBLOCK ? Gambling Finance (Gambfi). EndBlock is a decentralized protocol that utilizes a peer-to-peer network and a Reverse Block System to revolutionize the decentralized gambling and Defi industry. Users can reset a block counter on the blockchain, where capital invested goes to a pool. If the pool block counter reaches zero, the last person to reset it wins the entire jackpot. If no one has won the jackpot, when the lotto block counter reaches zero, the jackpot is distributed through a lottery and through the $Endergy Pool. Each “Reset Blocks" also mints $END token to the user, which can be used to burn it to earn BNB or any other crypto used by the protocol. The $END token also is used to reset blocks in MegaPools and gets burned too, drastically reducing its supply and increasing the benefits of the $EndergyPool. EndBlock operates entirely on smart contracts ensuring 100% transparency and automation, as it should be, guaranteeing a new level of trust in the new gambling finance industry through its decentralized structure, and providing a tamper-proof record of all transactions and winners. EndBlock can work in any blockchain and be used to burn any blockchain cryptocurrency. EndBlock it's not only a Game. It's a Freedom tool. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM |
  4. MANNACOIN Latest Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | ABOUT MANNACOIN Latest Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. A web of various interoperating ecosystems to create an ever-increasingly immersive Play To Earn crypto gaming experience __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | ABOUT METABLAZE : MetaBlaze is a visionary, rewards-generating gaming platform designing an immersive and socially dynamic play to earn crypto metaverse through compelling worldbuilding and rich narratives. The first ever revolving-rewards-pool: Play to Earn Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, Solana, more. All MetaBlaze products, be it the games, the NFT characters, the artwork, and/or the experiences, follow a narrative of most epic proportions – the storytelling of the peoples of Galaxia Blue – a distant and mysterious place marked with heroism, villainy, adventure, technology, war, love, humor, violence, kindness, and most importantly, Hope (SPES). When you hold a MetaBlaze Digital Asset – you are not only holding whatever current function is assigned to the Asset – you are also holding whatever future functions may be assigned to the Asset. *Doxed Team & Certik KYC | Certik Audit WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Tectum is the world’s fastest blockchain – a lightning-fast distributed ledger powering the superconductive digital financial environment of the future. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | TECTUM - THE FASTEST BLOCKCHAIN Tectum™ is a distributed ledger protocol platform that employs what’s known as a proprietary record change signature management algorithm. The Tectum Blockchain has the ability to exceed 1 million transactions per second and can provide instant event status delivery and ownership updates across its blockchain network along with differing distributed levels of access to functional system modules. The Tectum blockchain employs a proprietary Proof-of-Utility Consensus and a super-fast Network Protocol, the description of which can be found in our ‘Tectum White Paper’. Its Proof-of-Utility protocol optimizes data distribution, and its Network Protocol enables nodes to distribute and validate over 1 million digital events per second. These functions make Tectum the perfect solution as an “Overlay Network” for numerous blockchain-based payment systems, for example, Bitcoin. When applied, Tectum boosts the circulation of native cryptocurrencies by eliminating transaction fees using what we refer to as the ‘Transactionless Payment System’ – the SoftNote. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Create, Sell and Discover Exclusive Digital Items __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | About HOvR NFT Marketplace. HovR is the world’s first in-game NFT exchange for cross-game items. HovR leverages the state-of-the-art Qi blockchain to deliver a secondary marketplace positioned perfectly for the new phase of P2E gaming. Through various groundbreaking features, HovR seeks to put gamers back in the driver's seat. HovR HovR is built on Qi—one of the most advanced blockchains in the world. Leveraging this network, HovR guarantees remarkably lower fees and an NFT marketplace ideal for real-time use cases. HovR focuses primarily on substantial NFT offerings such as in-game trading collectibles, purchase of web 3.0 domain, safekeeping of wills, ticket touting, social media avatars, and other NFTs with real value. As the possibilities of NFTs in various industries are explored in the form of sports contracts, carbon credits, verifying college degrees, digital passports, medical records, etc., HovR aims to be at the forefront of this revolution, enabling users to exchange one token for another seamlessly. WEBSITE | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  8. Qi Blockchain is positioned for Web 3.0, Metaverse, low transaction NFT`s, Defi and everything the future holds. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | Why QI? Qi is a decentralised POW (Proof of work) blockchain with an application native currency which is leveraging functionality of creating fungible and non-fungible assets using Remote Procedure call (RPC) methods. Qi is able to handle 300 times more transactions per second than Bitcoin and 10 times more than SWIFT. Qi enables the deployment of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) to be built and run without any downtime, fraud, control, or interference from a third party. Decentralized applications—also known as "dApps" or "dapps"—are digital applications that run on a blockchain network of computers instead of relying on a single computer. Benefits of dApps include the safeguarding of user privacy, the lack of censorship, and the flexibility of development. The use of blockchain enables a dApp to process data through distributed networks and to execute transactions. Qi can be used for a wide variety of innovative applications in finance, web browsing, gaming, advertising, de-fi, identity management, web 3.0, metaverse and supply chain management all over the world. QI BLOCKCHAIN!! In the domain of financial technology, the term "blockchain" has become someth buzzword as financial organisations seek to discover practical methods to use and leverage the technology for financial gain. Because it is the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies, the majority of people link blockchain with cryptocurrencies and assume that its application is limited to the financial sector. However, the potential uses of blockchain technology stretch far beyond the realm of banking and cryptocurrency, and it threatens to take the world by storm in ways that we could never have predicted. But there are a lot of block chains in the decentralised world and it's hard to find one that gives you all the services in one block chain and also has some ability to improve its infrastructure to dominate itself among other block chains. Let me introduce you to the Ql, one of the best block chains, which is best for all types of block chain functions and also a very user-friendly platform. Qi is pronounced "chie" and trading symbolis, QIE. Qi Blockchain is positioned for Web 3.0, Metaverse, low transaction NFT S, Defi and everything the future holds. QI is an open-source platform for launching, decentralised applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, "highly scalable ecosystem. Avalanche is the first decentralised smart contracts platform built for the scale of global finance, with near-instant transaction finality. Ethereum developers can quickly build on QI blockchain as Solidity works out-of-the-box. Qlis a fast, scalable, and secure layer-1 platform built on POW consensus protocol. Qi utilises Hyperiedger Besu as it's base architecture. Hyperledger Besu is an open-source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. QI is an open-source platform for launching decentralised applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Avalanche is the first decer tralised smart contracts platform built for the scale of global finance, with near-instant transaction finality. Ethereum developers can quickly build on OI, blockchain as Solidity works out-of-the-box. 'Ql is a fast, scalable, and secure layer-1 platform built on POW consensus protocol. Qi utilises Hyperledger Besu as it's base architecture. Hyperledger Besu is an open-source Ethereurn client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. LEARN MORE WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  9. Build your own, custom NFT marketplaces and web3 apps. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ width=67https://i.imgur.com/hC9LoQb.png[/img] WEBSITE | TWITTER | LINKEDIN | YOUTUBE | DISCORD | ABOUT FEVERTOKENS: Build your own, custom NFT marketplaces and web3 apps. Seamlessly. width=67https://i.imgur.com/hC9LoQb.png[/img] WEBSITE | TWITTER | LINKEDIN | YOUTUBE | DISCORD | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  10. Delivered on time happy with the work. Highly recommend to anyone!
  11. []https://i.imgur.com/uovRKV6.png[/img] a blockchain real estate development AND INVESTMENT PROJECT __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM | ABOUT THREAD MONEY : THREAD.MONEY is a developing DAO blockchain community created to streamline the design and construction of state-of-the-art homes and sustainable smart neighborhoods. THREAD'S NFT will offer token buyers pre-membership access to a private community metaverse space where they will collaborate to design a smart neighborhood. THREAD DAO will acquire property for the first development and issue a private SEC registered STO (Security Token Offering) for the community of developers, supporters and investors. 1. Mission To become the world’s most valuable DAO by designing and manufacturing state of the art homes in blockchain smart neighborhoods. ‍Along with partners in real estate development, ag-tech, renewable energy and DeFi, we will build a state-of-the-art neighborhood to showcase what is possible as a blockchain earth3.0 community. THREAD is the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) designing and building sustainable green-tech homes and NFT Bit-Smart Neighborhoods. Our goal is to design affordable net-zero homes and neighborhoods in our own metaverse collaboration app - a private metaverse dedicated to a global community of innovators. After the engineering design stage in our metaverse, the real estate development team will construct our first pilot neighborhood. thread is bringing a whole new world of daily-life-utility invisibly into a living showcase of what is a more efficient, healthy, sustainable, better place to live and work. ‍ 2. Vision THREAD’s entire purpose is to revolutionize the business of living. Our blockchain smart neighborhood is intended to be the world’s greatest example of smart, healthy sustainable living. An intelligent community of bit-smart we-fi neighbors that care about how we live better today, while creating a better future for tomorrow. Our community is helping improve the real world by exploring and developing a circular-economy focused on affordable, high-tech homes, in healthy, green, sustainable neighborhoods. 3. Introduction THREAD has launched a community token on Binance Smart Chain to raise early seed money from token transaction fees. The next stage is to develop and mint NFT’s that offer buyers access to a metaverse space where we will collaborate to design our pilot neighborhood model. We plan on utilizing the Tokenomics model and initial NFT sales to fund a land purchase treasury in a TBD location. After we acquire the property for our first development, we will create a path to private SEC registered STO (Security Token Offering) for the NFT holders. STO owners will benefit from a real asset-backed stable token that yields a fixed income backed by income production assets acquired, developed and managed by the THREAD community. Everything in THREAD will benefit from circular TOKEnomics models. The THREAD.MONEY TOKEN, NFT and STO will be linked and add value to each other. A portion of NFT and STO volume will execute ongoing buybacks throughout the system. While the TOKEN’S primary purpose is operational and marketing, a portion of asset purchase power will undoubtedly aid in marketing NFT and managing STO stability. As we acquire and build more income producing neighborhoods our value and offerings will only continue to grow. ‍ 4. Profit From Purpose THREAD opens doors for business opportunists to innovate the housing space. We don’t have to blast off to mars to fix civilization. If we design and build a reasonable model of healthy optimized house and home, consumer demand will follow - just like with electric cars. With big opportunities in the challenges like removing toxins from living spaces, crafting affordable deluxe passive homes, and removing inefficiencies in the housing construction industry, THREAD has an even bigger potential future value than EV manufacturing. THREAD is driven by the physical world. Each transaction contributes to auto-liquidity pools used to develop state-of-the-art, income yielding sustainable neighborhoods. As THREAD volume grows, so does the asset portfolio of real world sustainable value. Beyond returns for investors, THREAD will improve communities by providing decentralized employment, housing, and educational opportunities. Developed by a creative team of professionals, THREAD, will build a stable value-backed ecosystem in the Real World; A TRUE Blockchain Neighborhood. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  12. UTOPIA IS YOUR ALL-IN-ONE KIT FOR SECURE INSTANT MESSAGING, ENCRYPTED E-MAIL COMMUNICATION, ANONYMOUS PAYMENTS AND PRIVATE WEB BROWSING. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | WHAT IS UTOPIA ? UTOPIA IS YOUR ALL-IN-ONE KIT FOR SECURE INSTANT MESSAGING, ENCRYPTED E-MAIL COMMUNICATION, ANONYMOUS PAYMENTS AND PRIVATE WEB BROWSING.. width=650https://i.imgur.com/P6QJwoZ.png[/img] Utopia offers among the most advanced blockchain in the space and provides a combination of features unique for the cryptocurrency market: [li]Anonymous transactions by default[/li] [li]Instant transactions (less than 3 seconds to confirm)[/li] [li]Transactions approximately 30 times cheaper than Ethereum[/li] [li]Absence of network congestion by design through P2P infrastructure[/li] [li]No KYC or transaction limits inside the ecosystem[/li] [li]Crypto cards enable payments and invoicing dissociated from public keys[/li] [li]Voucher code generation and redemption enable offline and paper money transfers[/li] [li]Desktop GUI and console software, built-in API and tools for merchants[/li] In addition to crypto payments, other Utopia ecosystem components include a decentralized form of DNS (domain registry), multiplayer games, Tor alternative secure network and Idyll browser created to surf deep sites hosted inside the Utopia ecosystem. Utopia’s blockchain is based on Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Resources algorithms. Full nodes are located around the globe and participate in packet routing and validation receiving a reward every 15 minutes (block generation time) by providing internet connectivity, RAM and CPU resources. Each ecosystem user’s privacy is protected by utilizing a dynamic multi-link routing engine with MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack protection. Curve25519, XSalsa20 and Poly1305 algorithms are used to encrypt, sign and authenticate packets, objects and connections between peers. Utopia’s desktop application is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux in 29 languages. Utopia takes the security of its ecosystem very seriously and has offered a bug bounty program since its launch in 2019. The ecosystem has been developed by a group of networking technology enthusiasts over the last 8 years. To eliminate any impact on the project, developers of Utopia will forever remain anonymous. Download Utopia Official Utopia Website Crypton Exchange WEBSITE | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  13. MEOWING TIME IS OVER, ITS TIME TO ROAR. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is Roar Token? Roar is a staking and a launchpad specializing in meme tokens platform in development. Built on Binance Smart Chain, technology dedicated to decentralized transactions at high speed and low cost, the Roar platform proposes to the market to be a pioneer in what it will present. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM |
  14. The cryptocoin with a real foundation __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | Presentation Zeniq The cryptocoin with a real foundation. The merging of the crypto and real financial world has begun. We provide you with infrastructure, real products and services around the ZENIQ Coin from the very beginning. Instead of just a vision, lived REALITY. WEBSITE | Presentation __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  15. SHTO Finance __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | ABOUT SHTO Finance 💸SHTO Finance💸 SHTO Finance is a platform where you invest BUSD in order to mint SHTO Token daily with increased APR aimed to give long term sustainable payouts.SHTO Token can be sold on our website for BUSD so you earn daily yield of BUSD. We are 100% Decentralized. 😍 ❗️Official Launch Date: 3 April 2022, 22:00 UTC/GMT 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 🔰 Verified contract 🤝 3-Level Referral system 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 💰Mint $SHTO by staking your $BUSD (APR 2190%) 💰 Stake $SHTO to earn more $SHTO (APR 3650%) 💰Sell $SHTO and earn $BUSD 💸 $SHTO Finance token address: 0x5e9B4D4dEA323975A47725041cAe549cE5559057 🚨Get your PRE-LAUNCHING AIRDROP! 💸( GET 15 $SHTO Tokens )💸 1. Join the official telegram announcement channel : https://t.me/ShtoFinanceAnn 2. Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShtoFinance 3. Send a Proof Screenshot to our Official Group chat and add your BSC(BEP20) wallet address. 💸( GET 100 $SHTO Tokens )💸 1. Make a public Youtube Video about SHTO Finance. 2. Send your Link of Proof to the Official Group Chat with your bep20 wallet address. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  16. Start your journey as a mine owner . __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TELEGRAM | ABOUT US: Good news: you've received a solution! Financial mining is a cloud computing platform that serves users all over the world. We've figured out how to make mining easier for users. By placing an order with just one click, you will be able to enjoy the benefits. Click now to start your journey as a mine owner in three easy steps. 1. Register an account to start mining 2. Receive mining output every day 3. TRON Cloud Mining Tutorial for Beginners. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. VeinCoin - Digital Library __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | About VeinCoin: It is a digital platform where you can share your creative ideas with millions of people or add the books of different people to your library in our developing and digitalizing world with constant change. We would like to see you among us in the world of the future! WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  18. IDOSOL is the bridge to this completely new world of fundraising across all smart-contract-based blockchains. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | REDDIT | TELEGRAM | ABOUT IDOSOL: IDOSOL is the bridge to this completely new world of fundraising across all smart-contract-based blockchains. IDOSOL is developing a cross-chain Launchpad and start-up incubator ecosystem based on blockchain technology. width=550https://i.imgur.com/aTKkXhw.png[/img] IDOSOL LAUNCHPAD WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | REDDIT | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  19. REATHTAKING PLAY TO EARN HUNTING METAVERSE. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | ABOUT METASHOOTER! width=550https://i.imgur.com/1qvhsdp.png[/img] [In a nutshell, MetaShooter is the first decentralized blockchain-based hunting metaverse that joins millions of hunting enthusiasts in a community where they can: Experience real hunting: Play in tournaments, multiplayer, and with stunning visuals with VR compatibility Hunt & Earn: Receive token rewards by hunting trophies, wining tournaments, and more. Customize & Upgrade: Buy, upgrade hunting equipment and customize your hunter Develop: Buy hunting lands, build towers, breed NFT dogs, and earn passive income Explore the open World: Experience various environments, stunning visuals and realistic dynamics WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  20. Panda Crew __________________________________________________________________________________________________ width=67https://i.imgur.com/NkPZBHT.png[/img] WEBSITE | DISCORD | INSTAGRAM | ABOUT US: The Panda Crew is being held captive in a cage by the Dragon King. The Dragon King collects pandas and then sells them to the highest bidder. The Panda King is plotting their escape on September 17th, 2021! There are no guarantees that you will get an awesome Panda, or any Panda at all but play your cards right and he may let you steal one of his precious collectibles! The Panda Crew contains 10,000 5,555 unique Pandas – some of them are legendary – all issued and completely individually numbered. The price to free a Panda is 2 SOL. We will announce the price 36 hours in advance. Help them escape the prison before it’s too late! – No key buying limit. Once the sale is complete, all Pandas will be revealed, freed, and distributed to their new homes. width=67https://i.imgur.com/NkPZBHT.png[/img] WEBSITE | DISCORD | INSTAGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  21. Join the future of The Decentralized Payment for E-Commerce Ecosystem. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER| __________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is Cartup Token? Cartup token is the world’s first blockchain-enabled global buying platform. We provide end-to-end solutions for the E-commerce marketplace, touch & pay crypto cards, online cryptocurrency payment systems as well as reward system powered by the Ethereum network. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER|
  22. The Stellar Diamond __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | Our Story: Stellar Diamond is a cryptocurrency that has gained in popularity since it first started in early 2021. The Stellar Diamond was first introduced to help out a local dog shelter in need but has grew beyond what was imagined and now has a designated percentage of turnover dedicated to helping others. Gaining a strong community that believes in not only investing in them selves, but investing in others, is of strong belief to us and we will continue to deliver this with your help. WEBSITE | WHITEPAPER | TWITTER | MEDIUM | YOUTUBE | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  23. EXPLORE THE SPORTS MARKET WITH US. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEBSITE | DOCUMENTATION | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM | WEBSITE | DOCUMENTATION | TWITTER | MEDIUM | TELEGRAM | __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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