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Posts posted by analyst75

  1. The advice I’m about to share may seem counterintuitive.


    But being pessimistic really does make you a better trader.


    Let me explain…


    Think about the time when you took a setup that met all the criteria of your trading plan.


    It was such an A+ setup that you were certain it would hit your profit target.


    And after calculating the risk-to-reward ratio…


    You were just waiting to see that extra 3.5% in your account balance.


    But no…


    The market ended up reversing on you and started racing towards your stop loss.


    All certainty and optimism you felt were replaced with a fear of losing.


    And by the time you were stopped out, you likely felt a mix of disappointment and frustration.


    Which you ended up carrying with you for the next trade you took…


    Sound familiar?


    Well, this is the danger of being optimistic about your trades.


    You become so tied to the outcome that you experience an emotional rollercoaster when you’re trading.


    And that’s why it pays to be pessimistic.


    If you visualise your trade consolidating, retracing on you and even stopping you out…


    You’ve already accepted the worst-case scenario in your mind.


    So you can trade without any stress, anxiety or frustration.


    And take your trading to a more professional level.


    Of course, this is easier said than done….

    Author: Charlie Burton


  2. That’s Just the Beginning


    For the record…


    James was bullish on Ethereum when it was $10. Now, we’re even more bullish.


    What’s changed? AI agents are just one potential bullish catalyst.


    Here are four more:


    1.] Supply is decreasing.


    2.] Ethereum is scaling.


    3.] Developers are staying.


    4.] Ethereum ETF coming?


    We’ll run through them real quick…


    Supply is decreasing: Ethereum went through a massive upgrade 1.5 years ago that made it a deflationary asset. Since, Ethereum has burnt (taken out of circulation) almost 350,000 ETH. That's almost a billion dollars worth. This trend will continue at the same time more and more users are staking (locking up) their ETH for the long-term.


    Ethereum is scaling: There’s another upgrade coming soon -- called the Dencun upgrade -- that will pave the way for Ethereum to scale to 100,000 transactions per second. (Layer 2 protocols can handle the rest.)


    Developers are staying: Developers build apps. Killer apps attract mainstream attention. Mainstream attention attracts mass-adoption. Point? The more developers the better. Electric Capital’s new Developer Report shows that 87% of all crypto developers work on at least 1 Ethereum compatible blockchain. ETH is dominant.


    Ethereum ETF: Blackrock, the largest asset manager in the world, talking about tokenization and Ethereum ETFs. We have JP Morgan who sees the value of tokenization, which he says won’t happen on Bitcoin. (Though he’s wrong about a lot of crypto stuff, he’s right about this.)


    Those are the catalysts that could make 2024 a banger year for Ethereum.


    But even if ETH goes to $10,000… $50,000… $100,000(!)...


    There’s more money to be made in early-stage cryptos.

    Author: Chris Campbell


    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/   


  3. 1. A person who disguises insults as jokes.


    2. A person who will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you.


    3. A person who says they want the best for you, but then works against you.


    4. A person's whose words and actions don't match.


    5. You can't trust a person who puts seeds of doubt in you, disguised as something else, like concern for you.


    6. You can't trust a person who always tries to sabotage you, or make things harder for you. But always has an excuse for everything.

    Source: https://mentalhealthpsychology2.quora.com/6-TYPES-OF-PEOPLE-YOU-SHOULD-NOT-TRUST 


  4. Recessions are weird.


    The more you think about them, the weirder they become.


    Yes, the economy is cyclical. Downturns aren’t just inevitable, they’re healthy.




    Economic cycles, including recessions, are not just determined by clean and predictable financial indicators but also by psychological and sociological factors.


    Collective mood, media reporting, and public sentiment play a substantial role in shaping economic realities.


    And they can be manipulated.


    A.] The Fear Factory


    Every time the media starts shouting "recession," what happens?


    Panic. Fear.


    It's like Halloween but for adults.


    And this fear isn't just innocent fun – it moves markets, influences decisions, and causes real harm.


    Give me an example of when the media saw a chance to scare the crap out of you and didn’t take it?


    I’ll wait.


    B.] Recessions are Relative


    Consider this – what's called a recession in one country is a day in paradise in another.


    Economic conditions are relative.


    If the standards are so skewed, can we really trust this whole concept?


    C.] The Recession Whisperers


    Imagine a secretive group, not in some government bunker, but in a quiet office in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That's the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the recession referee.


    But here's the twist: By the time the NBER declares a recession, it's like announcing rain when you're already soaked.


    Their method involves a retroactive look, meaning they wait for six months of data, plus a one-month lag.


    So, when they finally declare a recession, it's old news, a story you've been living in, not just reading about. In the world of economic predictions, the official-unofficial referees are not the early birds; they're the historians.




    D.]The GDP Puppet Show




    It’s supposed to be a “health check” for the economy.




    It's like going to a doctor who only measures your height and ignores your blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart rate.


    It counts every dollar spent, regardless of what it's spent on.


    That means disasters, wars, and environmental destruction all pump up the GDP. If a hurricane hits and we spend billions on reconstruction, guess what? GDP goes up.


    Celebrating a GDP increase is like throwing a party because your house burned down and you had to rebuild it.


    It’s also the main indicator the NBER uses to measure a recession.


    The real problem with this is…


    GDP is a broad measure and can be influenced by short-term fluctuations that don't necessarily reflect long-term economic trends.


    It’s a useful indicator, but far from comprehensive.


    E.] The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy


    Here's the kicker – by declaring a recession, we make them more likely.


    It's a classic self-fulfilling prophecy.


    Businesses pull back on investment, consumers close their wallets, and just like that, the economy slows down.


    But what if we didn't buy into the narrative? I have no idea.


    F.] Rage Against Determinism


    Economies aren’t deterministic. They’re dynamic.


    Economies don’t follow a predetermined path.


    Human agency and perception play a significant role in shaping economic realities.


    Predictions are usually wrong for this reason.


    Also, there’s this…


    G.] The Hidden Agenda


    Tin foil hat time.


    Think about who benefits from recession talk.


    The media gets a juicy story.


    Politicians get a scapegoat.


    Certain investors get to buy low.


    It’s a game, and the average person isn't the one winning. You’re always being sold a narrative that serves others, not you.


    And Yet, a Recession is HERE


    Of course, recessions exist. Because prolonged downturns exist.


    But all of this calls into question what we think we know about the word “recession” and how we talk about it.


    It’s not as clear a concept as we think.


    Nevertheless, it’s probably here already.” – Chris Campbell (AltucherConfidential)

  5. 📁 Population in 2100, as projected by UN Population Division.


    🇮🇳 India: 1,533 million

    🇨🇳 China: 771 million

    🇳🇬 Nigeria: 546 million

    🇵🇰 Pakistan: 487 million

    🇨🇩 Congo: 431 million

    🇺🇸 US: 394 million

    🇪🇹 Ethiopia: 323 million

    🇮🇩 Indonesia: 297 million

    🇹🇿 Tanzania: 244 million

    🇪🇬 Egypt: 205 million

    🇧🇷 Brazil: 185 million

    🇵🇭 Philippines: 180 million

    🇧🇩 Bangladesh: 177 million

    🇳🇪 Niger: 166 million

    🇸🇩 Sudan: 142 million

    🇦🇴 Angola: 133 million

    🇺🇬 Uganda: 132 million

    🇲🇽 Mexico: 116 million

    🇰🇪 Kenya: 113 million

    🇷🇺 Russia: 112 million

    🇮🇶 Iraq: 111 million

    🇦🇫 Afghanistan: 110 million



    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/ 

  6. “If the West finds itself falling behind in AI, it won’t be due to a lack of technological prowess or resources. It won’t be because we weren’t smart enough or didn’t move fast enough. It will be because of something many of our Eastern counterparts don’t share with us: fear of AI.


    The root of the West's fear of AI can no doubt be traced back to decades of Hollywood movies and books that have consistently depicted AI as a threat to humanity. From the iconic "Terminator" franchise to the more recent "Ex Machina," we have been conditioned to view AI as an adversary, a force that will ultimately turn against us.


    In contrast, Eastern cultures have a WAY different attitude towards AI. As UN AI Advisor Neil Sahota points out, "In Eastern culture, movies, and books, they've always seen AI and robots as helpers and assistants, as a tool to be used to further the benefit of humans."


    This positive outlook on AI has allowed countries like Japan, South Korea, and China to forge ahead with AI development, including in areas like healthcare, where AI is being used to improve the quality of services.


    The West's fear of AI is not only shaping public opinion but also influencing policy decisions and regulatory frameworks. The European Union, for example, recently introduced AI legislation prioritizing heavy-handed protection over supporting innovation.


    While such measures might be well-intentioned, they risk stifling AI development and innovation, making it harder for Western companies and researchers to compete.


    Among the nations leading common-sense AI regulation, one stands out for now: Singapore.” – Chris C

    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/ 

  7. Meet Our Latest NETELLER VIPs

    Every calendar year, we choose 2 customers to become our VIPs. They have permanently special status with us and they can fund/withdraw Neteller through us, at parallel market rates, whether they open brokerage accounts through us or not.


    These are people who funded with the highest amount of Neteller, and who also withdrew the highest amount of Neteller through us.  They would be announced in early part each year and added to our list of VIPs. Their status is permanent.

    Our Latest NETELLER VIPs
    Victor Matifo: Matifo is an avid buyer and seller of NETELLER. He buys and sells constantly, being a trader who makes profits, cashes out and trades more. We appreciate him for his patronage.

    Ede S. Ankeli: He is also a constant buyer and seller of NETELLER. This is someone who likes to make profits and then buys more to make more profits. We are happy to have added him to our list of NETELLER VIPs.

    Okoye Chuma: Mr. Okoye is a big buyer, who also doubles as a big seller of NETELLER. He transacts in large quantities. He’s been with us for a long time. Thus, he has become our VIP and he now has the power to buy from us at cheaper rates and also withdraw through us at higher rates than are displayed on our website.

    NB: We now have 32 Neteller VIPs in the house. And we will announce more of them next year. Would you be among our next new Neteller VIPs?

    You can get free signals here: https://t.me/predictmag              

    To get free, winning crypto signals, please visit: www.instantforex.com.ng

  8. Meet Our Latest NETELLER VIPs

    Every calendar year, we choose 2 customers to become our VIPs. They have permanently special status with us and they can fund/withdraw Neteller through us, at parallel market rates, whether they open brokerage accounts through us or not.


    These are people who funded with the highest amount of Neteller, and who also withdrew the highest amount of Neteller through us.  They would be announced in early part each year and added to our list of VIPs. Their status is permanent.

    Our Latest NETELLER VIPs
    Victor Matifo: Matifo is an avid buyer and seller of NETELLER. He buys and sells constantly, being a trader who makes profits, cashes out and trades more. We appreciate him for his patronage.

    Ede S. Ankeli: He is also a constant buyer and seller of NETELLER. This is someone who likes to make profits and then buys more to make more profits. We are happy to have added him to our list of NETELLER VIPs.

    Okoye Chuma: Mr. Okoye is a big buyer, who also doubles as a big seller of NETELLER. He transacts in large quantities. He’s been with us for a long time. Thus, he has become our VIP and he now has the power to buy from us at cheaper rates and also withdraw through us at higher rates than are displayed on our website.

    NB: We now have 32 Neteller VIPs in the house. And we will announce more of them next year. Would you be among our next new Neteller VIPs?

    You can get free signals here: https://t.me/predictmag              

    To get free, winning crypto signals, please visit: www.instantforex.com.ng

  9. Since the dot-com boom crash and 2008 recession, calling a successful market a bubble has become high fashion.

    The bitcoin craze is no different.

    People have been calling it a bubble since the first 100 users.

    Bitcoin $5: “Bitcoin is overpriced, this is a bubble”
    Bitcoin $50: “Total insanity, everyone will lose their shirts”
    Bitcoin $500: “I can’t believe anyone is stupid enough to buy this”
    Bitcoin $5,000: “This is a fad, it’s just like tulips.”
    Problem is…

    Most of what Bitcoiners said will happen has come true. (All that’s left is $1 million BTC.)

    Mainstream adoption
    Bitcoin Spot ETFs
    Institutional investment
    Accepted widely as a “digital gold”

    James and I don’t think the real money will be made in Bitcoin, Ethereum…

    Or any of the top 10 cryptos.

    For the past two years, we’ve focused every ounce of our attention on the early stage cryptos with MASSIVE potential.

    How massive, you ask?

    Author: Chris Campbell

    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/

  10. While all of the aforementioned fields -- crypto, AI, biotech, human improvement -- are fascinating on their own…


    What’s most interesting is talking to people about where they intersect.


    I’m currently going through my 50+ pages of notes from the conferences. (More specific projects to come.)


    Here’s just a taste:


    → Leveraging blockchain to crowdsource funding and data for drug research, enabling a more democratized and transparent approach to biotech innovations.


    → Using AI to analyze genetic data stored securely on blockchain networks, ensuring privacy while unlocking personalized medicine insights.


    → Using blockchain to create immutable, secure patient records that can be analyzed by AI.


    → Employing smart contracts to automate and secure collaborations between biotech companies, researchers, and institutions, reducing bureaucracy and fostering innovation.


    → Using AI algorithms to simulate and predict the effectiveness of drug compounds, speeding up discovery processes and reducing costs.


    → Using NFTs to secure intellectual property on the blockchain, allowing for more streamlined data sharing, while protecting proprietary data.


    And a whole lot more.


     At the center of it all, however, is a global movement called Decentralized Science, or DeSci.


    And I was surprised to see just how far along this movement really is. .

    Author: Chris C.

    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/ 

  11. A lot of the answers here recommend observing a person when they're hungry or tired, or even intentionally provoking them/depriving them in order to see their “true” personality.

    This approach is bullshit.

    You can do this to people, but all you’ll be seeing is them at their worst. Not their best personality and certainly not their “true” personality.

    I’ve known a few genuinely kind people who become awful to be around when they're hungry or tired. What does that mean? It means they aren’t used to repressing their body’s signals to eat or sleep. How does that make them bad people?

    You can't know someone’s “true” personality, because you can never fully know someone else; there will always be parts of themselves that they keep from you intentionally, and other parts that even they might not know exist.

    The only thing you can do is take a chance and spend time with them. The more time you spend with a person, the more you interact, the better you get to know them. It's that simple. There are no shortcuts. - Matthew Manning, Quora,

    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/ 


  12. The premise is simple…


    All progress, theoretical and practical, has resulted from one single thing: good explanations.


    Progress, says Deutsch, is not just about accumulating more facts or data; it's about developing better explanations that help us understand the world more profoundly and act more effectively within it.


    In this way, he says, progress is virtually infinite.


    There is no limit to the improvement of explanations. As our understandings deepen, it leads to new questions, new challenges, and new realms for exploration.


    Since there’s always new things to understand, there’s always room for improvement.


    Personally, I think this is where AI is going to shine the most. It’s going to help us articulate the unarticulated faster than ever before in history.


    It’s also going to accelerate the “happy accidents” and synchronicities that sometimes lead to insane breakthroughs.


    BUT, the caveat here is that progress is unpredictable. And AI probably won’t make things more predictable, especially not in the short run.


    Probably the opposite.” – Chris C

    Profits from free accurate cryptos signals:

  13. “Problems – do you need a mentor


     The problems I see in people’s trading plans are most often the kind that can cripple a trading account quickly…


    Often before the trader even notices something is wrong.


    It happens with veterans as well as complete newbies. And it can even happen if you think you ‘know better’.


    It’s something to do with the fact that we can’t often shine a light into our own blind spots. We need someone else to detect the termites before they topple the castle.


    We think the market will tell us? Well, the problem is, the market is an inconsistent teacher, rewarding bad behaviour sometimes, and seismically shocking us with the odd earthquake when we least expect it.


    There are secrets and tricks that you just can’t find out for yourself – unless you had another 6 lifetimes of trading experience. Events you haven’t experienced before that can leave you high and dry.


    That’s why it’s so important to draw from the power of a mastermind. A group of people who have spread their experience across decades, markets, and twisted weird occasions that don’t occur frequently, but can still kick you in the guts.


    You need that spread of experience to be as broad as it can be, as it’s just impossible to do and try everything in the markets without sending yourself broke. Learning by trial and error just doesn’t cut it as a trader.


    And even if you don’t end up obliterating your equity, you’ll chew up the bandwidth of your mental capacity.


    What might take you 10 years to nut out, was actually there in a quip from a fellow trader passed to you effortlessly over lunch.


    Where are you cramping your potential lifestyle? Could it be that you’re not excelling because ego makes you want to sing: “I did it my waaaay”?


    If so, it’s time to grow up.


    If your goal is to trade with precision and confidence, it’s time to realise you might just need a mentor. No shame. In fact, it’s a sign of wisdom.” – LB



  14. An angry trader sent me this message:


    “I will make $10,000.00 with just $50 tonight. I will start by 12 midnight to trade till target is met. Enough is enough. If this MT4 broker (name withheld) like, they can employ all their witches by that time . . . They can't stop me.”


    NB: Later that day, he posted this message:


    “Entry into the market has been completed. Let's see how the trades develop!

    Learn the easiest and the safest forex trading methods.


    Yes EURUSD is my baby and Forex is my ATM machine. God is good.”


    NB: I didn’t hear from him for many hours, I sent a message to him to know how far. He later responded:


    “I was punished today! Today the Market Maker is the winner! Forex trading is a tough job. -$354 in total negativity. My enemy has finished me!


    “Been a long time I ventured into GBPCHF. Plenty of red losses. Back to Gold...”


    NB: What kind of trader is this? What kind of mindset is this?


  15. I'm a second year medical student, and I just found out that I don't like medicine, I don't want to cure patients or whatever doctors do. I just don't find myself there, What can I do ? I'm more interested in physics and astronomy


    Answer: Unless you are wealthy STAY IN! Look man, let me give you the hard knock, no BS truth about life that most people won’t tell you. That whole follow your dreams, and you’ll never work a day in your life blah blah blah is a bunch of garbage. The reality of life is that for the vast majority of human beings INCLUDING doctors, work sucks. You do it to pay the bills. Very few people are lucky enough to wake up most mornings and be happy to go to work and chances are physics and astronomy at a certain point will just become work for you, just like anything else.


    Now since we have grown up and accepted that life and working generally suck, this is why you stay in medicine. The only thing worse than working is working a job that doesn’t pay you enough to enjoy life, vacation, travel have hobbies, provide for your family, give you bargaining power or negotiating leverage. I just finished my 2nd year and am in full blown board prep mode and my life is a level of misery that non-medical students/doctors simply cannot comprehend but it ends eventually, it gets better eventually. The income and freedom being a doctor gives you is worth it or at least its worth it since you are this far in. I’m not asking you to pretend to be happy or lie about being utterly miserable. I’m not asking you not to become jaded or bitter for a time in your life. I’m not asking you to pretend to care about patients. Medical training sucks the empathy out of most of us, and besides most of your patients will be ungrateful, rude, demanding jerks anyways. You smile, you tell little white lies, keep going and at the end of the day you collect that doctor pay check. Just get through it.


    Now if you or your family are wealthy, screw medical school, get out of this miserable hell on earth. - R John, Quora





  16. Why cryptos investors need to stay away from www.coindirect.com


    Number one:

    Their customer support is awful. If you have any problems with their services or issues on their platform, and you send them messages. They won’t reply you.


    Number two

    They charge inactivity fees. The best way to make money from cryptos is to buy and hold forever, but these people will begin to charge inactivity fees until all your gains and capital all gone.


    When you exchange one crypto to another or you trade, they won’t charge you because you pay fees for those activities anyway... However, when you decide to just hold, you pay with all your funds.


    They begin to charge you gradually and until there is nothing left in your investment again.


    Binance and Bitrex and other popular cryptos exchanges do not do this. Nothing will ever happen to your funds unless you want to cash out or trade.





    Dear Traders,


    We are sad to inform you of the passing of Master Trader Joe Ross on the morning of Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at the age of 87. He went peacefully doing what he loved, by taking care of Loretta, his wife of 62 years of marriage and teaching his students from every continent how to trade. Joe has always been a free spirit and loved the trading world being his own boss. He quickly learned that teaching others was his true passion. The joy of educating those about a system in which he had true confidence and to see others come into their own. That was his greatest pleasure. He was proud to be a devoted Christian and combined spirituality with trading.


    Our condolences to our traders and students for the loss of a mentor and close friend, some would even go as far as saying a "father-figure" and he wore that title proudly.


    Master Trader Joe Ross' passing came upon us unexpectedly and suddenly.  Again, we would like to send our condolences to those who lost a mentor and a friend. 


    Joe, you will forever be in our hearts.


    Who is Joe Ross?

    Joe Ross is the creator of the Ross hook™, and has set new standards for low-risk trading with his concepts of "The Law of Charts™" and the "Traders Trick Entry™." Joe was a private trader and investor for much of his life, but a serious health situation in the late 80's caused him to shift his focus, and that is when he decided to share his knowledge. After his recovery, he founded Trading Educators in 1988, to teach aspiring traders how to make profits using his trading approach.


    Joe Ross has written twelve major books and countless articles and essays about trading. All his books have become classics, and have been translated into many different languages. His students from around the world number in the thousands. His file of letters containing thanks and appreciation from students on every continent is huge: As one student, a successful trader, wrote: "Your mastery of teaching is even greater than my mastery of trading."


    Joe Ross holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of California at Los Angeles. He did his Masters work in Computer Sciences at the George Washington University extension in Norfolk, Virginia. He is listed in "Who's Who in America." After 5 decades of trading and investing, Joe Ross still tutors, teaches, writes, and trades regularly. Joe is an active and integral part of Trading Educators. He is the founder and contributor of the company's newsletter Chart Scan™.


    “Master Traders Joe Ross was one of the most eclectic traders in the world. And he remains one of the few best mentors I have, alongside, Dr. Van. K. Tharp (may he live long), and one or two others. His teachings and insights into the markets have contributed in making me who I am today. He also talks about the spiritual side of trading (https://tradingeducators.com/about-our-traders), concluding that trading is no sin.” – Azeez M.    


    “The trading world has lost a unique and passionate trader.  He explained to me that his material will never go out of date, only the technology.  Recently, we updated several of his hardback books into eBooks and he was right. From making trades over the phone to the "pit" then to opening an online account, my how things have changed.  But he is correct about his methods, they will continue to apply to the markets regardless of how technolgy advances.” - Martha Ross-Edmunds (Joe’s daughter)


    Joe Ross' Trading Philosophy:

    "Teach our students the truth in trading — teach them how to trade," and "Give them a way to earn while they learn — realizing that it takes time to develop a successful trader."


    IN MEMORIAM: https://www.tradingeducators.com/special-edition-897-in-memoriam 


    Profits from games of knowledge: https://www.predictmag.com/ 


  18. “Profit and discomfort stand side by side.

    Ancient wisdom from the East: What at first brings pleasure in the end gives only pain, but what at first causes pain ends up in great pleasure.


    Don’t confuse execution with opportunity.

    Save Donkey Kong for the weekend. Pretty colors and fast fingers don’t make successful careers. Understanding price behavior and market mechanics does. Learn what a good trade looks like before falling in love with fancy software.


    Control risk before seeking reward.

    Wear your market chastity belt at all times. Attention to profit is a sign of immaturity, while attention to loss is a sign of experience. The markets have no intention of offering money to those who do not earn it.


    Don’t count your chickens.

    Profits aren’t booked until the trade is closed out. The market gives and the market takes away with great fury.


    Don’t have a paycheck mentality.

    You don’t deserve anything for all of your hard work. The market only pays off when you’re right, and your timing is really, really good.


    Don’t try to get even.

    Trading is never a game of catch-up. Every position must stand on its merits. Take your loss with composure, and take the next trade with absolute discipline.


    Don’t seek the Holy Grail.

    There is no secret trading formula, other than solid risk management. So stop looking for it.


    Don’t forget your discipline.

    Learning the basics is easy. Most traders fail due to a lack of discipline, not a lack of knowledge.


    Don’t project your personal life.

    Trading gives you the perfect opportunity to discover just how messed up your life really is. Get your own house in order before playing the markets.


    Don’t think it’s entertainment.

    Successful trading will be boring most of the time, just like the real job you have right now.” -


    Author: Alan Farley







  19. There’s a HUGE difference between a traditional domain name and a blockchain domain.


    Consider the Difference


    When you buy a traditional domain, you don’t actually own the domain and you have to pay annual fees.


    Nevertheless, some domains ended up being a great investment.


    In 1999, someone bought business.com for a whopping $7.5 million.


    In 2007, it was sold for $345 million to RH Donnelly, the third-largest print and online Yellow Pages published. (In 2009, probably not unrelated, the company filed for bankruptcy.)


    Lasvegas.com sold for $90 million in 2005.


    Insurance.com sold for $35 million in 2009.


    Carinsurance.com sold for $49.7 million in 2010.


    Now, consider how blockchain domains are different from traditional domain names.



    Consider the difference:


    → Self-custody: The domain is stored in your wallet. You own it.


    → No annual renewal fees: Unlike traditional domains, once you buy it, there are no recurring fees.


    → Uncensorable: You can build a website tied to your domain on a decentralized storage network that can’t be taken down.


    → Send/receive from one domain: You can tie all of your wallet addresses to this single domain and get rid of complex addresses


    → Programmable: You can integrate decentralized apps into your domain name, allowing it to chat with other apps.


    The current leader in blockchain domains is Unstoppable Domains.


    Currently, their domain name system supports 260+ cryptocurrencies and almost 100 wallets, exchanges, and browsers.


    Coinbase, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has already integrated its domain system… alongside Gemini, Brave Browser, and many popular wallets.


    Again, the biggest benefit of having a domain name is you no longer have to deal with clunky addresses. Simply give people your domain name and they can send crypto there.


    Moreover, you can create a simple website that doesn’t require annual fees.


    On the speculative side, they could also prove as good investments… if you’re creative enough with your choices. (The low-hanging fruit is gone.)


    At the moment, you can grab a domain name for as little as $20.” – Chris Campbell

    Profits from games of knowledge: https://www.predictmag.com/ 

  20. DeFi Coin (DEFC) Price Analysis – August 14

    After last month’s fall paused on the approach to daily cloud base and subsequent positive finish, the DEFC continues to consolidate its position in early August as recovery sustains, buyers are adding additional evidence to cement reversal. On July 31, the team said it will lock in DeFi Coin Liquidity for a one-year contract within 72 hours. Locking liquidity not only protects trade volume but also demonstrates a commitment to the DeFi Coin Protocol.


    Key Levels

    Supply Levels: $2.186, $1.500, $1.277

    Demand Levels: $0.661, $0.500, $0.075


    DeFi Coin (DEFC) 12-Hour Chart: Ranging

    The DeFi Coin (DEFC) will most likely rebound from the ascending trendline support around the $0.833 level before recovering to the $1.277 resistance level, according to the price most likely scenario. Alternatively, until a new fundamental catalyst arises to prompt a range breach, the DEFC could remain range-bound between $0.661 and $1.277.


    However, the positive relative strength index (RSI) price divergence in the coin is still extending up to $1.500. This raises the probability of the coin rallying to rise in the medium run. A notable entry for the DEFC will be on a bounce off the ascending trendline at $0.833 or on a reach of the horizontal support level at $0.661 if a short decline occurs.



    Source: https://deficoins.io/ 

  21. Fungible means that something can be traded for itself. For example, you can trade one BTC for another BTC, you can trade a dollar for another dollar, and you can trade a one-ounce gold coin for another one-ounce gold coin.   


    Non-fungible means that you cannot trade something for itself. For example, Leonardo DaVinci’s Mona Lisa painting is non-fungible—you can’t trade it for another Mona Lisa.


    NFTs or non-fungible tokens are blockchain-minted artworks with unique encryption codes which allow for verified authenticity and ownership. An NFT can represent anything from a digital art piece to a song or cartoon, sports card, or a whole album. Even fashion designers are getting in on the NFT craze.


    More than 509,000 NFT artworks were sold in March 2021 alone, totaling more than $85 million in sales so it's kind of a big deal. If you want, you could draw a stickman on a sticky note, take a picture of it and upload the jpeg as an NFT.


    Elon Musk’s girlfriend, Grimes, a Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer learned about NFTs recently. As a result, she promoted one on Twitter and then made $6 million selling it in about 20 minutes.


    Here’s a list of 15 NFT developers who have sold over $5 million in NFTs (from https://gothammag.com/top-selling-nft-artists):


    Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

    Trevor Jones

    18-year-old FEWOCIOUS

    PAK who is anonymous but has produced digital work for two decades

    Mad Dog Jones (Michah Dowbak)

    SlimeSunday (Mike Parisella)



    3Lau (Justin Blau) - DJ, and fintech aficionado. All of his music is now being released as NFTs

     Grimes - singer, composer, and record producer (and Elon Musk’s girlfriend)

     WhIsbe - a street artist who has made gummy bears into NFTs

     SSX3Lau - (this title is for two people, a DJ, and an art director)

     Jose Delbo - at least a famous artist for such things as Wonder Woman and Little Lulu

     RTFKT Studios - a collective of artists that create digital skins that can be worn by digital characters in the metauniverse 

     Bosslogic - (Kode Adoba) – a graphic designer from Australia 


    To make an NFT, you simply have to create something unique and upload it to a site such as Rarable, OpenSea, or Mintable. As I said, you could draw a stick man on a sticky note, take a photo of it and then upload the photo to one of these sites and you have your first NFT. But good luck selling it.


    To me, NFTs sound crazy. I’d rather own a tulip bulb or a beanie baby, however, for those of you looking for infinite wealth, study the field a little bit and perhaps you can start selling NFTs for $5,000 each.


    Author: Dr. Van K. Tharp

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