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Posts posted by Nikhil

  1. I am little fear now a days because of seeing the very less advertiser here . actually i am not fear to lost my point but if Admin stopped ptp activity again then surely we have to wait for some time untill the forum will not get the new advertiser . i think in oneside its better because we have no tension to lost our point and also not the forum turn scam.

  2. yesterday Admin approved so many payment request but my request is still there in pending and hoping today or next day it will be approved . actually so many payment request are placing here and Admin also have good time to approved the request but its true there is very less unapproved request by Admin.

  3. After seeing this data base problem i am veyr upset because my previous experience tell when it start then not end easily and take more time to enter the forum . from many days there was no problem here ans it seems that again start the problem but hoping it will be solved soon.

  4. GOT my 2nd payment from this nice forum


    Dear nikhil,


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 11/26/2010 7:30 AM

    Batch: 50072772

    From Account: U8508023 (MTW Payout & Advertisement A/c)

    Amount: $3.00

    Memo: Payment from Moneytalkworld Forum, Thanks


    Thank you.

  5. Over one week ago,but I still not see any payment proof from this site,The follow is my see from the site:


    531 Members3 Members Online$0 Paid



    $0 paid!That is a scammer!

    yes i also fully agree with you about this issue .531 members there but still the site is not pay one members yet!! anyway it may be there is no upgrade members yet and members have no more referral and there is no more time passed for this still there is no payment .

  6. I found the buxhost site that is established before Christmas,most of is cheat person.

    you sure Admin here is cheat person! i think if its really true then pls explain here detail then no other will be cheat anymore .i dont know about this site but 3 cent per click seems very high when very establish ptc offering low rate.

  7. ITs very good new that they are supporting five payment processor and LR is one of them . the click rate for free members is ok i think but the minimum is high because without upgrade and referral it will take more time to cashout and as a new ptc we cannot talk anything .

  8. Now there is no banning problem here and i am also posting here but i am not sure will get paid or not because still there is many pending payment request which is not clearing by Admin and i think it is for lack of fund when there is only few advertisement . i am still posting there because to reach my first 100 post then will request and without posting will wait for my payment .

  9. Atlast i reuqest my 1st payment here and hopefully looking for my payment but it seems that it will take some time to get paid because there is lots of payment request in payment request section . anyway we have to give time to Admin when each day there are many request are placing in the forum.

  10. got another payment from this forum



    Dear nikhil,


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 11/25/2010 10:45 PM

    Batch: 50055978

    From Account: U8617544 (Christina's Account)

    Amount: $2.00

    Memo: Payment from ExtremeSurfsForum to unknownfriend - 200 points cashout


    Thank you.

  11. webmaster section and general section here is really crowed now and i also trying to make some post in this two section when the rate is good . but due to lack of knowledge of webmaster section i am not posting lots but seen some members really active there with there good post . hope Admin will not closed this section of members more activeness.

  12. Yes this forum also not accessable to me and few days ago i though it was only my problem but now it seems that many members are faceing the same problem . in a day i am able to enter the forum after many attempt but not all time . hope problem will be solved soon.

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