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Posts posted by Nikhil

  1. Dear nikhil,


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/9/2010 7:58 PM

    Batch: 51003766

    From Account: U6386052 (Angie)

    Amount: $0.03

    Memo: ECMF Login Contest - Dec 9, 2010


    Thank you.

    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/9/2010 8:19 PM

    Batch: 51004752

    From Account: U7139836 (Tanjeev Jaspal)

    Amount: $0.15

    Memo: ECMF Contest - Make 5 Posts Daily -8th December


    Thank you.

  2. @Mayur thanks for explaining details and now its clear as day light and hope every members also understand and its really very good new that when this forum are giving 25% extra but you one word is not clear to me that you said "You placed a payment request through HD-Money for 400 DMT points which got approved without deduction" means that its for example for 400 point or members can request less amount through this processor and i think about approval post quality must be good quality.

  3. Although $4 not big amount for minimum payout but i think if Admin reduce this amount to $3 then it think it will be better but it also true instead of my last payment we reach easily this $4 before getting our payment . anyway i am trying to collect $4 every 10 days and dont hurry when the forum is well paying.

  4. Lol! this is a good offer but not available to our country,

    Cant understand why they are limited to few countries only.

    its clear i think with internatinal members they will not make profit and that particular country is listed here probably because most of the product are there and surely they will get profit from them . anyway the paln was wonderful and minimum payout also.

  5. Forex is kind of investment program that high risk. may be the risk is bigger than hyip program. but the risk level can be decreased in forex by learn about trading knowledge as much as possible.

    I think there is vast difference between forex and hyip because in forex you handling your own money but in hyip that other parson and its true there is full of risk in forex but its possible to reduce risk level also to decrease lots and other method also.

  6. I also think now this is one of the most hot and big paying forum and still there is no problem of payment and there is also not complain of members about payment issue. i was surpried when i egt paid from this forum my previous payment only 24 hours after of request and i never expect this but expect within 7 to 10 days when there is lots of payment each day.

  7. I am happily posting here because of no fear of ptp section posting and seen if there is no new reply after my post and if next day i again post here then also no problem which i seen from many days and still i have no problem to get paid . now my another payment request is running on and hope this time also will get paid soon.

  8. It seem that GT is paying everyday and i also looking for my payment. anyway i never requested my payment when my another already running on and it happen only few time but alltime i request after getting my pending payment .hope this time will be get paid within 5 to 6 days and not more 7 days.

  9. I got my payment atlast although it is very very low but i am happy because it already paid and there is no pending payment now. but after hearing some news i am really shocked that some members still not get paid form this forum although so many days passed . hope they will get paid soon.


    Dear nikhil,


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379:


    Date: 2010-08-12 17:05:35

    Batch: 50911099

    From Account: U3442650

    Amount: $0.02

    Memo: MSF Revenue Payment


    Thank you.

  10. It seem that Admin is bit late of paying 15 cent daily as he beofre said will paid everyday but still giving but now lately but he is giving 3 cent daily at a time .

    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/8/2010 8:09 PM

    Batch: 50924000

    From Account: U6386052 (Angie)

    Amount: $0.03

    Memo: ECMF Login Contest - Dec 8, 2010


    Thank you.

  11. @rivha yes i fully agree with you about the issue that our payment depend of our quality of post . i got more 22 times from here and just getting 4 cent per post but suddenly it decrese 3 cent per post although all time i am active in ptp section and i think the quality is same .anyway its admin decision how much we will get but its really very good everyone get paid if newbie and old members and there is no fear about payment reject.

  12. Now there is very low activity in forex section and also ecurrency section also but have some activity in ptp section and i am trying to active in various section as well as ptp and have less fear of ptp section posting when many members are posting here .anyway need only 14 post to reach 400 for that i am struggling here from many days.

  13. You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/7/2010 8:20 AM

    Batch: 50798768

    From Account: U7139836 (Tanjeev Jaspal)

    Amount: $0.15

    Memo: ECMF Contest - Make 5 Posts Daily -6th December


    Thank you.


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/7/2010 6:39 PM

    Batch: 50841287

    From Account: U7139836 (Tanjeev Jaspal)

    Amount: $0.15

    Memo: ECMF Contest - Make 5 Posts Daily -7th December


    Thank you


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/7/2010 6:02 PM

    Batch: 50838584

    From Account: U6386052 (Angie)

    Amount: $0.03

    Memo: ECMF Login Contest - Dec 7, 2010


    Thank you.

  14. Today i just request my another payment request here and have full confidence to get my payment because eachtime they are giving me without any deduction. but still there is lack of ads but members activity is good and Admin also have to pay good amount daily . anyway hope the situation will be good here soon.

  15. got my 2nd payment within 24 hours after request


    Dear nikhil,


    You have received a payment to your account U9232379 (nikhil234):


    Date: 12/8/2010 6:16 AM

    Batch: 50867969

    From Account: U7006560 (Alex T)

    Amount: $4.00

    Memo: Approved payout from HT!




    Thank you.

  16. @Nikhil :

    yeah that is right my friend..if we are want to get the more security for our account more better to turn on it..but i was long time disable that IP security because my IP always changed..im not online fixed in one place :P


    And by the way that is right the balance account not update instantly..yesterday im try to rapidly got payment from the deepbet..and my account not updated when i got the payment...just updated when i was do a transaction again :D

    One things is not clear to me that you said " balance account not update instantly" . i never faced that ever and i also tried some game site which pay instantly like lucky2bet but my balace always updated instantly. anyway may be it temporary problem but think never it a permanent problem.

  17. Virtual trading format and the real trading formats are the same but real life market is different from a programmed market.

    In real market, fear and anxiety comes in, the actual loss start coming in and then the trader realizes that it`s not the same.

    I am fully agree with you about this issue of demo and real account .and the more important fact in real account of fear, anxiety and even learn by heart when our own money are in risk and i think in general there is not much difference between this two type of account when both run with real market price.

  18. I also think experience is must for successful trading and without it there is big chance to lost all and to get this we need to trade in forex and i think after getting some experience its good to trade with small amount of own money because from my experience i seen then there is more attension .

  19. SCAM ALERT: 2010-02-04: The FPA Scam Investigations Committee has confirmed a scam complaint against this broker.


    i urge traders not to do business with this company.

    Thanks mate for update here and think it will be help others before selection. although i am not here in this broker but after knowing it i am really happy that if i accidentally will go there then what happen becaus ei try to find new broker sometime for bonus.

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