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  1. pmRnODk.png   PbmXfWn.png   bRelBCp.png   p501IMo.png


    If you haven’t had a taste of CurrySwap yet, let us introduce you to the latest HyFi development that you don’t want to miss out on. The CurrySwap ecosystem is made up of five vaults that are all designed to leverage your Curry earnings while seamlessly enhancing your yield farming experience.


    The CurrySwap project has incorporated the best of both worlds. The project offers three tokens that facilitate your yield farming earnings leveraging the advantages of two blockchain networks. With tokens built on both the Ethereum and the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) networks, they seamlessly work together to optimize the integrated yield farming protocols. The project launched in 2020 and has successfully undergone two audits from esteemed firms as well as built up a sizable market cap in such a short space of time.

    The CurrySwap Ecosystem

    The CurrySwap project is a multi-dapp ecosystem that can be broken down into various delicious courses, including the Curry Food Vault / Auction Lobby, the NFT Airdrop Rewards and more recently the Chili Yield Farm Aggregator.

    For a glimpse into the ecosystem, the Curry food vault is where users can stake their CurryV2 tokens and take advantage of the high yield certificate of deposit staking portal alongside an auction lobby. Users can bid CurryV2 tokens and earn ETH/BNB in the daily auction of distributed tokens. Then we have the NFT airdrop rewards which are given to users staking Curry tokens in the various protocols. The Chili token is a reward token that can be redeemed for future rewards and is earned by staking CurryV2 into the Chili yield farming aggregator (more on this below).

    Introducing The ChiliSwap Yield Farming Aggregator

    The ChiliSwap yield farm aggregator is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and is designed to simplify the yield farming process through the use of more advanced vaults (smart contracts). Users can contribute CurryV2-BNB tokens to participate in the Chili IFO program, which will have the same methodology as the IFO program offered by PancakeSwap.

    Key Features
    •Yield Optimization
    •Liquidity Zaps
    •Bonus Yields
    •Cross-Chain Solutions

    ChiliSwap Yield Farming Aggregator

    The ChiliSwap platform allows users to engage in auto compounding and yield optimization on all ChiliSwap LP pairs and Curry and CurryV2 staking. By providing liquidity and staking Curry tokens in the various vaults users will earn Chili tokens as a reward and extra incentive. Users have these three options to choose from:

    • ChiliSwap yield farming aggregator allows users to compound Curry and earn Chili tokens.
    • Compound LP tokens by making use of the vault strategies, which simultaneously distribute Chili tokens as rewards.
    • Finally, users can also stake Chili or Chili/BNB LP to earn more Chili tokens.

    These vaults range in APY’s (annual percentage yield) of 70% right up to 2,300%.

    Liquidity Zaps

    Simplifying the process, ChiliSwap allows users to create a desired LP token in just one click. Called the “zap” function, this provides a means for seamless liquidity provision by making use of the CurrySwap automated market maker (AMM) used for all available pairs. This streamlined function saves you the hassle of having to create one yourself, and instead allows you to create your LP by simply providing a single asset (and comes free of charge).

    All you will need to do is select the pair you would like to create, which deposit currency you would like to use, and click Zap. Simple as that you will then have your own LP tokens which you can use to compound or farm in the ChiliSwap vaults.

    Chili Token

    This BEP-20 token is issued on the Binance Smart Chain and can be earned by staking CurryV2. The token is required in conjunction with CurryV2 to create new liquidity pools and project listings on the CurrySwap platforms, as well as a reward token that can be redeemed for future rewards, such as custom trading card NFTs.

    Ethereum — BSC Interoperability

    While we are still working on this we are excited to announce that the CurrySwap team is creating protocols that allow for cross-chain farming (Ethereum — BSC).

    This will allow Ethereum users to dual farm, making use of the liquidity from UniSwap as well as PancakeSwap farming. This allows Ethereum users to make the most of the CurrySwap ecosystem and reap the rewards from BSC without interacting with the BSC chain at all.

    The Future

    While we continue working on the cross chain functionality, we also have several other developments in the pipeline. With our community taking an active role in the development of the project, we have outlined several proposed changes which will be executed based on the community’s response:

    • Spicy staking rewards and Curry pools
    • Airdrop
    • Initial Farm Offering
    • Trading Discounts
    • Liquidity share mining
    • Liquidity pool fees
    • V1 to V2 conversions
    • A token burning mechanism
    • A platform reserve

    Here is an updated timeline for the CurrySwap ecosystem!


  2. pmRnODk.png   PbmXfWn.png   PbmXfWn.png   bRelBCp.png   AAJJ6zy.png


    FarmHero is a novel protocol that mixes NFT, gaming and DEFI concepts. 

    The team aims to build a healthy, long-run community that different people can find different fun. 

    Community can contribute and earn in a various of ways, including but not limited to,  yield farming, NFT farming, NFT trading, bug bounty, join the incubators, playing the house games, or simply copy and paste your referral link and send to friends. 

    Yet, use the protocol with caution and strategy, as earnings are not guaranteed. 

    Why we are called Farm Hero?

    Farm Hero's continuous token ecosystem are built upon renowned yield farms. Safety comes first. Candidates are pancakeswap on binance smart chain, sushiswap on ethereum, quickswap on matic, mdex on binance smart chain and heco, salmonswap on tron, and more. 



    Fund Safety comes first. 

    Nothing is more important than safety of funds for any DEFI protocol. The FarmHero team knows it. The Vault Farming and Token contracts, which are most critical regarding locked funds, are being audited by Certik, and we will release news as soon as we get any updates for the report. 

    FarmHero Certik Profile Page: https://www.certik.org/projects/farmhero

    The team also employs Certik's Skynet to monitor security real-time.

    Audit Progress Update on June 8th, 2021:

    The team has received the preliminary comments from Certik Team, indicating several places to improve. There are NO critical vulnerability regarding fund safety. 

    The final reports will be out within 1-2 days, while the profile page status would be updated by that time. The team is now working to improve our code according to the preliminary comments. We will update more once any progress is made.


    -By 2021 June
    Launch FarmHero Protocol, Yield Farming, NFT farming, Genesis NFT sale, Auction Game, Fomo Game, Referral System

    -By 2021 Aug
    Launch Blind Box NFT, Internal NFT market places. 
    Start Incubation plan for community projects that can help $HERO community

    -By 2021 Oct
    Launch FarmHeroDAO, the incubator. 

    -By 2022 Q2
    Employ 3D VR technology to do upgrades to show better NFT!

    •How to Buy:•

    Contract Address: 0x9b26e16377ad29a6ccc01770bcfb56de3a36d8b2

    Buy now on PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x9b26e16377ad29a6ccc01770bcfb56de3a36d8b2




    Ever since he was little, Ugly Inuwas an underdog.

    Growing up with his loving brothers, he always knew that he was somehow different from the others. Similar to the other dogs, he also had four paws and was not standing out based on his behaviour. No, Ugly Inu  had, to this day and as long as he remains among us, a deformed head and body.

    Long story short, Ugly Inu did not experience the wonderful youth he longed for. Growing up he was treated like an outsider. One morning, he woke up in his lovely shelter to find that his brothers are gone. For days, he was searching them, but with no luck. Until he heard of his talented brothers of being on a spaceship to the moon... Ugly Inu fell in depressions. Till to the day he decided to chase them to the moon. His spaceship journey began right then!

    Ugly Inu decided to spend his time in the growing crypto world. Every free minute of his time, he spent informing himself on new trading strategies and used apps like Coinmarketcap , CoinGecko, Telegram and Twitter to reap his crypto earnings. Driven by his big dream of being successful and joining his family on the moon, he started to build a spaceship. Over the years, Ugly Inu was able to create a small fortune and is now building his own, fully functional, spaceship with his new crypto friends and scientists.

    Ugly Inu wants to bring as many friends as possible with him on his journey to the moon to meet up with Elon and to explore the universe as well as the crypto world together.



    My goal is to build the most amazing spaceship with my friends that will allow us to go to the moon to see my brother Doge. My spaceship will be superior to his! My friends and I will accomplish incredible things together. None of us shall be left behind. So take a seat in my spaceship now & decentralize the world with me!




    What is TEN?

    TEN is a yield aggregator / optimizer that simplifies staking and yield farming with the most liquid Binance Smart Chain Liquidity Pools available and provides a robust yield earning environment on the market while adhering to security, sustainability, longevity and simplicity. TEN is the Token Enrichment Network, decentralized finance, simplified!

    Why was TEN created?

    The DeFi space in general can be very cumbersome and quite confusing to many, especially to those of us that are new to DeFi but not necessarily to cryptocurrencies itself. 

    In this wild west of the yield farming boom where there are so many out there and unknown as to who and what to trust, TEN is committed to solely aggregate and optimize those farms that we deem to be of the highest caliber for the users of our platform.

    TEN aims to simplify this process by creating a seamless and streamlined process in staking your assets to earn a rewardingly high yet modest APY in the simplest and safest manner while ensuring sustainable growth within the TEN platform across multiple farming ecosystems and optimizing returns for maximum yields in a safe, sustainable and robust manner.

    TEN was launched to create a truly sustainable, yet beneficial model that would ensure the longevity of the $TENFI ecosystem that allows for TEN to adapt and evolve with the DeFi space in general. This allows for high yield opportunities and ensuring that the $TENFI ecosystem continues to evolve and adapt. $TENFI aims to be a vanguard in decentralized finance.

    •How can I acquire TENFI Tokens?•


    Buy now on PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd15c444f1199ae72795eba15e8c1db44e47abf62

    •Staking & Earning•


    How do I Stake & Farm?

    To stake and farm with TEN, simply connect your wallet via the different wallet extensions available and choose the pool you want to stake with. 

    When you’ve chosen the particular pool. 

    If you already have the LP tokens in your wallet, simply choose amount you want to deposit and click on the Deposit button.

    If you need to get the LP, click on "Get TENFI/XYZ LP" and choose amount you want to add as Liquidity by clicking "add liquidity"

    Now choose the amount you want to deposit and click Deposit button.

    How do I Claim my rewards?
    To claim your rewards, you need to ensure that your wallet is connected. Your dashboard will have for you in detail, the amount of $TENFI you have earned and therefore can withdraw or move onto another pool if you wish. All you have to do is click on the Claim button.

    Can I un-stake at any time?
    Yes, you can stake or un-stake at any given time. There are no (0.00%) withdrawal fees for un-staking too early from a particular pool or going into another pool. TEN wants to allow our users total and complete freedom and ability to maneuver as they wish throughout the TEN ecosystem.

    What is a Lock-Up/Vesting period?
    Unlike other DeFi/Yield Farming projects, TEN allows for $TENFI holders to stake their LP tokens into any Liquidity Pool they are farming without any penalties for early withdrawal from the pool, thus allowing users to maneuver into and out of any of our pools at the swiftest possible way without penalties eating into their Yield earnings. The "vesting period" for $TENFI is for users to be able to earn the highest possible APY within the TEN ecosystem at launch, which upon conclusion of the first 30 day period, will settle to the benchmark yields set within the liquidity pool offerings for $TENFI rewards.

    The traditional lock-up period is a window of time when investors are not allowed to redeem or sell their tokens that are invested/locked into a particular Liquidity Pool that is farming. Traditional vesting would work in a similar way in that it would require token holders to hold/stake a particular token before earning the rights to that token/earnings. $TENFI tokens are neither lockable, or to be vested, they are yours to move about as you see through our farms without the prospect of any fees or penalties to be levied on your $TENFI rewards.

    •What are TEN tokenomics?•

    Circulating supply at launch: 0, no pre-mine or allocation to team or anyone else, everyone has equal opportunity to purchasing, staking, farming and claiming $TENFI tokens from Day 1
    $TENFI has a total lifetime supply of 256,000,000 and 0 circulating supply at launch, 2% of supply will be available to purchase directly on https://ten.finance on launch date prior to being listed on PancakeSwap.
    NOTE: The total lifetime supply will decrease from facilitation of $TENFI B2B (Buy to Burn) 

    Contract address: https://bscscan.com/address/0xd15c444f1199ae72795eba15e8c1db44e47abf62

    TENFI block reward emissions...
                                                                        128,000 TENFI per day
                                                                        4.444444 TENFI per block
    TEN will conduct a direct distribution of 2% (5,120,000) of the maximum total supply (256,000,000) to be available for purchase at launch.

    •What is the future of TEN?•




    • MARKET•
    UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xbdea5bb640dbfc4593809deec5cdb8f99b704cd2&exactAmount=1
    BILAXY: https://bilaxy.com/trade/DIREWOLF_ETH

    • AUDIT•

    How to Buy $DIREWOLF

    Follow these 3 simple steps to buy $DIREWOLF (or you can get help in our Telegram group: https://t.me/direwolftoken)

    1. Create a MetaMask wallet

    The $DIREWOLF token is available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is the market leader in ERC20 (Ethereum) wallets. On Google Chrome, visit metamask.io to download the extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android.

    2. Send $ETH to MetaMask

    Buy Ethereum through MetaMask or transfer it to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase, Kraken or Binance).

    3. Buy $DIREWOLF on Uniswap or 1inch

    You can currently buy $DIREWOLF on Uniswap and 1inch, both decentralized exchanges where you can swap any ERC20 token. Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $DIREWOLF. Click Connect Wallet then Swap. That’s it! Now enjoy this amazing ride with us.

    Token statistics
    Below you can follow the current status, we’ll update this daily (updated: May 27th 2021):

    Current price: $0.0000000001081 USD

    Non-diluted mcap: Just under $4 Million USD

    Locked liquidity: $100.000 total locked

    HODLORS: 3200+ DIREWOLF holders

    We have decided to invest heavily on marketing first before further development.

    For this we have set aside a couple of funding addresses for which we setup shared key access so we can collectively decide on its spending. Donations are not needed, the addresses are pre-allocated and will grow by itself due to the value increasing and the 2% redistribution mechanism. If you want to donate anyway in order to help speed things up, check out the wallet address at the end of this page.


  6. yhRh0RQ.pngWebsite | GTvvtxu.pngWhite Paper | VVx8irl.pngGitHub | X4dPO58.pngDiscord


              •Crex: https://crex24.com/exchange/NS-BTC
              •FinexBox: https://www.finexbox.com/market/pair/NS-BTC.html
              •IhostMN: https://ihostmn.com/buysell.php?market=NSBTC
              • FreiExchange: https://freiexchange.com/market/NS/BTC
              •CoinStake: https://www.coinstake.in/
              •StakeCenter: https://stakecenter.co/
              •Autradex: https://wallet.autradex.systems/markets/fmbtc
              •Exchange-Assets: https://exchange-assets.com/en/?market=ns_usdt
              •Flits: https://flitswallet.app/

    Coin info:

              •NodeStats: https://nodestats.info/default.php?coin=ns
              •CoinCodex: https://coincodex.com/crypto/nodestats/
              •CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nodestats/
              •CoinPaprika: https://coinpaprika.com/coin/ns-nodestats/
              •CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/nodestats
              •delta: https://delta.app/en
              •LiveCoinWatch: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Nodestats-NS
              •CoinLore: https://www.coinlore.com/coin/nodestats     
              •BlockFolio: https://blockfolio.com/

    What is the meaning of NodeStats?

    As we know there are many masternode coin listings out there. The meaning of NodeStats is, to get the information you need to be presented right away. No more browsing around to find the right information and no more using the calculator.

    Then there will be a blockchain voting system, where we use the NS coin for voting on different things on the website. It could be a coin listing or a new feature. This is to give the users the option for influence on what they need on the website. So it will not always be up to the coin developers to list on the service, but now the users can too.

    The new votings will be posted here when we are ready https://nodestats.info/voting.php so keep an eye on the website.

    To request a coin or a feature, the user needs to join the discord server and post their suggestions in the request channels. Then we will look at them, and make votings from them.

    I hope this new website will bring you a lot of useful information for your investing, and that you will use the system for future listings and features.



              •NodeStats: https://nodestats.info/default.php?coin=ns
              •VaultWatch: https://www.vaultwatch.eu/detail.php?coin=ns
              •Masternodes.online: https://masternodes.online/currencies/NS/


              •MasterWin: https://masterwin.online/hosting.html
              •IhostMN: https://ihostmn.com/hostmn.php?coin=NS
              •CryPoS: https://crypos.io/
              •Pecunia: https://pecuniaplatform.io/coin-details/Nodestats
              •MNbiz: https://masternodes.biz/cryptocurrency/NS


              •CoinStake: https://www.coinstake.in/
              •StakeCenter: https://stakecenter.co/
              •SaltPool: https://www.saltpool.net/


              •Crypto-Masters: https://crypto-masters.club/


              •LNO Casino: https://lnocasino.club/
              •MCPC Marketplace: https://market.mcpc.io/

  7. pmRnODk.png PbmXfWn.png


    About FCFT
    Our mission is powering the Betting Platform with FCFT tokens in a decentrazied way to turn 2.2+ billion gaming industry and 380+ million esports fans. Our vision embraces both cryptocurrency and blockchain backed fan platforms as the most effective tools to empower sports and esports and transform them from passive spectators to active influencers.

    We are also in development of our own Decentralized Crypto Exchange to help the community for reliable and risk free trading of multiple crypto currencies at lower fees.



  8. pmRnODk.pngJHtcF7N.pngbRelBCp.pngB8TuPJq.pngPbmXfWn.png


    The Learning Management System is the novel face of the Education Industry. Nowadays, e-education is the booming sector of the education industry, and with time, it will cover the entire market. Despite such tremendous growth, lack of quality, geographic restrictions, linguistic barriers, less supportive e-learning websites, and hacking problems have been witnessed in the Learning management system. The traditional education system is already suffering from hefty tuition fees, travel costs, time restriction, the continuously limited scope of learning, practical knowledge gap, and lack of assessments.

    Edufex curbs LMS and the Traditional education system; hence, it designed the blockchain-based Learning Management System. It delivers a secure platform of e-learning and removes all the restrictions to provide users a trustful, qualitative, geographic, and linguistic barrier-free source of e-learning. The concept of token dispersal to educators on completion of their service for learners highlights Edufex differently within the industry.

    Edufex facilitates global knowledge on computer screens in one click, saving time, efforts, travelling costs, and foreign living costs. Access to universally accepted certifications, degree, and educators’ availability for desired courses enhance the e-learning scope at Edufex blockchain-based learning management system. Not only students but also educators have equal opportunities on our platform. Educators can earn Tokens on completion of courses. Earning of these Tokens from the Edufex platform can be converted into cash at the same time or after a gap when the Token conversion rate increases.

    Edufex Crowdsale Announcement!

    Become an Edufex investor now and enjoy one of the best returns on investment! 

    The more you buy, the more bonus credits you get. 

    Edufex offers up to a whopping 60% BONUS CREDIT FOR EARLY CONTRIBUTORS. 

    Early Birds will be receiving  BEST & LOWEST CURRENT price token; note EDUX price is rising daily.

     •Get 60% extra EDUX on buying above € 50,000

     •Get 55% extra EDUX on buying above € 20,000

     •Get 50% extra EDUX on buying  above € 10,000

     •Get 45% extra EDUX on buying  above € 5,000

     •Get 40% extra EDUX on buying  Below €5,000

    The price value of the EDUX token will increase day by day. Take advantage of these sales by buying at competitive prices.

    Use ERC 20 network in Binance else we are not responsible for fund. Visit Now: https://edufex.com/register


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