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  1. The vast majority of Forex education organizations fail to address the only true characteristic of a market place, the human nature. You can easily find loads of charts, pivot points, moving averages, trend lines and all sorts of Fibonacci ratios, together with the latest in trading automation. Any Forex website publishes some or all of these data, along with myriads of other details, interviews and opinions. You may even get entry and exit signals, support and resistance levels, all of which could appear as sufficient in the decision making process. I was under the same impression as a beginner, I was at the same level as an intermediate trader and only heavy losses and low risk/reward decisions made me look for a different approach to trading. If you are aware of the importance of having a trading plan for each trade you plan to initiate, then you must be familiar with moments of doubt, when following the opening of the trade, the market goes awry, together with your emotions and self-esteem. Do you feel frustrated? Join the vast club of frustrated professional Forex traders. When you see the market moving against all odds and logic, your emotional self cries for an immediate position reversal (SHORT from LONG and vice-versa), in a complete disregard of your own trading plan. On the other hand, all your training books, videos and mentors have pumped the "trading plan supremacy" into your brain. While the viable solution seems to reside in the robotic way of trading the plan, a professional operator must learn to listen to his or her "hidden partner", the subconscious. Our brain is capable of storing immense quantities of data, without us being aware of it. Our five senses perceptions are in constant use and they permanently add to our overall life experience. While our subconscious is capable of dealing with all this seamlessly, the conscious mind has only a very limited operational capacity, primarily used to help us dealing with our daily tasks. As we trade, ALL our experiences are deposited deep within our brain, slowly building up what I call the unseen analyst. This is what you may call the sixth sense or the instinct traders develop as they progress. As the name of the game with Forex trading is VOLATILITY and 80% of all trades do not last more than 2-3 days, with the vast majority of them being daytrades, it is easy to accept that conditions can and will change in a heartbeat, rendering most trade plans obsolete. The only way to alleviate the contradictions between your emotional self and the heavily trained brain is to learn how to give them priority over time. As a beginner, you simply cannot have the emotional experience to "feel" anything related to the market processes and therefore it is advisable to rely completely on the mechanisms of a trading plan. At this stage, take your time to learn how to interpret the charts, prepare yourself according to the daily economic calendar and how to construct a comprehensive trading plan. Once you took a trading decision, stick with it, no matter what. At this stage, you are a robot, implementing a trading strategy. Your emotional weight should be nonexistent in the economy of the trade. As you progress along the path of becoming a professional Forex operator, your unseen analyst will start adjusting your trading decisions, silently participating in your trading decision process. It is now the time to make room to your "feel", to accommodate your growing sentiment of "feeling the market". Your emotional weight should now become an accepted presence. You will soon learn how to adjust this "mix" in a way to achieve the optimal trading performance. by Bogdan Vasile
  2. As hundreds and thousands of articles have been written on the subject of trading the markets, and with the emergence of new financial instruments every day, I feel compelled to put together a dissertation on the most important element of trading, the emotional effect. Before detailing the key elements, I will offer to you the thoughts of two prominent individuals. They do not need any introduction, as their work is known and appreciated all over the world. I am sure you will love their insight into the human psyche. "When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but creatures of emotion". Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) "Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it". Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) In a world apparently dominated by logic, it is very interesting to find such "heretic" ideas. There is nothing more debilitating than the thought of us acting not on our heavily trained conscious, but rather on the unknown subconscious impulses. I would like to add just one more fact to my presentation, in order for you to fully grasp the importance of this new approach to trading and in general to any business activity. The Institute for Health and Human Potential, with offices in U.S.A., Canada and Australia is a research and learning organization that uses Emotional Intelligence to leverage performance and leadership. Fortune 500 companies, the world's top business schools, professional athletes and Olympic medallists seek their expertise. According to their studies, "Research tracking over 160 high performing individuals in a variety of industries and job levels revealed that emotional quotient was two times more important in contributing to excellence than intellect and expertise alone" Shocking? Not at all. It is our way to act on impulse, without questioning the triggers. . It is well known already that the two emotions dominating trading are GREED and FEAR. What is less grasped is the extent to which these emotions influence our decisions. While amateur traders are greedy when they lose and fearful when they win, professional operators have an exactly opposite attitude, being fearful when losing and greedy when winning. While simple psychological training could help you discipline your impulse reactions, it is the experience you get "in the ring" that makes you understand how to play with these primal emotions. We all hate to lose, not necessarily money. The sentiment is very powerful. ALL professional operators are well versed in dealing with it day in and day out. Although they have been through tense moments due to financial losses, they have learned the most important rule in trading the markets: losses are the COST OF DOING BUSINESS. They have a high emotional management procedure and are trained to implement it no matter how hard their "ego" may suffer. This is easier said than done, as emotions kick in and all theory crash and burn together with any trading plan. Here you have some easy steps to help you start taming your emotional horses. — What you see is NOT what you get, as opposed to what you have been taught all your life. The way you act is just a consequence of years and years of education and interaction with others and not your genuine attitude. You are the product of an outside education, not necessarily positive. — In the long run, your Forex business is just PART of your whole life, together with your family, friends, hobbies, long-term projects and various other activities. I personally use a very powerful "mantra" when in pain following a loss. LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY! — Never lose sight of the general picture. That is your primary goal. For a professional Forex operator, the primary goal is the PROTECTION of his or her trading capital. Keep a trading journal and learn from your mistakes. — If you want to get a pretty accurate picture of your trading prospects, take a look at your daily emotional decisions. Most of the time, you will repeat all emotional behavior in your professional life. If you take your time to sit back and observe your daily routines, the picture will emerge with greater clarity, helping you foresee hurdles along your trading career. Do you have a swinging mood? Do you change your mind very often? Are you capable of keeping a commitment? Do you lose your temper easily? Are you on the "half-full glass" or "half-empty glass" side of life? These traits will not change just because you start trading. That is why you have to be very careful with your expectations. Base them both on your assets as well as liabilities, in order to obtain an accurate picture. That is just the beginning, but a very resourceful one on a journey few of us have started yet. I have seen traders taking NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) lessons, practicing the Tai-Chi art or simply meditating. They try to get in touch with unseen forces at work deep inside, vectors of influence that rule our inner world. The way to succeed in life has infinite variations but one common start, superbly crystallized in the following aphorism, inscribed in golden letters at the entrance to the Temple Of Apollo at Delphi and attributed to Socrates, among several other ancient Greek philosophers: NOSCE TE IPSUM,(Know yourself). The magic of success is within our grasp. We just need to find the wand! by Bogdan Vasile
  3. Last week I was reviewing a website which has a trading signal program for those investors who prefer to not being involved in confusing market analysis and I respect them because such services normally will bring them more time to do other important things in their daily life. But the interesting thing was the most of signalers did not actually place a stop loss point on their recommendations. Is that so because they know they are right all the time? Or that's because they did not lose half of their trading account in an unexpected slump of 200 hundred points and a single trade. However, the answer is most of them have something between -1000 to -5000 pips of open trades on their signal board and they actually trapped in desperately while they could cut the losing trades and ran another one instead. Also I should mention that there are some other types of system trading that called "Hedge Fund" and I don't actually want to argue if they are right or wrong. I am definitely talking to day traders who get into challenge with big bear every day. Sometimes, I don't understand why a trader could be convinced of not having a Stop Loss while we see almost every month an unexpected uncounted impulse (I would call it Best of the Test for whom with less of the rest) in the market. There is no specific rule as to where you should place the stop loss, so consider the below mentioned tips as the general rules and ask your mentor to fit reliable Stop loss rules just for you and your trading system(If you have one?). * Many loser traders do place the same stop loss for all the trades they execute without even trying to measure market environment. * Don't be scared of placing a stop loss while it is for your gain and you must know what your profit objective is. * Stop Loss should not be too close to the current price while most of the stop loss enemies have ruined their trading accounts already just by using very close ones. * Stop Loss should not be too far from the point you get into trade while it's better to not placing any Stop Loss rather taking an unreachable, fictional protector. * Try to not to risk more than the points of your profit goal. Pro traders recommend to only take those trades which have at least 2 points of potential profit per 1 pip of potential lose, but I would say it is completely depends on the money management system that you use, as different money management systems has different recommendations for Risk & Reward. * Sometimes a trading system does not work if you risk less than recommended %7 to %10 of your total account balance. It means you trade oversize or you just entered the market when everyone else getting out of the market. In this case this is not your fault as it has a clear message for you "don't trade this way anymore and ask an expert to solve the problem". * If you are convinced enough that you can make up 1 million dollar out of your 10000 dollars account by not using stop losses as you may think you are the one who knows the price will be back on its way to you instead of hitting new highs, well, simply you are wrong. * Remember, there are no sky limits for the price of any of currencies in FOREX market. * If you don't like to place a pre defined Stop Loss on your trades, please ask someone to show you how to follow a wining trade by using "Trailing Stop". * Be sure it is better to have one or two losing trades with 100 points of lose, instead of being desperate with sinking into -1000 pips of dizziness. How to Define the Best Stop Loss point? Try these tools to define the most accurate stop loss points easily: * Use 10 pips over/below the first Parabolic SAR spot(dot) appeared over/below the price candles for Short/Long Trades. Note#1: Remember you just can use 10 pips above the parabolic SAR dots as an Stop Loss point when you have a Short trade and Vice Versa. Note#2: You realized that the Stop Loss obtained from SAR is too far from the point which you want to enter the market. OK, this means you are about to enter the market very late so better to not do it. * Use 10 pips over/below the day before yesterday's HIGH and LOW and in the case of the market has moved a lot far, use 10 pips over/below the yesterday HIGH and LOW as a Stop Loss point for your Short/Long trades. * Use two Moving Averages of 55 EMA and 144 MA. You may place your stop loss just 10 pips below/above one of those two MAs depending on how do you set up the profit/loss game for your Long/Short trades. Note#: If you trade on the range market break out be aware of this kind of Stop Loss setting, and it is quite safer to use another way. * Place the Stop Loss 10 pips over/below Bollinger Bands Upper/Lower band for Short/Long trades. * If you use Elliot Waves theory to analyze the market: # Place the Stop Loss just 10 pips below the lowest point of the Second (2) wave in bullish trend when you LONG on Wave 3. # places the Stop Loss 10 pips below the lowest point of the 4th Wave when you go for LONG on 5th Wave. # Place the Stop Loss right above/below the top/low of the previous wave when you go for SHORT/LONG based on A-B-C correctional waves. Notes: * Aforementioned suggestions are based on 4Hours chart. * Those ways of defining Stop Loss points has worked for me, but It does not necessarily works for you, so ask your mentor or an expert friend to do evaluate the probability of fitting those suggestions to your trading strategy. * 10 pips are because sometimes price hit the important support or resistance levels by more than a touch. * Please don't forget, the Stop Loss issue is not actually a game. It is not even an option for you; it is a "MUST" and will save you when you can do nothing, so refresh your mind in this case.
  4. Hi all Today I am going to tell you about CYSEC. Many of the professional traders might be aware of it but for those who aren’t here are few details. CYSEC stands for Cyprus Securities and Exchange commission it was launched in2001 as a public organization. The CYSEC is run and governed by a five member board, a chairman who heads this board. A vice president and three other members. In board meetings there is a representative of world bank who has the rights to make amendments to agenda of commission. The members of board are selected by the council of ministers which is assigned by minister of Finance for a 5 year tenure. The seat of vicepresident and two other members is an exception and they are selected for a period of four and three years respectively. The CYSEC has following responsibilities. 1. To supervise and control the live stock exchange market. 2. To govern and control the security issues related to stock exchange. the licensed investment trading companies as well as collective investment schemes. 3. To request and collect information necessary for the exercise of its responsibilities, to demand in writing the provision of information from all natural or legal persons or organizations that are considered to be in a position to provide such information. 4. To grant operation licenses to investment firms, including investment consultants, brokerage firms and brokers. 5. To recall these operation licenses for special reasons, as it is more specifically determined in Regulations that are published in accordance with the Law of Establishment of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. 6. To impose administrative sanctions and disciplinary penalties to brokers, brokerage firms, investment consultants as well as to in any other legal or natural person whom fall under the provisions of the Stock Market legislation. What are advantages: As you can see from the responsibilities that companies licensed by CYSEC are secure and your investment is always save . There is no risk of company getting away with your hard earned money. As every company that is licensed by CYSEC is strictly monitored you are always save against fraud. Any good forex companies licensed with CYSEC: One of the most trusted forex trading companies that is licensed and accredited by CYSEC is uwcfx. United world capital forex is one of the vest companies that is registered with CYSEC. They offer generous bonuses and promotions for new as well and old investors. There are currently many promotions going on which offer you bonus on your first deposit. They also offer plenty of resources for traders. Uwcfx is registered with CYSEC with license number 093/08. The Company is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund (the “Fund”) for customers of Cypriot Investment Firms (CIFs) and other Investment. if you are looking for any trusted company to trade forex with then uwcfx is your best choice.
  5. Market knowledge and ability to understand analysis will only get you so far in forex trading, but without the nerve to actively compete risking your own money in the process you can never become a successful trader. Wagering huge volumes of money in a market as susceptible to change is liable to cause a whole range of opposing emotions; fear, excitement and anxiety just to name a few. Battling against your emotions in order to complete a successful deal is one of the major hurdles, which must be overcome if you are to become a trader able to close huge deals and earn vast sums of money. If you can overcome or even use these emotions to make trades on the Forex then a successful career may be beckoning, but failure to do so will almost certainly cost you a substantial amount of money and end any lingering desires to progress in the busy world of exchange rate trading. Initiating and closing a trade at the right times are the backbone of becoming a successful Forex trader. If a person cannot execute these deals at the right times, the psychological and financial damage can be crippling. Missing a huge trend or sitting too long on a good price, can be a demoralising experience, but one that many will encounter during a career in Forex trading. Entering at the right time is just one thing that must be done correctly, but if you are unable to leave at the right time or hold your nerve during the course of the trade, the implications are potentially severe. For example accepting a small loss just before the market rises can lead to a horrendous huge profit/loss ratio margin. Similarly sitting on a currency price that is plummeting for too long could be financially crippling. Understanding the Forex market and having faith in your ability to judge a trend will pay dividends if you hold your nerve, backing out at the wrong time can prove to be a catastrophic misnomer. The fear generated by investing your own personal money is the main thing that must be overcome. It is the culprit in so many failure stories, people who just couldn't overcome their anxiety investing unwisely, pulling out at the wrong time, missing a rise completely, all result in failure and are caused by fear. Accepting this fear, and using it to your potential will make you a stronger trader, able to trade freely and enjoy the thrill of the exchange. Fighting it will get you nowhere, understanding and overcoming it are the best remedies to this baseless emotion. Trading strategies will help you ride out the rough times and capitalize on the good ones. Sometimes just taking a step back and accepting a few losses will give you the energy and the knowledge to attack the Forex with renewed vigour, and make some serious profits. Accepting that sometimes you will lose out, you need to be able to take the hits and roll with a punch, there are no guarantees in the trading market, so being able to move on and start again is a skill that is paramount to generating success. Analysis and charts can only get you so far. You must first master these things, and be able to correctly interpret the figures that are represented in order to spot the trends and make your move. But this all means nothing if you don't have the courage of your convictions. If you are too afraid to buy and not sure when to sell then a glittering career in market trading is likely to elude you. 'The trend is your friend' but it means nothing if you firstly can't spot it and secondly don't have the courage to back it. Knowledge, strategies and overcoming fear may well be the 3 best ways to become to unlock the door to becoming a successful trader. Without all 3 you will more often than not become unstuck, so prepare, practice and evaluate everything before taking the plunge in the complicated world of Forex trading. by Michael J Campbell
  6. One of the most important rules of Forex trading is to keep your losses as small as you possibly can. With small Forex trading losses, you can stick it out longer than those times when the market moves against you, and be well positioned for when the trend turns around. The one proven method to keeping your losses small is to set your maximum loss before you even open a Forex trading position. The maximum loss is the greatest amount of capital that you are comfortable losing on any one trade. With your maximum loss set as a small percentage of your Forex trading effort, a string of losses won't stop you from trading for any particular amount of time. Unlike the 95% of Forex traders out there who lose money because they haven't begun to use wise money management rules to their Forex trading system, you will be ok with this money management rule. To use as an example, If I had a Forex trading float of $1000, and I began trading with $100 a trade, it would be reasonable for me to experience three losses in a row. This would reduce my Forex trading capital to $400. It would then be decided that they're going to bet $200 on the next trade because they think they have a higher chance of winning after having lost three times already. If that trader did bet $100 dollars on the next trade because they thought they were going to win, their capital could be reduced to $250 dollars. The chances of making money now are practically nil because I would need to make 150% on the next trade just to break even. If the maximum loss had been determined, and stuck to, they would not be in this position. In this case, the reason for failure was because the trader risked too much money, and didn't apply good money management to the play. Remember, the goal here is to keep our losses as small as possible while also making sure that we open a large enough position to capitalize on profits and minimize losses. With your money management rules in place, in your Forex trading system, you will always be able to do this. by Don Spanish
  7. The key to making money in the currency exchange market is to avoid emotional decisions and to follow a carefully thought out strategy that takes the current market and history into account. Going with your gut is not the way to go in the Forex market. Going with your gut could cost you money. Forex trading is a highly volatile market where emotions tend to run high. Emotions can influence your trading decisions, unless you have a strategy planned in advance, and stick to it, no matter what you think you're seeing at the moment. The keys to success in Forex are system, analysis and perseverance. Most experienced traders tell novice traders that they need to develop a system — and stick to it no matter what. Letting your emotions rule your decisions can hurt your trading in a number of ways. The system tells you when to buy, what to buy, when to trade and what to trade for. By sticking to your system you'll maximize your profits. A system based on technical analysis of historical market trends is one of the most potent tools that you can utilize if you're just getting started in Forex trading. Many traders, with years of experience, continue to use this system to keep the profits rolling in. Many traders will tell you that when their gut instinct and their system collide, the system is almost always right. Using a mechanical system takes the emotion out of your trading, eliminating one of the reasons people fail. Your system doesn't sway with emotions. It sticks to a tried and true course. To be effective, your system — whether you develop your own or adopt one created by someone else — should identify the entry and exit point of your trade, mitigating factors, and an exit strategy. In general terms this is as follows: Under what conditions should I acquire a currency? For instance, you may have a buy order for when a particular currency drops more than 5 pips because your analysis tells you that that's likely to be as low as it goes. When should I trade one currency for another and for which one? There are two reasons to exit — to maximize your profit, or minimize your loss. That means you have a set stop-loss order and a set take-profit order at which point you cash out your trade. What factors will I allow to change that decision? While the money market moves in predictable patterns, there are always individual variations of a trend within those patterns. If you've taken those variations into account, it will be far easier to decide when a factor really does make a difference, and when it's just wishful thinking. If you're not careful however this is where emotion could come into play and sour deals for you. How will I trade out of a currency? Your exit strategy may be as simple as a stop-loss order when my loss hits 5% or a take-profit order when I make 40% profit'. Another key is perseverance. Analysis of trends in the market will show you that the market moves in dips and spurts within overall patterns that are predictable. No trend moves smoothly in an up or down line — there are inevitable periods of time when values suddenly spiral up or down based on some outside factor. These are the times when emotion can hurt your portfolio. When a currency that you're holding takes a sudden dip south, it's tempting to succumb to panic trading, cut your losses and run even if your system tells you to hold on. On the other hand, it's easy to catch the rising excitement as a trade starts increasing in value and scramble to buy more of the same. These are exactly the times to rely most heavily on your trading system. It will tell you exactly when to trade for maximum profit. If you control your emotions and stick to the system you'll maximize your profits andall should be smooth sailing. by David Mclauchlan 
  8. This aspect is one of the most important aspects you will ever read about trading. Why is it important? In reality, we are in the business of making money, and to be able to do so we need to learn how to manage it well in order to prevent continuous loss. Ironically, this is one of the most overlooked areas in trading. Many traders are just anxious to get right into trading with no regards to their total account size. They simply determine how much they can lose in a single trade and get into the trade. Trading on Forex, the investor has opportunities to multiply his money, but he also risks losing future profit and much more, the invested capital. Deviation from expected profit average is what determines the investor's risk on the financial market. Risk management methods are applied before and after opening positions. The main risk management method is applied to reduce losses. Using Protective Stop-Loss to Control Risk It is advisable to place a protective stop-loss for every open position. Stop-loss is a point when the trader leaves the market in order to avoid an unfavourable situation. When opening a position it is recommended to use stop-loss to insure against extra losses. While in active trade it is good to protect your fund against potential total loss. That is the central purpose of money and risk management. Too often, the beginning trader will be overly concerned about incurring losing trades. Trader therefore lets losses mount, with the hope that the market will turn around and the loss will turn into a gain. Almost all successful trading strategies include a disciplined procedure for cutting losses. When a trader is down on a position, many emotions often come into play, making it difficult to cut losses at the right level. The best practice is to decide where losses will be cut before a trade is even initiated. This will assure the trader of the maximum amount he or she can expect to lose on the trade. Risk a Tolerable Account Portion Per Trade Position To manage your invested fund well, you have to decide before the opening of any position how much of the money you can afford to lose in case the trade goes negative from your projection. For instance, you may decide that for every opened position your risked money will be 3%, 5% or 10% of the total fund, by so doing you have known prior to the execution of the trade the highest amount that can ever go out of your money on that single trading position, by so doing you have even taken away emotion. The factor needed to work out this are: 1. The fund balance in your account. 2. The number of pip set as stop loss. 3. The lot size (volume) traded. For example: Let's say your fund balance is $5000 and your predetermined stop loss pip is 50 pips (selecting the number of your stop-loss pips should be from your analytical research) and you are ready to risk only 2% of your fund for a position. What do you do? Work out the 2% of $5000 Which is = $100. Implying that you can afford to lose $100 in case of any eventuality. Then, Divide $100 by 50 pips It will be $2 Your lot size must be 1 pip to $2. That will be 0.2 lot size. So you must use 0.2 lot size. As much as possible try not to be greedy, to be less greedy is to be able to minimize risk. In a way leverage can help to control risk: if your leverage is relatively low it will limit you against opening a trade with high lot size. Re-Evaluate Your Strategies The other key element of risk control is overall account risk. If trade is going against you, at what point will you stop and re-evaluate your trading strategy? Is it when you lost 30% of your money or 50% or 80% or when you lost the entire money? Assess your market analytical methods and see if there would be need for further perfection or even a change. Also, check out if your set lot size is too large for your entire account size. Risk management and fund management go hand in hand, if you manage your FUNDD well you are equally reducing your risk, also if you control your risk well you are equally protecting your fund. by Duro Olorunniji
  9. It should be noted that millionaire traders, Elder, Williams and some others are in fact professional psychiatrists. And it is not accidental that not the economists are the leaders and most successful traders, but professional psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Think about it. You will become a successful trader when you understand why it happens with Forex. You will understand what your Forex mistakes are, and why you are making them. And when you correct these mistakes you will become a trader who has no psychological barriers and obstacles on his way to better earnings in the Forex market. So, why do the psychiatrists make better traders than economists who, as one would think, have the Forex market at their finger tips? The economists are confused by: — the fact that exchange rates are not always related directly to the economic circumstances in the countries. Well, do you know any economist who would be bidding for low fx rates when the economic situation is getting better and better? Or the one who admits that technical analysis of currency pairs is more important for Forex trading than the fundamental one? Any economist is confident that this can never happen because he knows all the economic dogmas. But it happens in the Forex. After all, how can a trader lose with the currencies moving up and down by the economic rules? The currency will surely react to the economic changes in the country, but who knows when and how? Here is a tip: there is the Elliott fifth way to teach a lesson to the ones who believe that fundamental knowledge is enough (before the trend turns, the currency spurts absurdly by the old trend), to confuse and draw the newbies into the game, while the experts wait for the trend to turn back. — the lack of psychological knowledge that helps to understand the behavior of the crowd. And that is self-evident. Are there any methods to overcome this fear? It seems that every Forex book, every article offers efficient solutions for psychological difficulties experienced by the traders. IN FACT NEITHER OF THESE BOOKS CONTAINS METHODS TO OVERCOME THE FEAR EXPERIENCED BY A FOREX TRADER! But what do these books offer instead? Almost every book of this kind consists of two unequal parts: — the bigger part of the book narrates about traders' problem that interfere with their Forex work and make it unsuccessful (nervousness, doubts, worries, fear, sleep deprivation, etc.). As if the traders do not know their own problems. — the considerably lesser part contains conclusions and recommendations to the traders who are to solve their problems and overcome their fears to become successful. The conclusions are disappointing: Many psychiatrists realize that the new field opens before their eyes — now they may treat traders whose number amounts to millions all over the world and is growing with every day. And since most traders have a dream to become as successful as George Soros and other famous traders, this new field promises to be rather lucrative. One thing is bad though: the overwhelming majority of these new-sprung trader brain specialists do not even know what the Forex is all about. by Alexander Brin
  10. Learning the basic skills in forex, such as how to read forex charts, is really important. This is because once you have this vital skill under your belt, it will be a lot easier and quicker when the time comes for you to learn and practice an actual forex trading system. By the time you finish this article, you'll learn how to read forex charts, as well as know the pitfalls that can occur when reading them, especially if you haven't traded forex before. Firstly, let's revise the basics of a forex trading as this relates directly to how to reade forex charts. Each currency pair is always quoted in the same way. For example, the EURUSD currency pair is always as EURUSD, with the EUR being the base currency, and the USD being the terms currency, not the other way round with the USD first. Therefore if the chart of the EURUSD shows that the current price is fluctuating around 1.2155, this means that 1 EURO will buy around 1.2155 US dollars. And your trade size (face value) is the amount of base currency that you're trading. In this example, if you want to buy 100 000 EURUSD, you're buying 100 000 EUROs. Now let's have a look at the 5 important steps on how to read a forex chart: 1. If you buy the currency pair, that is, you're long the position, realise that you're looking for the chart of that currency pair to go up, to make a profit on the trade. That is, you want the base currency to strengthen against the terms currency. On the other hand if you sell the currency pair to short the position, then you're looking for the chart of that currency pair to go down, to make a profit. That is, you want the base currency to weaken against the terms currency. Pretty simple so far. 2. Always check the time frame displayed. Many trading systems will use multiple time frames to determine the entry of a trade. For example, a system may use a 4 hour and a 30 minute chart to determine the overall trend of the currency pair by using indicators such as MACD, momentum, or support and resistance lines, and then a 5 minute chart to look for a rise from a temporary dip to determine the actual entry. So ensure that the chart you're looking at has the correct time frame for your analysis. The best way to do this is to set up your charts with the correct time frames and indicators on them for the system you're trading, and to save and reuse this layout. 3. On most forex charts, it is the BID price rather than the ask price that's displayed on the chart. Remember that a price is always quoted with a bid and an ask (or offer). For example, the current price of EURUSD may be 1.2055 bid and 1.2058 ask (or offer). When you buy, you buy at the ask, which is the higher of the 2 prices in the spread, and when you sell, you sell at the bid, which is the lower of the two prices. If you use the chart price to determine an entry or exit, realise that when you place an order to sell when the chart price is say 1.330, then this is the price that you'll sell at assuming no slippage. If on the other hand, you place an order to buy when the chart price is the same price, then you'll actually buy at 1.3333. A forex system will often determine whether your orders will be placed simply according to the chart price or whether you need to add a buffer when buying or selling. Also note that on many platforms, when you're placing stop orders (to buy if the price rises above a certain price, or sell when the price falls below a certain price) you can select either "stop if bid" or "stop if offered". 4. Realise that the times shown on the bottom of forex charts are set to the particular time zone that the forex provider's charts are set to, be it GMT, New York time, or other time zones. It's handy to have a world clock available on your computer desktop in order to convert the different time zones. This is important when you're trading major economic announcements. You'll need to convert the time of an announcement to your local time, and the chart time, so you'll know when the announcement is going to happen, and therefore when you need to trade. 5. Finally, check whether the times on your forex charts corresponds to when the candle opens or when the candle closes. Your charting software may be different to someone else's in this way. The reason I mention this, is that if you need to trade major economic announcements, either by entering a trade based on the movements that happen after the announcement, or to exit a trade before the announcement in avoid getting stopped out during it, then you need to be precise (to the minute!) as these trades are performed according to what happens at the 1 minute immediately after the announcement, not the candle afterwards! So there you have it. You now have the 5 essential keys to how to properly read forex charts, which will help you to avoid the common mistakes which many forex beginners make when looking at charts, and which will speed up your progress when you're looking at forex charting packages, and forex trading systems that you want to trade! Now that you know this, practice looking at forex charts with each of these 5 points in mind. So get to it! by Mark Hamburg
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  13. Over the past several years, the popularity of online currency trading has grown substantially. Each day, online FX brokerage firms attract new investors - each of them lining up with a glint in their eye, lured in by promises of easy money. Most of these companies allow you to sign up for a free demo account which lets you place mock trades using their trading platform to get a feel for the excitement of currency trading. In the casual world of free demo accounts - many young traders find they are able to garner impressive profits without a significant amount of effort. It almost seems too good to be true. But transferring this success from a demo account to a real account is far less common. Why is this? The actual trading platform behaves the exact same way, the market doesn't care whether you're a demo or real trader - so what is different? It's you who has changed. Not your personality, not even your trading style - but the factors that affect you are different. What is the key factor to trading success? The search for the "Holy Grail" of trading has been a common theme throughout the history of markets. There are a variety of different techniques. Those whom are inclined towards number crunching and pattern recognition may prefer technical analysis, whereas those more focused on the big picture, logical macro perspective prefer fundamental analysis. Then there are specific methodologies like swing trading, trend following or even more esoteric ideas like the Elliot Wave theory. Which one is best? There are examples of very successful traders using each methodology. Since most new traders lose money - perhaps the more appropriate question to ask is, "What is the key factor to trading failure?" Greed and Fear Trading is an atmosphere rich in the porous emotions of greed and fear. The current price of a given security or financial instrument at any point in time can be thought of as the confluence of greed (bulls) and fear (bears). These two emotions make up the core of humanity itself. When market information is released, trading can be a high intensity experience. Sensing danger, your body releases adrenaline that acts to accentuate both your greed (fight) and your fear (flight). Because these emotions are so strong, they can cause you to act irrationally, ignore your system, stated set of rules or trading plan and to act upon impulse. Indeed, this is a genetically programmed response - but it is often also the trader's downfall, especially when he's playing with much better capitalized, more sophisticated and experienced foes that know how to manipulate those emotions. When you are a trader - you are always under the influence of at least one of these two emotions, even if you don't have any trades on. Impact of fear and greed on your trading If the market's going up and you're in - greed is telling you to buy more and fear is telling you to take your profits while you still can. If it's going down, fear of being wrong makes you hold onto a losing position - and then greed sometimes convinces you to "average down" your position (and buy more) so it'll be easier for you to come back. If the market's going up and you're not invested - fear is telling you that you're missing out on easy money but it's your greed that causes you to get in just after the greatest increase (just when its about to reverse course). If the market's going down and you're not invested - greed is telling you to get in as the price is cheap, while fear reminds you that you'll miss out on this opportunity if you don't act quickly. Perhaps if we just felt greed, or just felt fear we would be able to control our emotions a little better. But when both of these little devils whisper into our ears at the same time - it is often impossible not to listen. The Thrill of Greed The first time you try FX trading - you will feel the thrill of greed. It is an ecstatic experience, your brain flush with neurotransmitters and your mind giddy with visions of untold riches about to be reaped. Greed is bold, aggressive and incredibly exciting. It can take hold of you both mentally and physically. Just imagine the possibilities! This greed is what draws us into FX trading in the first place - the dream of easy money and 100:1 or 200:1 margin rates. It inspires us and causes us to forego rational thinking in favour of reckless abandon. In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gecko says, "Greed is good", but it is also very dangerous - especially if you are unable to recognize when greed is the one doing the talking. Greed is also one of the most common techniques used to manipulate people. Every get rich quick scheme, promising untold riches for no money down takes advantage of your natural predisposition to throw all logic and sense out the window when greed pays a visit. The argument starts to appear very compelling and you ignore what would otherwise be clear warning signs. Like drunk goggles, greed can mislead you and when you eventually wake up you are often in a very precarious position. The Fear of Losing Fear can be equally as dangerous. The most potent and easily manipulated form of fear is your fear of admitting that you are wrong. Fear of having your precious ego bruised. This fear can cause people to do incredibly stupid things. The funny thing about this world is that everyone thinks that they are right. Most people would rather lose thousands of dollars than admit they are wrong. It is easy to feel ashamed of trading losses and live in denial but this is self-destructive behaviour. By denying the problem exists, you fail to take steps address it and only ensure that it will continue in the future. Demo Trading Demo trading is a great way to get started in foreign exchange trading. It is identical to real trading, except that you're using "pretend" money. Demo trading allows you to get a taste for what type of events move markets and how they move. It encourages you to learn more about geopolitics, macroeconomics and global finance and these are all incredibly positive things. Demo trading also introduces you to the rapture of greed. Trading is a means to one of the purest, most raw and potent forms of greed. The whole point of trading is to make money and the more money you make - the stronger the pull of your greed becomes. It is intoxicating and can take complete control of you. But demo trading does not introduce you to fear. There is no fear when you are demo trading. It is like you have a perpetual get out of jail free card. If you start losing badly on a demo account - simply start a new one. There is no accountability for your trading failures and only recognition of your trading success. So your demo account does not teach you how to handle the emotion of fear. This emotion is most likely going to lead to your downfall. Greed may get you overextended, but fear will stop you from cutting your losses. You may think that fear of losing money would cause you to cut your losses, but the stronger emotion is fear of being wrong and that causes you to hold on to your losing position - until it's all gone. There is also the issue of account size. Many demo accounts give you $50,000 to play with. This type of capitalization allows you to buy 5 lots (500K) of EURUSD pretty easily. If goes up 20 pips you've made $1000. Nice one. But when you open your real account - it's more likely that you put $5000 or $10000 in there to begin with. Now you're dealing with a 50K lot, which means you'll take $100 out of a 20-pip movement. But mentally you are used to getting $1000 for that movement so you usually end up risking more. Next thing you know - your 200K position has turned against you 50 pips and you've lost $1000. That's real money you just lost. You can't just start another account. The capitalization of the demo account is sufficient to sustain losses and still come out on top. But your real account is likely to be undercapitalized and if you're trying to achieve returns similar to what you got on your demo account - you are going to blow up very quickly. Being honest with yourself Ultimately, while providing an excellent introduction to FX trading - demo accounts do not accurately predict whether you'll be successful trading real money. Markets are dominated by psychology and often go against what fundamental logic or technical indicators suggest should happen. The single most critical factor in your trading success will be your ability to control your emotions of greed and fear. These emotions cloud your judgment and cause you to trade recklessly. Demo accounts introduce you to the emotion of greed, but by their very nature they are risk free and therefore there is no fear involved. They are also likely to be better capitalized than your real money account, which misleads you with respect to the amount of returns you can expect to earn. For all of these reasons, demo accounts allow you to avoid being honest with yourself and this is perhaps the most important factor of all. You need to know your edge and your limits and in order to know these - you must be honest with yourself. This being said, demo accounts are still very entertaining and educational and I highly recommend opening one to anyone who's interested in getting a taste of the exciting world of FX trading. It's a great way to learn more about economics, global politics and yourself.
  14. As a novice trader, you will be faced with a big question sometimes. There is a trade setup formed or forming on the chart and you wonder if you should take it or not. The trade setup may not look strong enough and it may not have met all the criteria and rules your trading system has to make you take a position. On the other hand, it has been several hours or even days that you have not taken any position and you are fed up of waiting. Or you already had some losing positions and you want to recover the loss as soon as possible. These are all the thoughts and emotions that you have in your mind. Finally, the inner demon makes you take the position, but after clicking on the buy or sell button, all those stimulating emotions will go and you see the real picture of the trade setup that was forming. You will be realized that you were wrong and you should not have taken it, because it did not have everything that a good trade setup should have. This is something that happens for novice traders almost everyday. First they wonder if they should take the position or they should wait for a better opportunity. After several minutes of mental struggle, they leave everything to luck and take the position. Usually and in 90% of the cases, these kinds of positions are losing positions. Why? Simply because they are taken based on emotions, not based on the techniques and trade setups.
  15. The basic idea behind scalping in the FOREX market is that you make several small trades during the course of the day. You find a currency pair that you like to trade, predict which way it is going to move and then place a trade. Instead of waiting around for a big trade like you do with other trading strategies, you just wait for a small movement in the direction you want and close the trade. You are aiming for a small profit target instead of a large one. This strategy usually takes place pretty fast. If you are trading during a high volume part of the trading day, the currency will usually move a few pips in a short period of time. Therefore, you may have your trade open for only 10 minutes or less. Sometimes it takes longer, but many times you can do a trade in only a few minutes. Benefits of Scalping Scalping can be a productive strategy if you know what you are doing. With this strategy, you are not waiting around to hit the big home run. You are just consistently hitting singles throughout the trading day. Even if the market does not move very much throughout the day, you can still net some consistent profits. With this strategy, you can also protect your trading account better. Instead of taking a large trade with a big stop loss, you are taking several trades with a small stop loss. You are just hoping for a few pips, so you do not have to risk as much to have a successful trade as you would if you were taking big trades. Disadvantages of Scalping The big drawback to scalping is that in a short time frame, it is very difficult to predict the direction of the market accurately. The market jumps up and down a lot throughout the day. When you smooth out the data on a larger time frame, you can more easily see the direction of the trend. Another disadvantage is that it is a very high-paced trading strategy. With other trading styles, it is not so crucial to get in and out at the precise second. You can be patient and trade when you want. With this method, you have to get into the market at a second's notice.
  16. The broker assumes two groups- 1. Group A :- 95% of traders who lose money 2. Group B :- 5% of traders who makes money The broker assumes that every new acount belongs to group A. After some time when you earn consistantly, they re-assign you to group B. After you joined group B, they lump your trades with all of the rest of group B & hedge against your trades. Basically your brokes puts up with group B but in fact, is interested in gaining group A acounts. It means if a Group A trader lost $1000 - that is, completely blows up his $1000 acount. Then the broker gets all of that money. In fact the broker doesn't make money on the spread; he makes money on the loosing acounts ! Got it ?
  17. In Forex trading there is something called, a Mini Account, and it uses a different leverage calculation than a regular (100k) account. This is, instead of trading full-size currency lots (100,000 units), you?ll trade in lots that are just 1/10 the size (10,000 currency units), which in turn greatly reduces your risk. Pips in a Mini Account are worth, on average, $1 instead of the $8 to $10 value they have in a regular account. The Mini Forex account offers up to 200:1 leverage, this means that just a $50 margin deposit will allow you to trade lots worth roughly $10,000 , but the smaller lot sizes, with correspondingly smaller pip values, means that you?ll be assuming less total risk. For example, while a 20-pip loss on a 100,000 USD/JPY position would be $200, the same loss on a 10,000 USD/JPY position in a Mini account would amount to $20. Here you have an overview of leverage (Margin, Account Size) on each of the two accounts discussed above: 100K (Regular Full-sized Account) - Minimum required account deposit = $2,000 - Recommended required account deposit = $5,000 to $10,000 - Traded in 100,000-unit currency lots - Default Margin: set at 1% ($1,000 per lot) - Leverage = 100:1 or 50:1 (if margin is set at 2%) Mini Account - Minimum required account deposit = $300 - Recommended required account deposit = $2,000 - Traded in 10,000-unit currency lots - Default Margin: set at 0.5% ($50 per mini-lot) - Leverage = 200:1 There is no downside to trading a mini account , you will be still enjoying all the benefits that full-size FX account holders enjoy; including, same state-of-the art trading software, charts, resources, and tools, etc. This mini accounts are ideal for a new Forex trader to develop a disciplined, rational forex trading strategy without excessively focusing on profits and losses. Also there is no maximum trade volume when you use a mini account. Although the standard trade size is 10,000 units, you are not limited to trading one lot. For instance, you can trade 10,000 units, 50,000 units or 200,000 units. This means as you become more seasoned and build up confidence you can slowly increase the size of your positions to maximize profits. In fact the trade size of 10,000 units allows for more flexibility in terms of customizing the size of your trade. The ability to customize the size of the trade allows you to have a better risk management. With less capital at risk in a Mini FX account, it is easier for you to develop a disciplined trading methodology, as well as the confidence needed to be a successful currency trader, without the anxiety and distractions that come with large Profit and Lose swings
  18. First of all i want to start by pointing out some of the disadvantages of Forex Robots. 1. They could be very expensive. 2. There’s a huge range of different robots to choose from, which can make users to have a really hard time choosing the one that’s right for them and this takes high familarity with robots systems. 3. You will have to leave your computer turned on all day or which is quite expensive for those subscribing to an internet service provider . so that the robot works at its best performance. 4. Doesn’t run on every broker, which could limit your earnings. 5. Configuring the robot for its best performance could be problematic and depends on what currency pair the user is trading. 6. Intervene in the robot’s performance may cause its malfunction and turn into losses for the user. So an inpatience trader can't use it. 7. Most of them can’t trade on days of high volatility. After looking at this disadvantages about robots, lets also consider the advantages. Look for my trend (why using forex robots ?.).
  19. Hi all In recent past I have been doing extensive research on the forex robots or the expert advisors as they are called. I have read hundreds of reviews ,watched many many videos about all the major robots. And here are my findings.. Before starting I want to make it clear that I am neither an associate of any of these robots nor I am trying to promote any product. I just want to know the truth and bring it forward before others so that they know what works and what doesn't. Out of all the robots that I have researched and got feedback from many real traders who have used no robot actually works. Here the definition of the term works is very important. By working I mean that no robot fulfills the claims that they make on their lucrative websites. Most of them don't work and those who do they are so slow in generating profits that it will literally take years to even double your money. So what about the proofs and reviews from hundreds of people? All the claims that these robots make are either false or they are results of very special market conditions which are very rare. All the testimonials you can find on the web from many people are those who are trying to sell the products using their links. Hence they are no more than affiliates who have never used these products before. What about money back guarantee? Well the trick behind money back guarantee is that these robots can make some quick profit when the market is suitable. But as the fact that they will lose the money later on balances the equation. Now most of the persons who have bought such a robot will get greedy and as a result they will prefer to wait for such good day rather than refunding the product. Those who don't believe my findings can watch the video below to see the results yourself .
  20. A demo account is one of the best ways to check out any types of financial trading. The account provides an introduction to online trading for beginners. It helps the traders test the functionality of live trading account. More clearly, the demo account concept permits the customer to view the account online and understand how the account would execute when it was a real account. Many Forex brokerage services offer their clients a Forex demo account in order to learn the basic functions of an online Forex account. Forex (also, Foreign Exchange) is the simultaneous exchange of one currency for another between two parties at an agreed rate. These basic functions include the sell or buy order, the stop loss order, the profit limit function, etc. Acquiring these basic functions is very useful in online account, as they guide the customer to the path of success in currency trading. There are a number of different demo software are provided by financial services to test their currency accounts. The account can be accessed through logging in at their websites. A demo account usually possesses the following advantages: For a limited time, the customer will have full access to real-time pricing on all instruments offered, risk free demo trading, expert fundamental market analysis from the premier source of quality financial and business intelligence information, real-time breaking news, and multiple online order types including Market, Stops, Limits and OCOs.
  21. When it comes to the currency market, most traders will use either technical or fundamental analysis or a combination of both to formulate their strategy, However, even for the casual currency trader, news or event risk can have a dramatic influence on the long and short-term price action of a currency pair. In this report, we examine the 5 most market moving indicators for the US dollar (we update this report annually) against the Euro. The reason for our focus on the EUR/USD is its status as the most actively traded - and therefore benchmark – currency pair. Economic Data is Important for Both Fundamental and Technical Traders It is irrefutable that news or economic data can elicit a sharp reaction from currencies and other financial markets. However not all economic data is created equal. The monthly Non–farm payrolls for example has had a far bigger impact on the US dollar than other perennial top market movers like consumer prices. Indicators rarely keep their same level of influence over a currency though; so it common to see major shifts in the top ranking from year to year. For example, over the past year, the worst contraction in the US housing market in a quarter century has led indicators like new and existing home sales to crowd out top releases from previous years – like ISM manufacturing. Also, what may create a lasting move in a currency on a day to day basis could be different from what triggers a knee jerk reaction in the US dollar. The top 5 most market moving indicators for the US dollar on a day to day basis are: 1. Non-Farm Payrolls 2. ISM Non-Manufacturing 3. Personal Spending 4. Inflation (Consumer Price Index) 5. Existing Home Sales Unlike the other numbers, the non-farm payrolls report consistently topped the list of most market moving indicators for the US dollar. As the US economy slowed in 2007 and into 2008, the stability of the labor market was closely watched by all traders and analysts because of its broad ramifications for the overall economy. What’s In Store for the Future While it seems that day to day news is slowly having a smaller impact on the US dollar, the top market moving indicators will still have their impact on both technical and fundamental trading. The market is highly sensitive to surprise releases from many of the more fundamentally crucial economic releases. What’s more, the cooler response to scheduled indicators over the longer term will not last. Interest in fundamentals historically goes through peaks and troughs depending on the presence of exogenous event risk. As risk in credit and other markets tempers, market participants will be more willing to take on speculative risk and respond to the ever evolving fundamental docket.
  22. I guess, I would suggest that a Forex newbie must get educated to understand forex, before plunging into the actual trading itself. There are lots of good resources out there to help. One of the best I have come across is makemoneycurrencytrading dot co dot uk as they run free webinars and training. He will train you in their strategies as well. And they run live portfolio so you can actually see if their strategies are making profit live. They send out a daily report each day with the trades.
  23. Beware of Unrealistic Returns Trading forex generally involves a substantial risk of loss, as well as high potential returns. As a result, if any company you are considering investing with claims to be able to offer you guaranteed high profits by trading forex, then you would be wise to be suspicious of a potential fraud. Forex scams offering unrealistic returns will often play on an individual’s greed, in addition to their desire to earn lots of money without making much of an effort to do so. Although the offer of unrealistic returns tends to be a forex fraud red flag signifying a high risk investment, just because a potential forex related investment scheme does not offer unrealistic returns does not necessarily make it legitimate. Greed is a Weakness One of the juiciest carrots that scammers of all types use involves the promise of unrealistic returns that play on people’s greed. As a result, being greedy when considering your investment choices can play right into the hands of a forex fraudster. For example, returns of one percent per day, or twenty percent per month would generally be considered unrealistic investment returns when trading forex. Nevertheless, some scammers will instead offer far more reasonable returns simply to take people off guard. HYIPs Usually Offer Unrealistic Returns As the name implies, many so-called High Yield Investment Plans or HYIPs are guilty of offering unrealistic returns to potential clients. Nevertheless, they often basically consist of little more than forex related Ponzi schemes where the deposits from new investors go toward paying investment returns for existing investors until the scam eventually fails. Furthermore, many HYIP’s or High Yield Investment Plans can be discerned simply by observing their outrageous returns claims. Since they usually amount to little more than a Ponzi scheme scam, they just take in principal from new clients to pay out the high interest rates to existing clients until all the money is gone. Many people never see the fabulous profits their often forged account statements show. They eventually end up losing the entire amount of their investment, sometimes after having actually received some interest payments before the scheme fails. These unscrupulous HYIP companies often warn potential clients in their fine print, or tucked away on a hard to reach webpage, that investing money in the forex market could lead to the total loss of their investments. Unrealistic Returns Promised by Forex Software and Services Another type of potential forex scam involves vendors that promote automated forex trading software or forex signal generating services by claiming astronomical results from back testing the product over a certain time period. Often, such time periods are carefully selected and then the system’s parameters are optimized to show high profits with low drawdowns during that testing period. Also, while the system may indeed have performed well theoretically, it may not do nearly so well when exposed to rigors of a live trading environment when realistic factors like dealing spreads and order slippage are taken into account. Although increasingly sophisticated in their algorithms, forex trading robots and forex signal software still has trouble replicating the success of actual experienced human traders. A Forex Managed Account Fraud Scenario As an example, the way that the tantalizing carrot of unrealistic returns attracts potential targets in a forex managed account situation might work something like this: The scammer somehow convinces the mark that the scammer — through sheer genius and forex market savvy — has devised a fool proof “proprietary” forex trading system. The forex system — which allegedly consistently beats the market and has been proven by the scammer to make huge and reliable profits — has now been offered to the general public out of the seeming goodness of the scammer’s heart to share with the teeming millions who do not know how to trade forex on their own. Nevertheless, in order to take advantage of these huge returns, a forex managed trading account must be opened by the potential client and placed at the discretion of the company making the claims with a rather large minimum deposit. The unrealistic returns in this example play on two very base human characteristics: greed and sloth. A greedy disposition will make the proposition of receiving large amounts of money attractive while slothfulness will be attracted to not having to lift a finger to obtain these fabulous returns. Each weakness adds to the attraction of the “investment” to the potential forex fraud mark.
  24. There is no rule about the number of shares an investor must buy. If you can afford a single share (plus commissions), a broker will get it for you. As a matter of fact, through the Monthly Investment Plan you can buy a fraction of a share, although the Plan requires a minimum investment every month. To invest in the Forex, you will probably need a float of around $400 and invest from $1 to $10 per pip to start with, then reinvest your profits. So there is a much smaller outlay required to invest in Forex, although it is more speculative.
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