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Posts posted by monyitomon

  1. We can't see anything special about this new HYIP so I guess this will fail to attract us to invest in here because nothing special it's just a typical new hyip that we are all doubting if it will last for a at least one round because that is 60 days though you don't have to wait for that long just to reach your BEP in here.

  2. An hourly plan and yet it says that you can make 5% clear profit of your investment though the minimum amount to be invested is one dollar, but I think if you going to invest such amount it may not be worth the risk that you will take as you will just earn 5 cents if ever that it will pay you so as for me it's better not to invest.

  3. I guess it's the commission because if you have some referral in here and invested some amount you will get some commission in there, as we know those Hyip monitors can get some referrals that is why they are already listing it as paying even less than a day because they have been paid by the commission when they have request for it.

  4. Well, I guess you can take risk to have a test investment in here besides the minimum amount to invest is just one dollar. So, it's an hourly plan as long as there is no minimum amount to withdraw in here. Though if you plan to withdraw hourly in here then think about the fee because it can save you if you just going to withdraw when you have a dime at least.

  5. So, I guess it will be one of their attraction the instant payment in here according to the information above that the withdrawal is instant because you know it's good to have such feature because you don't have to wait as you will receive your payment once you request for it as it's instant so it's more great to invest in here.

  6. Well, meaning 100% clear profit after 20 days that is quite high, but in 10 days you cannot lose in this program, but still I don't think if you can trust such program that offering a high ROI as it's definitely not sustainable, but if we can find some RCB then I am sure it can help us to reach the BEP as it can lessen the days to reach your BEP.

  7. There are three HYIP Monitors added on the RATE US section. Well, I think that it is quite attractive to invest in here because we can see that this HYIP has a unique design that people can get attracted especially that it's just a new program that there is really a high chances that we will able to make some money in here.

  8. Actually, I don't trust any HYIP that offering hourly plan because we know that it won't last at all as there are many investor who don't prefer to invest in such HYIP so meaning the flow of the money will not be good as this is just surely another ponzi scheme so better to think twice before deciding to invest in here.

  9. I think it's because that you don't need knowledge and skills just to earn money that's why some people just prefer those kind of programs that the money will purely work for them unlike in Forex trading that you have to analyze the Forex market and it's a business that you can't survive without the proper knowledge.

  10. It's really easy to gather some funds in Forex Forums which sponsored by Forex broker because for sure if you can be active in those Forums you can gather some good amount of capital for you to use in trading so even you don't fund your trading account you can still have some capital to start in Forex trading.

  11. Well, some have their dream daily target because I guess some of us are still not consistently earning some good amount of profits, it's still on the stage where the percentage of losing is higher than winning. But then as for now even I just earn like 10 dollars daily in trading I guess that is good enough because it can support my living already for a single person.

  12. It's just like that as there is usually conditions before you can able to withdraw, but then having such amount of bonus that it doesn't require you any deposit that you can use it for trading then it's good because at least there is possibility that you do great and can really enjoy the bonus have given to you.

  13. It's not really easy to earn money in Forex trading because it's a serious business that there are huge amount of money involve in here so we should really take it seriously as if you want to be successful in here then you just have to keep practicing because we know that learning never stops so just keep it up.

  14. Well, I think that it's just fine if you prefer both because someone you can find some paying HYIPs that you can really make profit. Though if you want to earn really big that you can be comfortable with the amount you will going to invest then Forex trading is what suit you because in here the chance of getting scam is really small.

  15. For me Education and Experience if I will have to choose two. Luck should not be here because I don't think it will always be on your side though we know that sometimes luck is there, but we can't always expect for us, as we should always depend on our knowledge and experience in Forex trading.

  16. Well, it is because sometimes you may feel that you just have to commit and you don't think that it's being greedy. It's true that greediness can lead to huge losses that you supposed to have money in your hand, but you end up having none and even blew your trading account because of your greediness as you get blinded by the amount of the possible profit.

  17. Yes, because these people doesn't want the risk involve in Forex trading, but they must know how much money they can earn in Forex trading because if they can know the possibility then I guess many people will be willing to risk their money in here because once we master the art of trading then I am sure that you will be in profit.

  18. That is why if we have that huge sum capital our knowledge and skills in trading should be really fit to trade with such amount of capital because we should really know that if we don't have the proper knowledge, we are just gambling our capital in here so it's really better if you can start with a small capital if you don't feel that great.

  19. I guess being patient can be really a good help because for sure when members keeps on complaining it can add some stress to Admin so we just to remain relax because actually it's not just being patient because it's how you behave during those days that's why as for me I'm just happy posting in here.

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