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Posts posted by sh.shani

  1. this site is really attractive and is using a very new and secure script.i have visit its forum and found many payment proofs of yesterday which shows that they are really paying.in the problems and doubt section i could not any kind of complaint in this section.i believe the site is really for clicking.

  2. i have visit this site and found a message written in the home page that they have reserved 82,500$ for the payout which they will send to their when they will receive their withdrawal request but i am not sure that they will pay any member because the payout is very high and it not possible to reach it in this life.

  3. i think it will be better for us if we work as a standard or premium member because 99% risks involved in paid to click sites that it will go scam.people lost too much money in ptc in purchasing memberships for the sake of earning good money but have not get any payment when they request payout.i think i think its better to use them for advertising.

  4. i think the admin dont want to promote his site so that he has not made any kind of changes in his site.the payout minimum is still 4$ and still 1 ad available to click.thats the reason no one is showing interest in it.At this stage it is not possible to say more about it.

  5. Well they have start paying the members.the stats are showing that they have paid 5$ and the payment proofs are also posted in the payment section.All of the payment made today but i am little doubtful about the site because the proofs which the members have posted here are not looking real and these are looking just like self typed.

  6. its really nice thinking from the admin by providing only 2 memberships in his site.it will not put the member into the confusion that which membership he must choose.but the site is not working now and i am unable to join it.i think the site will not come back.

  7. the rates are very low but the earnings which they have provided to their members are high.but these earnings cannot help us in reaching payout because its too high and we have to click for approximately 5 months and i dont think this site will stay more than 1 month.

  8. its good that they are paying in euros but this site is now 10 days old and in this period no one got paid by them.in my view the reason is the payment processors which the site is using to pay its members.they are using OKPAY and STP.These processors are not popular in ptc clicker.

  9. i think its great opportunity for us to earn very good amount from this site.At this site we are able to earn 7.5 cents daily which is really a good earning.Am sure the site will grow in next few days.i think they have to add some more payment processors other than paypal.

  10. its such a very bad site.i try to join this site many times but am unable to join it because i try to register her i got a message that you cannot join this site because your country is black listed.i dont know why they have blocked registrations from my country.

  11. high earnings available with such high and unreachable payout.on the other hand they requires investment from the members who want to withdraw their money.we dont need to invest money in this site because investment in this site means putting the money into the danger.

  12. the earning here are fine but the site and the ads both are too slow and it takes too much time to load.Each ad takes about 5 to 10 minutes to load.i dont think i have much time to spent here in this site so that i am not joining it.i suggest all people not to work here.

  13. they have more than 1000 members and online 6 members online out of 1000 members what does it mean? it is clearly showing that the people are not working here now.there is also a chance that some request of the people goes pending so that they have stop working here.

  14. the rate are very low but there is no ad available at ads page.there are only two memberships available but the upgraded page's screen is showing details of four memberships.where are the other two memberships?? i think the admin has removed these upgrades.

  15. the earnings in the site are really nice we can reach the payout in just a week if we have some referrals.they are showing that the 2$ has been already paid to the members but there is no payment proof posted by someone yet.i think if they are really paying then the admin have to order members to paste payment proofs in the section or forum.

  16. the site has very low rate of click and there are only 6 ads available to click and from these 6 ads we are able to earn only 1 cent in a day.i think we dont need to waste time in it at this rate we will reach minimum is 50 days.the site is not looking legit to me.

  17. the site has completed its first phase because they have got more than 3200 members but i reach this site very late and failed to get premium membership but thanx God the minimum for the standard members are also zero so i am going to join this let see what i will get here.

  18. thats really great both member have got paid by them.


    i like this site but i think this site is not for me because the earnings here in it are too low of my expectation.only 3c from 20 ads is not enough for me.the upgraded members are able to earn good here.by upgraded members i mean elite and ultimate members.

  19. the admin has choose the name of a hyip program which has already been turns into scam.i think there may be a chance that the admin of both site are same.the members are active in this site and also they are not showing any kind of interest there then why we work here for wasting our time.

  20. they have mentioned in the details that the clicks needed for cash out are 100 but i have calculated and find that if clicks 100 ads then by comparing rates we will get 0.1$ only.i think its better for us not to work here because after clicking thousand ads we will reach 1$ and thousand ads will get about 100 days

  21. zeus script is a bad script and the site is using this script.i dont like this script because i found many sites of this script in the past were facing payment problems.many sites of this script also turns into scam and i believe that this site will also goes scam.i suggest you all dont waste time in it.

  22. the script is too good but the fact is that only the script is not enough we need only earning here which the site does not have i have visit this site and found only one member online there.i think its not a good sign for the site.they have to do some changes immediately.

  23. well the rates for the worker (standard) memberships changes to zero now it is important for the each members who is joining has to upgrade to the premium or other memberships otherwise no one is allow to work here.it should be noticed that the memberships are also expensive.

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