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Posts posted by sh.shani

  1. they have very low minimum payout of 0.1$ but to reach this payout we have to work hard for 10 days because they have only one section which is ptc section and in this section half of ads are of 0.001 and the remaining ads are of worth 0.0001-0.0002$.the total earnings available are of 1c.i think the admin should pts or ptr section here.

  2. i think we dont need to waste time in this site because the payout is very high and the other thing is that they also requires investment if we want to withdraw money from it.it does not look trusted to me.there is a high risk involved here we cant trust them.



    the minimum payout for the standard and the pioneer members has been decreased to 1.5$ and the upgraded members like elite and ultimate will enjoy no minimum payout.i think the admin has made the good change but the earnings are same also i think admin should take a look on them also.

  4. i think now the site is turns into scam because last payment proofs which i found here is 10 days and also there is no activity from the admin after 13 june 2012.out of 742 members no member found online.i think i should leave this site now because i am too much away from the payout.

  5. the admin of the site is looking really serious.this site contains all those things which a good ptc site needs.i found a earnings here.0.057$ is such a good amount to earn everyday.i have lot of referrals who will help to achieve the target of 1$.i hope to reach the minimum payout.

  6. there is great news received from the admin today.the admin has finally decrease the minimum payout to 2$ but he is also saying that he has set this payout only for the limited time he will change after some days.the earnings available are more than 4c and i received some ptr mails in my account i think now we can test this site.

  7. the name of the site and their design as well complete copy of linkbucks.com but in the matter of earn money here i will say it is totally different from it.from the linkbucks we can earn a huge amount but in this the earning are not more than 3 cents.but the good thing is that it paying.

  8. the admin has announced in its first message that he is the owner of a great site named jss tripler (just been paid) which is now a elite site but i cant believe him because jss tripler is doing a great business these days how the idea of the ptc site came to his mind? what he can do with the ptc when he had already a great business.

  9. they are not giving such rates which they have given in their site.Admin have make some changes and these changes are too bad.the no of the ads increased in the site from 26 to 42 but the earnings are same for the members.i think this change will negatively effect the site.

  10. i think the admin has put the ball in the pocket of upgraded members because standard members have the low minimum payout but they are unable to cash out money before making 100 clicks.it will take 20 days which is a very big period.upgraded members can earn money here because they need 0 clicks for payout.

  11. i think the admin has made a big mistake here for giving standard memberships to the members.people have leaved it only because they know this payout will take a lot of their time and now a days people are in the search of those site where they can earn fast legit money.this site is opposite from their thinking.

  12. the site is good near me only for 1 month and we are about to earn about 3$ in a month because no one try to see which membership the admin is giving to the 1000 members.they are giving 1 months ultimate memberships to the first 1k members and every body can easily see that the minimum is only 1.now whats your decision about this site.

  13. they have a launched a new contest which is related with the payment proof.the contest is that anyone who will post his proof on the forum is able to earn 1$ as a gift and the prize will send to his payment account and if his 5 referrals post the payment proof in the forum then he will get 0.5$ separately. i think its a great way to earn money here.

  14. the admin has mentioned in the site's home page that they are paying through payza and paypal.but when i moved to its request payout page there was no sign of payza.it is also not available in the upgrade page for purchasing memberships.i send support ticket to the admin but no answer received from the admin yet.

  15. the no. of ads which the ptc is providing its member are 48 and from these ads we will only get 6 cents.i think the earnings for us are very low as compared to ads.there are only 2 ads of 1 cent and all of the other ads are only of 0.0005.i think admin should decrease some ads limit.

  16. i cannot access to this site when i tried to open i got a message that the account is temporarily or permanently suspended.i think now there is a very less chance that the site will return back.now it is better to wait some days to check whether the site comes back or not.

  17. this is another site from the admin of ticbux.com and we better know about the ticbux which is an old ptc site and is paying since two to three months.they have set a very nice minimum payout and the thing which i really like is that the minimum is fixed here.

  18. the minimum in the site is too high as compared to the rates which the admin has set for his members.i believe its impossible for the members to reach it.i found no payment proof in its forum only i found many complaints in its problem section.its looks like the members are just facing some problems in this site and getting nothing.

  19. All the payment proofs posted on the site's forum as well in its payment proofs section are fake because all of the payment proofs are more than 800$.i found two payment proofs of this month in which members got a payment 1063$.it is impossible to earn such high payout from a ptc site.

  20. the minimum is changed to 0$ now.i think the admin has taken this step very late it will be better if he applied this step at that time when the site was launched but no worry now the people know that the site is paying instantly they will be active here.

  21. it was a very good site i got one payment from them in the previous month of june but suddenly God knows what happened to this site why the admin thinks to close this great site.Am really upset to see that the site is no more now and it is also moved to the scam and closed sites list.

  22. there are some proofs in pasted by the members but i am not sure it is possible to reach such high minimum payout in this rate especially when the members are only getting 0.008$ per day by clicking 20 ads a day.As a upgraded member it is also impossible because they are also earning only 2c from 20 ads.

  23. there are many problems already faced by the member in this short time.i saw some complaints from the users in the forum that the purchases which they have made in this site such as rented referral and memberships etc are not working automatically.they have not upgraded to the gold membership.the admin has taken the action against the problem and inform that the members who have purchased memberships and other purchases he have to mail him in 24 hours to avoid disruption.i think 24 hours is a very short period.the admin should increase it to 72h.

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