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Posts posted by faceless

  1. That is true for you. You can just direct youeself using the links. But the seach box makes everything so much quicker and easier. So thats why admin needs to fix this ASAP. My activty has been affected badly because I post many payment proofs in the hyip section, and if I cant get to the search box I need to find the threads manually which takes too much time.

  2. Forums, monitors, are all listed on the site. If you have any doubts, you can go to any of the forums listed and can quickly find payment proofs. Although it is still; paying and all, I have stopped my investments here now just to be on the safe side. I think I have taken enough profit. and taking a step back being not too greedy. But I see that it will still have great potential because the ROI is 2% in profit only each day which is sustainable.

  3. well they have been running for 4 days. It is safe to say that it is paying well. many good monitors are listing as paying as well. They might have ridiculous plans for the large sum, but I really doubt many investors go for that option. Many would just diversify their money. The minimum deposit here is 10 dollars, and the return is 105%. I think this is pretty sustainable for a short term. Hopefully my deposit today wouldn't be too late.

  4. To be honest, I would invest here since it is new, but I didn't. And the reason is simple. It is because the site just looks too dodgy. The script is not nice and the colours are nasty. I know you are not meant to judge one like this, but in reality, many do. And this is the reason why I don't invest here.

  5. Trickster maybe you can also start learning to invest in short term hyips. At first I also thought they it could be impossible because it is too risky, but the trick is that when a short term hyip like this one launches on the day, you need to take the opportunity. Deposit a small amount and then if it pays, go for a larger. This is what I am planning to do and have been doing for many short term ones. This is one of them, and I have confidence that it will be paying.

    I made a deposit of 2 dollars here today.

  6. The 2% ROI plan will attract long term investors but I would say the script and picture chosen is not so professional. and this is the first one which I have come across that had no referral commission. I wider whether this would affect monitors to list it on their site because they also earn from referral commisions

  7. Not sustainable especially when the plan only lasts for 1 hour. The lifetime of this site may possibly be oly a few days or even less. Script looks bad and statistics not displaying enough information for investors to feel confident. Only one monitor listed and says paying, and no other ratings page can be found. For sure I won't invest in here

  8. That is true that it is gd that the minimum amount is low. But if you are a new investor hoping to invest a large amount here but want to test it first with small amount, I wouldn't bother. The site proofs to pay all members consistently and instantly. depositinglow amounts would only give you very very small profit which isn't worth the 4 days. I have been in for 5 rounds and still no problem

  9. although the script is not particulary attractive or anythin special this one looks decent for a quick hit and run on the first day. Already a few monitors started monitoring the ate but have not given any ratings of status yet. But for sure they will pay for the first day and vey likely for the 3 days which is a whole round

  10. oh what? I have been misinformed. The homepage says that after 1 day, the return is 114%, but in fact it only give you 110% profit after 3 days. I didn't even realise this until now and I have already deposited 2 dollars to try it out. I would have hesitated if I knew this was the return over 3 days, because this is just too long.

  11. The site looks cheap anyway. Not saying just because of that it isnt paying, but it seems odd that this kind of script is only ever monitored by GP monitor and not any others. And GP still has it as waiting which is not good news since it has been more than 3 days now. and I am certain GP would have updated it if is paying.

  12. With just 1 dollar deposit, you actually only earn 3 cents from it. Because of 2 cents of LR fee.For me this is useless, since you can make one post in a PTP forum and you earn the same amount in just a few seconds.

    For me, this site would only be suitable if I were to deposit something larger so that it is safe enough and that the earning is large enough for it to be worthwhile.

  13. I am kind of getting frustrated with the forum. Sure the admin stays active on both of his forum, but it seems like he is not responding to the questions or issues that we have. For example, the search box has not been working for ages, and no one has decided to fix that. It is probably one of the most important feature in the forum and it has been not working for almost 1 month I think. How do we know that we are not making duplicate threads?

  14. I use Iphone and I definitely know that some brokers have created apps for the platform designed for mobile users. They seem to be quite popular, so I guess they must have spent ages making it good and easy to use. It really depends on your siltation. If you want to trade on the go, mobile will probably be best but not necessarily provide you with all information you need compared to when you are trading on computer.

  15. It claims to be hyip but in fact it loooks like it works like a cycler. Although I am not saying hyip do not work like cycler or ponzi. many of them do, but this one in particular has a script like other cycling sites. The site says 5 % daily for 50 days,

  16. The annoying thing here is that they have necessary music in the front page, and it is not possible to turn off the music. It has no relevance to the site either. I think it would be still good for old investors to invest some of the profit, but for new ones thinking to invest like me , I think I would give it a pass, because it has been 5 days already, and short term ones with 10 minimum deposit has bad reputation of not lasting longer than a week.

  17. I have made a total of 1.6 dollars in profit here. I think it is enough now because I deposited a total of 20 dollars. And because of last time when instant withdrawal turned to manual for a few hours, I was afraid. So I think I will take the safe option and stop investing here now.

  18. From my past experience sites that disable the Tab button for ratings page and get brought back to the homepage are most likely scams. This is because monitors have listed the site as scam or problem an so the site does not want any of the new investor to know so they disable it. this one is too old anyway do if you are still not sure, just don't invest here

  19. Trickster you seem to be picking up news rather late. Royalty 7 has been not paying for many days. Almost all monitors have change this to not paying already. But lately I now see many other new hyip copying either their name or script

  20. well if one or 2 monitor starts listing it as waiting or problem the best thing to do us not to invest any more and try to cashout as much as possible. poiacorp seems to still be paying and I think gt still says it is fine. But personally I ran ages ago after it has been running for more than 5 days I don't trust these over the weekend.

  21. This site looks decent. The ten dollar minimum deposit can probably sustain the 127% in return for a few days. This would be the best opportunity to invest In here now since already more tahsin 100 dollars deposited but we mes more monitors first. Hopefully GP monitor can list this one.

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