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Posts posted by faceless

  1. Oh i see. I figured out. Yes thanks. But I have a feeling it is owned by the same admin though. I mean, who would want to choose the same name of an hyip which has gone scam before? If I was making a new hyip, I certainly wouldn't name if after another hyip that has gone scam.

  2. So many things are wrong with this site. This site claims it is 0 days old. But I checked thoroughly. In the top investor, it says that in may 23rd, a deposit of 1000 dollars was made. So is this true or false. For certain this site cannot be trusted. Even if it is true that this site is 0 days old, 1 hour must have past, and still no withdrawal made. Hmm, I sense scam here.

  3. I am a bit confused. So this thread was created in Feb, meaning the site was here since then. But then I just checked it, and it claims that has only been running for 14 days, since May 22th. I am assuming this is the same site.

    I am doubtful now, since I just made a small deposit for the hourly plan.

  4. Actually I don't have a problem with the script. It looks acceptable. And of course the ROI is seriously high, but it is doing well already to last for 5 days. But I do think it would be too risky now to start investing if you haven't already done so.

  5. Well according to my calculations, another 1000 dollars have been deposited today to the site This is a really good amount and will help the site become more stable for at least until the next week, if the rate keeps it like this. I requested my first withdrawal today, and got it instantly. At the moment, I am feeling confident, and will definitely be doing a round 2 if it still lasts.

  6. bad news... well not really, but I made an investment to them through Payza, and today I just realised that they refunded it back to my account. Apparently I have to deposit manually something because pazya doesn't approve these hyip sites any more due to their high risk. So any body thinking of investing through Payza remember to deposit manually.

  7. Seems like this one wouldn't be lasting long. Best not to invest here any more. After running for over 20 days, it still only received a deposit of 42 dollars. That is really pathetic compared to other normal hyips out there. The ROI is too high for a site like this since it has no flow of money coming in.

  8. It has been running one day yes. And claims to have paid 36 dollar. But so far not seen a single payment proof yet. And all the monitors monitoring still saying waiting. The site has received large amounts of funds already in 1 day, so surely it can be able to pay out to its members.

  9. I guess you can think of it that way. with a high minimum deposit required admin will surely get only big amounts, and can deal with large sum which I think is easier to trade with forex. But overall it just balances out that there are less small investors. So either way after thinking about it, it doesn't make a huge different.

  10. Well I find that the site is not really laid out well. The texts are all over the place in the front page, and the banners are larger than the size available. But it does seem that there are lots of ads around them. I had a brief look and saw something about yahoo. Maybe they are ads from yahoo.

  11. that is right, the time when we get paid is unknown and cannot be predicted. The admin is on and off frequently. It would be much better though if he sets a target lets say approve 100 posts each day, so that he pays at least 1 member each day. But to compensate for the slowness, it is good that they have a 5 cent post rate for the best quality posting.

  12. @Nagilover, what do you mean by that the site is closed. I am still able to access it. That mean it is not closed. The only change there is, is that the admin is not paying for the moment. But you can still earn by posting. its just that the admin is going to delay the payments.

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