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About LTE-Investment:


Longtermearnings is a private investment company. We have been in business (offline) since 2005 as Lashmar Holding Company (LHC), a private offshore company registered in Malaysia. Our team consists of experienced investment advisors, skilled market analysts, professional traders and legal experts, and trained marketers. Each member of our team is a professional who possesses not only excellent formal education, but also extensive experience in the investment and trading industry. We have always emphasized our unity as one of the key elements of our successful investment performance.

Our main areas of interest are forex, stock and commodity trading. We focus mainly on customer satisfaction and take out sound business policies and transparent transactions to become an ideal sourcing destination for all kinds trading and business investments and this is the primary business that we do for now.


We are also a reputable consulting establishment with dynamic and dedicated professionals that are committed to excellence in the procurement of petroleum products,We now supply non-edible oil and industrial chemicals and additives like Crude oil, Palm Methyl Ester, Choice White Grease, B100 Bio diesel, and more, this is our new line of business.

We offer a clear strategy: you deposit funds with us and we, in turn, allow these funds to earn interest for you.






5% Referral Commission


Accept: LR/PM



DDOS Protected



Link: http://www.longtermearnings.com/

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Plans offer unreasonable and high profit

Though may be sustained in very short term

But the affodable plan is only VIP that pay 10% daily for 100 days

Cannot think of this program going for 100 days - but even if it can manage to go more than 10 days we shall be in profit.

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Can you see what some beings are thinking.He just think investors can risk even in participating in this kind of risk.What is 10% daily for a 100days?

And a minimum investment of $300.I don't think this one will EVER Be popular online,till the day of it's scam(which is not too far in the future,considering it's plan) now let's imagine this program paying 1000% of our principle.It just sounds bad.Gosh! Can't believe any one can come up with this such a plan,so unrealistic,unreasonable,not stable,not trusted,think of every bad attribute of hyips and just add it.

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All he plans are offering unreasonable profits which is not practical to earn

Further all the 1 day plans are having very high minimum investment's which s not practical to afford

the VIP plan will enable investor to break even in 10 day but iam not sure whether they will sustain for long as the profits offered are far too high

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All the plans are offering very high interest rates which are not sustainable. Except the VIP Plan which requires $10 minimum to start earning ( still too high for many ), each plan needs too much money. But if there are viewers willing to take the risk then this site will offer them large amount of income.

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There is online live support that's called trusted admin.. Although it has enough positive points to convince us.. But the 10$ investment that's quite big for me.. So I would be apart from this type of high inevest poor rated program..I can see there are also some monitoring status at Bottom of front page...

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Currently the site is running for 4 days and the monitors status is showing paying but i have my doubt whether the site will complete 10 days to enable members under the VIP plan to break even

but its encouraging members to invest under the 1 day plan and earn some quick profits while the site is paying since its very unlikely the site will pass 10 days of running

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Currently the site is running for 4 days and the monitors status is showing paying but i have my doubt whether the site will complete 10 days to enable members under the VIP plan to break even

but its encouraging members to invest under the 1 day plan and earn some quick profits while the site is paying since its very unlikely the site will pass 10 days of running


Something illogical, that the site pays only after 4 days of starting work,

and I think it will pay for a period of not less than one month, otherwise how will you attract investors,

But I still feel concerned about this site .

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What is your concern about this site? That it will turn scam? Or that you still want to invest? Well i can tell that most investors will invest in this program even if it is very high risk one. But if only if this program stay for 10days you would have break even and then be in profit until the program turns scam.

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i just want to inform you the site is very fast in answering its members inquiry. when i send a support ticket to the admin inquiring on something i got the reply withing just a few couple of hours

also the site is paying directly to our e-currency account so we need not place any withdrawal request

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the site is only for big investors..this program is well protected but i am not sure that it ll run for long time..

every investor can not afford it because the minimum investment is high..

but i would like to skip this one because it might be scam after some days because if it high percentage of return..

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I agree with you @pop only big investor can afford depositing in short term plans which require big amount that start 300

And VIP plan is such which make it very high risky as 10% daily for 100 days is just impossible and getting 100% of orignal every 10 days is unealistic.

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