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Posts posted by mownabratadey

  1. Very poor ROI with only 8 days profit paying promise. Since the 0.3% is for unlimited times & 2% is for 90 days, so it means that by calculation for 0.3% WE require almost 333days to get back our principle then we will get the profit, SO I think they will get back to offline within 1 year.

  2. 0.001$ per click is just a waste of time, nothing else, And the 4$ as payout option is unreachable so How can we get $$ with standard membership.... I can see 0 member online there & only 45 members registered so I am not interested to work for it.......

  3. SInce it's very newone, & didn't pay anyone yet so I think better to wait for some days to check it clearly, 10 ads per day could be enough to reach 1$ within 10 days, but how much the min. payout I don't know, Good thing is AP is accepted here......

  4. THis PTC has the similar Rates of clicking ads & has only Paypal support as payment system which has bad restriction for INDIANS, But as it's giving us 1 month free upgrade membership, so I am interested to join if some other processor will be added soon.....I also require the 0.75$ referrals commission....

  5. I think No one can pay us 10$ per click except Google Adsense, and that should be unique as well. But here is exceptional A PTC is paying for daily own click, so I am totally amazed to watch it. I think the payout could be for about 1000$ for standard, which we can't reach within month & They will get our traffic for promotion.... Thus it must be a scam...

  6. While opening the site at 1st time I have seen the below message " All payments for the interests of the deposits invested at our company are guaranteed and insured by SonPoll Insurance Company." And Definitely it's with very good design as well. I think we can try it with 10$ and will get back 15$ after 15 days. Hope t will pay me...

  7. I really like their good friendly script with the short time 10 days plan, it's also 64 days still it's paying investors with 1.8% daily, so It's the time to wait for 3rd month to get full principle back for some 1st investors. Anyway I don't believe the 50% per month plan, and also I couldn't find the minimum requirement.

  8. 10% per day is not reasonable from my investment experience, It's just a attractive way to pay some new members but when admin think it's enough for him to get back to withdraw it for his purpose He can do any time. And WE can also see the waiting statistic of various monitors. Thus I don't think this program will be working long enough time..

  9. the script of this site is very similar to some other programs, here is also required 30 days spending with min. 2$ which's quite good for small earners like me. as calculation the total gain could be something around 150% after maturity, But as it's very new one, so I don't lie to loose the 2$ also.

  10. Good to see that Alertpay has added as payment system & the 1.6% is also not so bad instead of that it could be reasonable for admin. As the name indicate it definitely about Forex trading which most companies are working for. There are also some forum posting attachment link to attract people to invest. But 100 days time spending is very huge waiting time, so I am sure about it.

  11. This HYIP has really good script with quite low daily interest of 0.5% from 10$ to 5000$, so I think it definitely work for good time but the problem is to lead investors to join because here is % is very poor as compared to any trusted one. And I didn't find the supporting payment processors also.

  12. I didn't think it's genuine program, While trying with small amount up to 0.5$ betting it's being cool, But for from 1$ to 50$ there is some other rules admitted from admin, I have already tested some logic, while trying with 0.01 to 0.05$ there is always I am in profit but when I was betting from 1$ & more it's just wasting our money. Thus I think to get chance to bet with up to 1$.

  13. Although this program has secured server with good daily profit of 3% for 45 days, but the problem not to be confident about it as it has very high spend required as minimum of 30$, which we small investors can't effort to loose without testing it. And also some odd type payment processors are available such as AP,STP.

  14. I could find the statistics of deposits or payouts for investors which we have seen many of companies' sites. I think 3% is reasonable profit, but The min. required deposit I didn't find there, so much confused, The real thing is we can withdraw the whole principle + profit after maturity as all investment has same rules. We can also find DDOS protection which we need to be sticky about it...

  15. The site design is not so attractive, but I have seen a welcome music there, so good impression for newbies. And the hourly plans are also profitable with minimum 10$ deposit, But somehow to be safe I will prefer to try with their 5$ daily plan. I wanna test it with one day program & then can choose the 350% after 7 days plan.

  16. The design I like the minimum option as deposit of just 1$ that we can test it easily and also the time period for spending is quite low that we require & don't need much patience to be paid the principle back. I will like to prefer to invest with 1$- 999$ plan. Hopefully as it has good secured payment option like mastercard, visa credit card, and other popular online processors. Thus I really found some truth-worth about it..

  17. There is already 6000$++ deposited from investors so I am quite with positive attitude in this kind of low profitable program... since 1$ as minimum needed thus I will definitely gonna click on register button before it will gone far away from online.... But some drawback also found exp- no online support or live chat option or even phone no..

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