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Posts posted by rivha

  1. @legend :

    look this my explanation :


    1. First time im make deposit $0.16 and then im cashout for $0.6 << Im in profit right?? im got profit $0.44


    2.And then im still wanna play again..and im deposit $0.13 in here <<< im lost in here..lost all of the $0.13


    3.In the end after calculate im still in profit right?? <<< $0.44 - $0.13 = $0.31 << $0.31 is my profit in the end after bet ;)


    I mean like that...hope make you understand my friend :P

  2. @pops :

    i don't know how much the exact of winning rate in here..this site is betting site and just admin who know about the winning rate..you can try with $0.1 only so you will not lost much at all..i just remember last time from $0.01 become $8 in this site lol! and im CAN'T forgot im lost $25 from this site too haha :D

  3. Are you know you can made own casino site?? :blink:

    Gamblingbuilder is the answer for sure B)


    In here you can made your own casino online just for $10 only..

    And that is was included :


    1.Domain .com


    3.Paid for the member who win the betting


    Maybe you are confuse with the last statement "Paid for the member who win the betting"


    Yes this site is paid for the winning member..its mean you not must paid the extra cash for paid member..this site will paid your member..


    And what your profit?? your profit is just 40% each lost bet..

    And can you imagine how much the casino interest?? that is really lot and you will get cash back soon if your site is famous and got played by the people around the world



    And about the affiliates program :


    You can promote your referral link and you will got 10% of the profit your referral..its mean if the profit referral is $100 you will got $10

    Not bad at all but im prefer to choose build my own casino game site

    And the best part is you can cashout even your profit just $0.02 And there lot payment system to cashout depend what is your payment processor..

    The accepted payment processor is :


    1.Web Money


    3.Liberty reserve

    4.Perfect Money


    If you are interested you can register here :




    Good Luck guys B)

  4. I was cashout and receive the payment...but i have the problem for the next cashout..we need to collect the 0.5 euro to available cashout...this is a big different from the first cashout and will took a time to reach that amount for sure :(

  5. @legendkid :

    can you explain more what you try to ask my friend?? im not understand >,< im sorry...but if you asking about adding more the earning each post..that is must be increase our level member...when our member level is increased out rate will increased each post..but i don't know how much that is :)

  6. The good thing from this contest is we can have the chance to get $15 each month for sure :P


    1.Give the good quality post and we will got the $10 in the end of month because Best Poster


    2.Active daily more and more in here and in the end of the month we will become a Top poster...


    That is totally $15 right?? and if we calculate the activity each month..of course we was available to cashout many times in the month :P beside got the contest prize we got the good amount by posting regularly..this is a win win situation for sure for us..don't miss it guys ;)

  7. @legendkid :

    actually Nick was told and beware us about this problem many time for sure..but i see some of people still doesn't know about this :)

    Your welcome my friend..hope can make you understand about the problem and not active in one section only...


    By the way im happy because right now i was request for the 510 point in here :P really fast for sure to cashout lol..and i think Nick will clear the payment soonly remember was much the request in the Payment request section :D

  8. One things is not clear to me that you said " balance account not update instantly" . i never faced that ever and i also tried some game site which pay instantly like lucky2bet but my balace always updated instantly. anyway may be it temporary problem but think never it a permanent problem.


    Hmm..try like this my friend..cashout in the betting site with paid instantly within delay 2 second only..like this :


    1.You cashout for any amount and left a some of amount in your balance..


    2.Wait 2 second only and you cashout again...


    3.Look to the LR balance..you will found your balance not updated with the right balance..:P you will found only previous balance although your money was received :P

  9. Pls how much does it take to be an upgraded member in ITM.Is it $10 or higher,and do they still have the minimum post for every one who hasn't upgrade?


    To upgrade is needed $10 minimum for 1 month and $50 for Lifetime..depend to you want to choose 1 month or lifetime...

    And about minimum is still same for sure 100 post my friend :)

  10. @mayur :

    maybe the problem is the member doesn't know about the contest or maybe not too much chalange or something else..that is depend to you my friend will make the contest like what :D

    for sure i will follow that contest in the next time if you add the contest ;) right now im more focus to made a post while my exams in here >,<

  11. I think this site is HYIP site not a paid to join site..hm..

    By the way the term in this site is long term and the minimum is small within no minimum..but if we are invest just less than $1 we will got little amount..really2 little amount for sure..

  12. I got the premium membership today :) and im really happy got that premium but not too much different i think with standard member :D but that is okay because that is free :P

    right now im wait for the payment and hope got the payment fastly from the admin ;)

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