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Everything posted by hyipparty

  1. Date: December 29, 2010 6:24:36 AM Amount Paid: $12.00 USD Reference Number: 13B04-2CA62-252CB Buyer Name: Trevor Rogers Buyer Email: payments@primoearnings.com
  2. Date: 12/29/2010 1:56 PM Batch: 52225200 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.56 Memo: N/A
  3. Date: 12/28/2010 1:52 PM Batch: 52154364 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  4. Date: 12/27/2010 3:13 PM Batch: 52088960 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  5. Date: 12/26/2010 5:08 PM Batch: 52042814 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  6. Date: 12/25/2010 4:34 PM Batch: 52002332 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  7. I'm not admin http://www.profitinvest.biz Our program is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts. www.profitinvest.biz is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading, and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term. 120% after 3 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan $10 - $100 115.00 Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 120.00 140% after 7 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan $10 - $1,000 140.00 160% after 10 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan $10 - $1,000 160.00 http://www.profitinvest.biz
  8. Date: 12/23/2010 8:28 PM Batch: 51918199 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com
  9. I'm not admin CuteFund Private investment company http://cutefund.net CuteFund is a crowdsourced mutual fund. Investing in mutual funds recently has become one of the most profitable ways of trading. Since it has some advantages over other types of investments, for example, that the transaction costs are divided among every mutual fund shareholder which, our traders are able to get more earnings so that to pay our investors such high interests. Up to 2.2% Daily For 60 Business Days (Principal Return) Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $200 1.10 Plan 2 $200 - $2,000 1.50 Plan 3 $2,000 - $10,000 1.80 Plan 4 $10,000 - $50,000 2.20 http://cutefund.net
  10. Date: 12/22/2010 7:22 PM Batch: 51840688 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com
  11. Date: 12/22/2010 2:27 PM Batch: 51820409 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  12. Date: 12/21/2010 6:05 PM Batch: 51768581 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com - Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you very much.
  13. Got paid Instantly! Date: 12/21/2010 1:23:00 PM Amount Sent: $12.00 USD Sender Name: Trevor Rogers Sender Email: payments@primoearnings.com Reference Number: 0E8B9-168D4-E1811, Message: Withdraw to hyipparty.com from www.primoearnings.com
  14. My 1st payment Date: 12/21/2010 3:21 PM Batch: 51756618 From Account: U8854763 (westwood) Amount: $1.00 Memo: N/A
  15. Date: 12/20/2010 6:40 PM Batch: 51699702 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com
  16. Date: 12/20/2010 5:02 AM Batch: 51651553 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com - Please post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you and kind regards.
  17. Date: 12/18/2010 6:09 PM Batch: 51586106 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $0.30 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com (Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payments. Thank you so much
  18. Date: 12/17/2010 8:22 PM Batch: 51544869 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com
  19. Date: 12/16/2010 6:23 PM Batch: 51470879 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.70 Memo: Withdraw from EndlessBucks.com - Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you very much.
  20. Date: 12/15/2010 8:07 PM Batch: 51397489 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.74 Memo: Withdrawal from EndlessBucks.com - Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you very much.
  21. Date: 12/14/2010 4:36 PM Batch: 51308219 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.69 Memo: Withdrawal from EndlessBucks.com - Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you very much.
  22. Date: 12/14/2010 1:58 AM Batch: 51257998 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.76 Memo: Payment from EndlessBucks.com - Please post payment proof or vote in relevant sites. Thank you very much.
  23. I'm not admin! www.almunafunds.com www.almunafunds.com
  24. Date: 12/11/2010 6:59 PM Batch: 51133439 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks) Amount: $0.67 Memo: Payment from EndlessBucks - Kindly post payment proof or vote in relevant sites to confirm our real payment. Thank you very much.
  25. PAYING ! Date: 12/10/2010 3:59 PM Batch: 51061832 From Account: U5980221 (EndlessBucks.com) Amount: $8.69 Memo: Payment from EndlessBucks.com
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