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Posts posted by christmas_

  1. To be honest I also don't know what is the state of this forum currently. Ever since admin stopped PTP in this TCC forum and changed it to a contest based forum, I see that the forum has more or less been abandoned already. No new contests at all, and only HYIP monitors spamming their threads and payment proofs around and the thing I am puzzled is they don't seem to be paid by TCC for doing so at all !

  2. Yeah...It has been around 4 months already since admin last made payments to members and no more after that. I also have yet to get my payment from this forum still, that is why I stopped all activities in EP forum because I find it pointless to post there and earn since I have yet to be paid still. I wonder is it because admin is seriously lacking of funds or what. Anyway most forums already locked EP forum thread so...

  3. I really question how is members going to earn well in this website because all their ads are micro ads, the highest value is only $0.005 per click, and most of the ads are $0.001 per click. Really a waste of time for us to click so many ads but yet the earnings is so little.

  4. $2 payout is indeed low but then I guess only upgraded members can achieve it because most of the ads are micro ads and low valued ads, hence standard members won't even earn much. This is made worse by the fact that standard members have so little ads to click as compared to upgraded members

  5. Their TOS and FAQ pages are not very well designed and planned, quite a disappointment actually. Also, this website is giving fake statistics. On their website they wrote "Total Paid: $137.20 Total Members: 2100 New Members Today: 2100" -- How is this possible ??? The ads offered are 3 low valued $0.005 per click ads as well !

  6. This website is bad and user unfriendly because it is in Russian. And seriously, 1 cent per click ? This website is seriously lying because the ads I am seeing now all of them are micro ads. Standard members click 99 ads and get only $0.0099, which is not even 1 cent in total, and per click is only $0.001 ! What a waste of our time in this website !

  7. This website is being ridiculous. They state standard members can earn $0.01 per click, how is that possible ? They state advertising packages as low as $1.25 for 500 ad views, which means per ad view is only worth $0.0025. If admin offers $0.01 for the clicks, how is he going to earn at all since it is 4 times the real amount of an ad ?

  8. Their FAQ page is not up yet, but doesn't matter anyway. Most of their ads are lower value ads so we need to work harder to click all these ads to earn good amount of money. But then standard members really not worth our time here in this website since our click rates is 50% of the ad value, what is the point of spending 100% effort clicking ads but only get 50% of our earnings and not full 100% ?

  9. Well so far I am seeing many lower valued ads of $0.001 per click only, not so of the higher value ones. But then I guess earning in this website will still be a challenge anyway since the minimum payout of $5 is seriously too high for standard members already. If you are upgraded members, this amount is still fairly decent and reasonable.

  10. Currently this website isn't that good since the ads offered are low micro-valued ads but then I guess things will improve soon since website is still new. However I think minimum payout should be $3 for your 1st payout ? -- http://aribux.com/?view=terms



    6.7. In order to cash-out for the first time you need to have made 40 advertisements clicks  and have at least $3.00 in your account. Maximum cashout is always, no matter if the 6.6 point is On or switched off. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.

  11. Is the $2.50 minimum payout for standard members or upgraded members ? Anyway so far everything looks ok in this website, good amount of ads offered for members. But the thing is that it seems the website not so properly set-up yet ? I see nothing in their FAQ page, though TOS page is ready already

  12. They pay since 2008 ? Hello, if I am not wrong, this website was opened in 2011 and not 2008, so how did you get the impression that website pay since 2008 ? And by the way this website online for so long but yet failure to gain any popularity at all, as shown in the TalkGold and MMG threads 





    I don't know but this website seems to be inactive already isn't it ?

  13. still the best long lasting program out there and still doing great made a lot of bucks on this one and support stil lthe best


    No wonder I find it surprised by this thread has a latest reply since this thread is an old thread opened in 2010. Well I think you are simply blindly replying only because this HYIP website is already labelled as a scam. Don't mislead members here !





  14. I have no good impression with this website because in the 1st place the website is running on hourly plans which doesn't make the website able to sustain in the short term. Whats more small investors cannot earn much because their most basic plan, 100.5% after 1 hour, only yields 0.5% ROI, not even a single 1% at all ! Also, the IP address of this website seems to be shared with many HYIP websites too, though most are closed already -- http://allmonitors.net/ip/

  15. The best now it is to join and get the free Pioneer membership, if not it will be hard to hit payout. Currently they have 4 ads ranging from different values, extended ones and also micro ones. I think it is best for admin to quickly get more ads if not it will be very hard for us to earn, and very hard for admin to earn via selling advertising packages too

  16. There are only a few ads available but it is good enough since this website is still new. However I am disappointed that I cannot get any information about this website at all through their FAQ and TOS, and hence I have some doubts about this website. Furthermore, if what thread starter wrote is through, $4 payout is super super high for standard members, how to hit payout at all ?

  17. So far this website seems to be quite ok, offering extended ads, standard ads and micro ads for members to click. However I am disgusted by their payment scheme, as stated in their TOS -- http://www.outbux.com/index.php?view=terms






    5.3. The minimum amount paid is $2 for standard members on the first cashout. This amount will increase by $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.



    Why must we work even harder to hit subsequent payouts ? This is really not fair for standard members but very fair for upgraded members since they are still earn more and faster than we standard members to hit payout !

  18. Just now I visited some PTC websites that discriminates standard members since we get only 50% of our click rates, but this website is even worse since they are only offering standard members 20% of our click rates ! This is humiliating and ridiculous for us. How are we supposed to earn ? This is yet another admin's small little tricks to force we standard members to upgrade accounts ? 

  19. A very poor website to join because of the super low rates for standard members. We get only 50% of our own click values. That means, currently there are only $0.0015 and $0.0005 valued ads, so we earn only $0.00075 and $0.00025 per click ! This is so pathetic, don't you guys think so ? Furthermore their TOS starts that minimum payout is $2 -- Too high !

  20. This website is a website that I will definately avoid. It is too hard for standard members to earn at all. Looking at the picture thread starter posted, standard members only get 50% of their own click values and 5% of their refferals click values. This is really super turn-off and therefore whoever wants to earn in this website must be upgraded in order to earn well. Furthermore something in their TOS really irks me too -- http://www.boostclix.com/index.php?view=terms




    Payments To BoostClix.com Members:
    5.2 Payments may take 1-2 weeks to process but are usually made within 1 week.
    5.2-1 There will be a 14 day hold on all payouts through Payza. Payza cash outs must be over $1 after fees



    Why must we wait for so long for that small little bit of payments ???

  21. Can see that they seem to be using a new website script from buxhost. Anyway good amount of ads they are offering, offering standard $0.01 per click ads, lower valued ads and multiple micro ads for members to click. Nothing much else that really is attractive since there is no promotion of offering free upgraded memberships for new members.

  22. Not too sure about this PTC website actually. It is really good of them to offer free premium membership for 1st 15000 members since we will be able to take advantage of it to hit payout faster and earn well. My concern is that their ads have very micro ads, very low valued ones, and also their advertising packages 1000 click for only $1 signals that per click real worth is only $0.001, so how is admin able to offer higher valued ads of $0.01 ?

  23. I don't believe in websites that requires you to make an investment 1st before you can earn. These kind of websites are typical either 1) very high risk but not scamming websites and 2) simply scammers. HYIP websites belong to the group of "scammers" since most of them are merely scams, while other websites such as forex are "ery high risk but not scamming websites" and you need enough knowledge to earn well, if not you will make big losses

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