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Posts posted by zeraeign

  1. I have opened several discussions here and was not all getting paid ,Inorder to get 10$ i will have to complete around 2K posts and for me being a regular poster at other forums it will take around 40 days to complete around 2K posts .And teh chance of getting paid is always very low .


    That is not true. They pay you according to the quality of your post. A one liner post won't get you nowhere. You must have at least 3 sentence. As with the topic, it must have a lots of replies to prove that it has quality. If it doesn't receive replies, then it might not be a good topic, therefore you'll not get a good payment for that.

  2. I have been a member of the site for a few months. I like the the discussion in the forum. The members are friendly and they always love to help each other. Maybe, the only drawback is its earning calculation. The earning calculation is not fixed and I feel the money I earn per post is too low. That's why I am not really active in it.


    I super agree. The site could have been better if they've got fixed calculation. Aside from that, they've got a real nice system like interests and a very nice site layout.

  3. Thanks for the info, bringpeace. Anyway, after I checked the site, I see that there are not many activities. Besides, I think the rate per thread/post is low compared to the other PTP forums. So, I should wait and see for more activities in the site.


    Indeed. The rate point is kinda low. I think I'll pass this one. Sorry. :(

  4. The site is very interesting. I mean, its very colorful, etc. I'm a member anyway.


    But one thing I don't like about this site is that I don't know how to earn well. The site never reveal their real point-system which makes it hard for me to find out if I'm earning or not.

  5. This is a good paid to post site which pays you $0.01 per reply and above. It depends upon the quality and quantity of content you post. It is a good site and worth joining according to me.


    Oh my. Isn't 0.01 a bit too low. I mean, there are definitely higher paying sites out there. This site for instance. I'll definitely pass from this one. It's definitely not tempting. Thanks for the effort though.

  6. I am not the admin.


    Good Paid to Post Rates , ACTIVE & Honest Admin, Low VIP Membership, Active New Forum + Much more. Checkout


    Referral Contest for Cash Prize is ACTIVE !!




    It wasn't very specific on the rates and everything so I was not able to offer specific information. Please do your research before joining a paid to post.


    You didn't put the rate per click and per post. Please do the necessary edits in this thread. Thanks. I'll be watching this thread.

  7. Got Paid! 3rd place winner


    Date 10/9/2010 06:05

    Batch 46437335

    From Account U3363353(EP & TCC Payout Account)

    Amount $15.00

    Merchant Reference:

    Memo: Top Poster Contest Winner Prize from Globalforextalk.com !


    Thanks admin.


    $15 is very tempting. Can you please post the rate though? I mean, we can't rely on contests forever.

  8. 'Dear Forum Members, our forum cannot be accessed at the moment as we are back testing new functionalities that we will add to the forum. We are sorry about this inconvenience. The new functionalities and content are being developed to make our forum even more attractive and useful to you.'


    Unfortunately, they're in some kind of maintenance. Anybody who knows when this will be fixed?

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