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Posts posted by venmarz13

  1. i know sometime 1 cent per post not make member want to be active in here,but i will try to be active because member still any active member there too,so i will not waste my chance to be active and got another payment from them.i should try to be more active in here

  2. they pay member so fast lately maybe before we should wait for long time,im so happy to be as active as before.this site really able to give me chance to earn some penny,but i hope member will also like this site and able to be back active as usual ,as i can see member dont really know if this site also give good amount of money

  3. i dont really know about that monitor because i just know this site as ptp only but if it right then member will never worry about the payment,member will always able to get their payment.i will like the activity in here too then,hope member will back to posting like usual

  4. its time consuming actually if we post about 30 posts in a day.not many active member there so i worry if then member not try to be active in here again and this site will have no more activity.now in a day maybe we able to post alone so hard to find member also active in posting everyday

  5. Now we should wait until 7 days for admin to pay non upgraded member,not really bad but we able to request more than 100 post in a day or not?i hope admin will allow it if not then they will just get 100 points to request only maybe whould also become upgraded member

  6. is it?they also fast in paying memebr just within a few hours only?thats interesting,i hope it will also for other member too.i just heard about some rumour of this site about they cannot give fast payment but if now they able to give it then that good.so member able to be active in here even they give small rate

  7. i think in here member able to request payment in higher amount maybe lie 2-3$ too.they really fast in paying and its really make member happy to be active in here though.i never see this iste have long delay of payment or maybe long line whenever i come there they have no payment request

  8. we cant easily judge this site as non payign site maybe need a month to prove if they able to pay member or not.i dont really know the longest time of payment request there,i hope then admin able to make this site as paying site like usual.i hope then they will not suddenly closed this offer

  9. yup i also saw that i think the advertiser really want to rent their slot again.i also worry about the continuity of this site.this site almost died.i also see that they are not really like to be more active in here again but at least they always try to drop some post too in here.so its not totally quiet

  10. before i can access this site and able to request my payment too.well its a bit worry then if you wait for so long time.i think they have no different in advertiser and they also not have so many member i jus confused why they are not able to give the payment.i will try to wait maybe today they will able to give us any payment for sure

  11. yup seems now many member will also upgrade their membership in here.i just hope then admin still able to pay member then.i can see so many pending payment there.,i just hope then member will get paid surely.if so many pending payemnt happen like now then this site will be more popular from day by day so they need more advertisers too

  12. is it true??i dont know about that since i dont really like to post proof there infact i have no proof to post too,i really depend on the normal post in here.sometime just lazy to come to payemnt proof section so better fpr me to stick on discussion rather than posting proof

  13. yup they really fast in giving any payment there.i think member will always be happy with their activity.i really hope then i can also become so active in here too.i can see so many member make post there,i just worry of the stability there since this site is new and still have many free slot too

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