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Posts posted by emilyquirq

  1. Firstly, keep in mind that the company’s maturity says a lot about its manner of doing business. Secondly, quite often the maturity of your target company says about its capacity to pay for your product or services. Remember, that the bigger the company is, the more people are involved in a decision-making process. Make sure that you’ve got a more or less clear vision of the decision-making structure in the targeted company. Different departments have different business challenges, and if your traffic solution meets their needs it is a good signal for you.


  2. They say there’s no single recipe for success - true, though there are the basics we have to keep in mind: approaching in a customized way and all sales processes working in a time-saving way. Plus, don’t forget to work with the data about your prospects, gather and process it to get valuable insights. All I recommend is to generate leads on LinkedIn as a working solution.


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