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Everything posted by luci1209

  1. Received a payout ALERTPAY: Money Received ***************************************************************************************************************** THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. ***************************************************************************************************************** Dear Lucinda Alfred, You've got cash! Christina Conti (contisinga@msn.com) just sent you money through AlertPay. Payment Details Date: January 10, 2011 11:23:39 PM Amount Sent: $1.51 USD Sender Name: Christina Conti Sender Email: contisinga@msn.com Reference Number: Message: Payment from ExtremeSurfsForum to Lucinda - 151 points cashout View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account. Thanks for using AlertPay, The AlertPay Team
  2. The site has gone offline and its not accessible any more So its confirm the site has turned in to a scam And its no more in existence
  3. The daily profit between 1.1%-2.2% seem relatively good and sustainable in the long run Further the minimum investment's of $10 is not too high to join SO will check for payment proof before considering of joining
  4. The site requires members to invest to qualify for referral commission which none of the other hyips does and this makes it unattractive to promote the site Further its good to see that alertpay is included in to the site payment processor and this will give extra protection to the investor to recover their principle if the site scam
  5. No famous monitors are listed and this shows the admin has not bothered to spend on the monitors further all the monitors listed are showing paying status and the site has being in operation for 12 days. But none of the monitors are offering any RCB commission
  6. The site is also available in Russian language enabling many investor to have a site in their own language and enable investors to be close to the site Good to note the site is having alertpay in to site payment processor and this will enable investors to have more protection to recover their principle if the site stop paying
  7. The site is not accessible at the moment and its gone offline with the above message Hope its only a short term problem and the site will be back soon Since the plans are sustainable i dont think the site would have scammed
  8. The site name christmas-profits and its design shows the Christmas season i think the admin may have designed the site to be launched on the Christmas day but would have postpone because of the continuous leave. The site name implies the site will not long Further the design used is simple and used by many scammed sites and the script used is cheap with no site securities installed The design and outlook implies the admin effort on the site is less and the plans show the site sustainability is questionable
  9. The plans are not attractive at all since if we invest $10 we will earn only 1% per week so as no principles is returned it may take two years to break even and its too long for investors to wait. i will not invest here and iam sure many investors may be reluctant to try this site
  10. The site design is amazing and it has a professional touch further the script used is brilliant The site is protected by DDOS and SSL which makes the site more secure to invest Its good to see the site pays all 7 days so the investor can reinvest his funds at the end of maturity period and keep on earning more The minimum investment's of $5 is not too high for newbies to invest
  11. Well the referral commission of the site is 6% so RCB up to 300% means you can receive a RCB offer of 18% of your principle if you invest through Gold-lister So if you invest $10 your RCB offer is $1.8 which will be paid back to you as soon you invest your funds
  12. its not practical for the admin to earn 40% profit in one day so the site plans show that the admin is trying to promise unrealistic sky level profits which is not practical to earn so the admin will be utilizing new deposit funds to repay investors withdrawal and this may result in the the site may find problems in sustaining long Further having only one payment processor will create problems and will restrict the site transaction if the LR has problems
  13. Started Jan 11, 2011 Running days 0 Total accounts 74 Active accounts 29 Total deposited $ 1,812.20 Total withdraw $ 146.88 Visitors online 26 Members online 6 Last update Jan 11, 2011 The site was launched today and the response it got so far is good Further the site stats indicate the site has already made some withdrawals So i think its a good time now to invest and make some profits while the site is still paying
  14. The site is not accessible at the moment and has gone offline The plans makes me think the site has turned in to a scam and will not be back
  15. 200% ROI in one day is not practical for the admin to earn 100% profit in one day so looks like the admin is following a hit and run strategy and no not having a long term goal so i feel the site will find it difficult to sustain for long as the admin will have to depend on deposits to keep the site running
  16. There are no famous monitors available to rate the site so looks like the admin has not spend much on monitors and this may imply the site doesn't have long term goal Further when i checked the monitors i see they are showing problem situation Hope the admin will pay the pending payouts soon if the admin doesn't pay the site will become a scam
  17. The site seem to be offline for continuously for 4 days so looks like the site has turned in to a scam I never thought this site will scam within 10 days of launch All the members who have invested here would have lost their investment's and wouldn't have adequate time to breakeven
  18. The site is offering too many plans and all the plans are offering unrealistic profits which shows the site is suing a hit and run strategy and not a long term concept Further looks like the admin will be depending on the deposit fund to run the site and this may prevent the site running too high and the site sustainability is at question
  19. The site is impressive and has a professional outlook The script used is brilliant and its secured by DDOS and SSL making it secure to invest The referral earnings are low when compared to other hyips in the market and this may be due to the admin may try to keep the cost of investment's low
  20. I feel the site offer of debit card is a blind promotion since its very rare to expect many to invest $1000 or more looks like its very hardly anyone will qualify for the card But i was wondering how is it possible for the hyip admin to get master card support for the debit card since the requirements and rule to follow to get master logo is too strict
  21. The profits of 1.8-2.8% on all plans are affordable by the admin and sustainable so can expect the site to run long Further as alertpay is included in to the site site payment processor this gives extra protection for investors to recover their principle if the site stop paying
  22. The site design is simple but not very attractive and there is no information about any site securities installed so looks like the site is not secured to invest Further as the plans are for business days in reality it may take more than the stated days to complete Also out of the plans available only the 45 days plan is affordable by many and looks like almost 90% of the investors can be expected to invest here
  23. 25% profits to be earned in 2 days doesn't seem practical for me so looks like the admin is offering unrealistic plans with very high profits which may be a problem for the site to earn so the admin may rely on deposit funds to repay investors and this may affect the site from running long
  24. 50% profit in one day is not practical for the admin to earn so looks like the admin is using a hit and run strategy and doesn't have a long term concept to repay investors Further this may create a situation where the admin will depend of deposits to run the site and may affect the overall running of the site So i dont expect the site will run more than a couple of weeks
  25. The above are extracts from the site faq. The site plans shows that the site is offering only daily payouts but under teh first quote its stated that interest are paid daily weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly and Yearly and stating many irrelevant information and this may imply the site is using a copied faq Under the second quote even though the site news state they are now accepting Perfect Money yet the admin has not updated the faq this may show the low interest of the admin in the site
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